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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 4:42 pm
by taff
More points for shots outside the box :D  just like Basketball.

Theres a danger of trying to jazz things up you alienate your existing fan base. 

How about Clubs provide transport to away games due to crazy ticket prices. Subsidies for local schools etc

Or if Sky are concerned scrap that extra pay channel thing or show reserve games or the reserve league.

Maybe stop promoting every game as the biggest event ever and build the season up as it naturally develops

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 7:41 pm
by JBG
Personally I'm against it. It will only lead to silly bonus points for stuff like least yellow cards in a season etc.

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 7:47 pm
by Pablo_Escobar
My mate yesterday told that he'd like to see scores like 12:10, and no draws :)
Yeah, right, I've gotta agree with LFC #1 - if it's good (and it is) DON'T CHANGE IT !!

PS. I had to clarify to that mate what's the difference between EC and UC, and that last week we won the final. That about shows how he's good with football :)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:21 am
by LFC #1
if these changes came in, as taff said football would slowly turn into a farce, and alienate the existing fan base.

The great thing baout football is htat it keeps it traditions, and the game is still by far the most popular sport in the world without ever really making nay changes to how it was played over a hundred years ago. IF IT AIN'T BROKEN, DON'T FIX IT!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 6:53 am
by laza
Seems a real dumb idea which could end having some teams plays negatively at home against certain clubs.
Also seems very much to be pandering to American idea that you need high scores to have exciting game which is lot of bollox as i seen some very exciting 0-0 draws
Reminds me when talking about making larger goals and having off side line half way in one half a while back