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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:43 pm
by JBG
They were.

Some of their squad members, Bellion, Spector, Djemba Djemba, Forlan etc hardly strike fear into your hearts, do they?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:47 pm
by stmichael
maure were poor but arsenal are just frightening. reyes is awesome and they also have the likes of clichy, senderos, and fabregas in reserve who just fit in as if they've been playing for years. makes a laughing stock of some of our signings. :(

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:46 pm
by supersub

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 11:52 am
by stmichael
10 first team players out and now a bomb scare at their hotel. i love it. :D

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:37 am
by A.B.
John Barnes' Granny wrote:They were.

Some of their squad members, Bellion, Spector, Djemba Djemba, Forlan etc hardly strike fear into your hearts, do they?

Mentioning those names just makes me laugh out loud. They got whooped by the Gunners.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:42 am
by the great one
they always have a ****** start but these things are a sign to come i actually feel sorry for them no i dnt im loving it for years we have to put up with them gloating. saying we will never be premiership champions again this is the worst man u side in history i cnt wait to face them p.s did u no ruud and kluivert are born on the same day learn somethink new everyday

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:49 am
by Voices from Yates
I would worry, ManU had so many players out against Cleslea.

How would we have done against Chelsea this weekend, if we had only one injury ...SG...? ???

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:24 am
by laza
Yeah while i love to see them in bottom half of the table. Im not so sure, certainly their manager is way past his use by date but when they have a fit team i still think they will be around . Though they certainly are on the downward spiral and they going to have to bite the bullet and start the rebuild sooner rather then later

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:49 am
by Homebooby
Ferguson got way too big for his boots and started the whole sorry thing off when he clashed with Beckham.....for me, that was the point where he started to lose control.

If you remember back, at that point he had Keane so riled up he was fit to kill anyone in any game.....that couldn't continue either else Keane would have been banned indefinitely. Since then, the whole Ferdinand incident was the cherry on the top of the arrogance of the club.

Throw in a few shareholders arguing about racehorses and you have the right mix to see Fergie losing his grip. It's a grip that I don't actually think that he'll ever get back completely. He should have quit while he was still ahead now.

Doesn't look like he is able to now though and hopefully we'll see him desperately undermine his legacy in the coming seasons as they achieve less and less until he finally gets thrown out of the club.

Oh yeah, Schmichael quitting had a big impact on things too.....

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:27 pm
by shagasaurus80
:D Jokers!! Downward spiral my pretty ******! Youll see the true Man u soon guys! Once we have Rio steadying the defence up and Wayne frightening the life outve defences and Ronaldo making a laughing stock outve anyone who dares to challenge him -i could go on ,but Ill spare you the PAIN!  :laugh:
        You guys know -it wouldnt be the first time we gave arsenal a start and roared back at their shirt tails..... :D traumatized them  .     so have faith ,its the least you can do because all you can do is sit and watch  :laugh:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:48 pm
by supersub

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:48 pm
by supersub
what a wet nelly

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:53 pm
by Ciggy
:D prat :D

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:31 am
by 112-1077774096
and now one of the chuckle brothers has dropped out for 4 weeks. gary neville is such a ******

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:53 am
by A.B.
shagasaurus80 wrote: :D Jokers!! Downward spiral my pretty ******! Youll see the true Man u soon guys! Once we have Rio steadying the defence up and Wayne frightening the life outve defences and Ronaldo making a laughing stock outve anyone who dares to challenge him -i could go on ,but Ill spare you the PAIN!  :laugh:
        You guys know -it wouldnt be the first time we gave arsenal a start and roared back at their shirt tails..... :D traumatized them  .     so have faith ,its the least you can do because all you can do is sit and watch  :laugh:

You asked me why I call Manchester United fan's scum, here is the best answer anyone will give you. YOU ALL ARE NOT REALISTIC!

Thats not even optimism that's being cocky and arrogant.

-I doubt that Rio will be at his best in the first few months, how long has it been since he played a game? He's quite rusty :upside:

-Traumatize Arsenal? Hahah I laugh at your pathetic comment. Arsenal trashed an opponent that you played a draw with at Old Fatford. Be serious, nobody will stop Arsenal this year. Not even Chelsea. Chelsea have one huge flaw, too many shots off target. Out of the 15 shots they make they only get 6 or 7 on target. You almost lost to Blackburn! You got a point by cheating, your boy Saha passed the ball with his hand. Last time I checked it was illegal to use your hands in football. Arsenal are way beyond your reach. Compare their defence with yours. You got Silvestre ! OMG I FEAR SILVESTRE! HE MIGHT PASS ME THE BALL ALLOWING ME TO PUT THE BALL IN THE BACK OF THE NET! :D

Don't even get me started with Rooney. Sure he's young and he has potential but the kid has more bookings thatn he has scored goals. How many times do I have to say that. He's  Shrek, the only way somebody will fear him if they look at his oversized head.

Even Van Nistelboy couldn't score in his opening game. And yet I thought you said Van Nistelrooy was going to be magical when he returns.  :;):

You know when you play us, for once don't cheat. Play us like men instead of cheatting by paying your lil ref to add on 10 minutes as injury time.