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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:19 pm
by matrix
i might cause a war here with some scots but i live in scotland   im english by the way  my point is a good number of scotish people dont even class themselves as british so why the he.ll should they gain entry into the best league in the world   over my dead body.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:35 am
by looprevil
I have always viewd the SPL as a completely different league than the Prem.  Letting in two clubs from a different league would be like recruiting Barca and Real to join or AC and Juve.  Just because they are close by doesn't mean they should join.  Sure they might be competitive and like others have said they have huge followings and lots of money at their disposal and the rivalry's would be fun to watch but the prem is for teams from England.  Until they create some sort of European super league where the best teams from each country play in a league I don't think we'll see them in the same league as us.  Besides the way Celtic bowed out of the CL before it really got started was evidence that they would have a ways to go before they could compete with us.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:31 pm
by H_K_LFC
looprevil wrote:Just because they are close by doesn't mean they should join.

y are welsh teams in the lower leagues then