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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:22 pm
by Scottbot
Very brave post Taff :D

I haven't made my mind up about the guy. One minute i think he's a ******, the next i find him amusing. There's no denying. he's an arrogant sod, clearly a terrible loser, a total wind-up merchant and a total media slut.

He's certainly a character and every sport needs characters. It gets boring without them.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:34 pm
by zarababe
.. Reds will wipe that arrogance off his face..

..I use to like him.. but his arrogance is boring and ridiculous.. his behaviour in the CL against the likes of Barca.. was nothing short of disgraceful..

.. Compare him to our gem-of-a-boss.. nope can't Benitez is a star.. respected and lurved by all... :)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:36 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
Its good to see someone who doesnt just follow the crowd. Respect to you taff.

I said a simlar thing 2 days ago:

I know I really risk a slaughtering here, but I have huge respect for Mourinho. He is an absolutely inspirational manager. Looking from the outside in, it looks as though he is a right @rsehole. But most of his players will absolutely love him, players with no drive to win and no love for football will soon be weeded out by a management style like his, and even the ones with low motivation may transform. Players will respond to a manager like him.

Another thing that impressed me about Mourinho is how fast he learned his lesson. His Porto team played a very 'continental way', and he tried to do this with Chelsea at first and it didn’t work all the time. He realised that in England you have to able to vary the way you play, now Chelsea can hit you with lighting fast counter attacks and long balls, they unlike Man Utd and Arsenal have many types of threat.

One thing I will say is that no matter how many Premier League titles and Champions League's he wins he will never be able to compare himself to Wenger or Ferguson, his success will always be tainted by the money, the rules are just simple different in his situation.

Even if he wins everything on offer in the next 5 years, he won't earn the respect that he may think it would deserve, what he done at Porto was nothing short of a miracle, and he will always be respected for that more than what ever he achieves at Chelsea.

Things may have been different if our leadership wasn't so incompetent. Mourinho refused Tottenham in January and was fishing for the Liverpool job from February till April. He actually said that he would not like to go to Chelsea, and said that the Liverpool job was perfect for him. But our joke of a leadership couldn’t even arrange a meeting properly, I'm not entirely sure of the facts but I think that they tried to arrange a meeting when he came over for the game at Man Utd, but he said that he didn’t have the time at that moment and he needed to concentrate on Porto's match. We actually tried to approach him again in May I think but he already had a verbal agreement with Chelsea. If we had approached properly he would have definitely choose us over Chelsea. I'm quiet certain the Mr Mourino is long time Liverpool fan, he always talks about our club as if he is awe, and concerning the Worthington Cup final, those fans were baiting him for 80 Minutes, obviously he is going to react.

But I look forward to Benitez taking this club in his own direction and hopefully bringing us many successes in the future. Rafa is a gentlemen and he will do things the way he sees right, and so he should.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:48 pm
by 84-1106852058
Its like going for a Chineese you try something new and enjoy it,your then force fed it every meal for months.You would soon be sick to the back teeth  of it.
Thats the way I feel about Mourinho,Iam sick of the arrogant tw4t.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:58 pm
by zarababe
.. Yeh Baron.. I'm sick of him too.. that's a good analogy you made :D

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:14 pm
by Paul C
Sometimes he can be a c**t but overall I find him quite entertaining which is something new considering fergie and wenger are both misserable b3st3rds!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:31 pm
by kenco
god almighty,could you imagine it, if the worst came to worst and chelski actually won it.the arrogant litte tw*t would go down on himself at the press conference, :D

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:08 pm
by supersub
I don't like maureenio,I don't like Kenyon,I don't like Roman,I don't like Cheatski fans and "Sky" sucks too....

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:13 pm
by 65-1114725958
The guy is so overconfident. he's gonna start making himself look very silly soon!

He said he was happy with the 0-0 result. secretly he was expecting them to beat us 3-1 or 4-0.

Now he says the atmosphere at anfield will be "beautiful" ..!

Will it? ???? ???? ???? ???

He's gonna get some stick! especially after the carling cup final and his gestures to lfc fans, and one thing it wont be is beautiful for him!

He's scared and he knows we have the upper hand.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:55 am
by taff
Well I still like him

The rest of the club, fans, kenyon etc I dont

I used to love applauding visiting goalkeepers.  To me it was like we respect you but youre in for a difficult afternoon.  Thats what made us the best football fans in the world in my opinion.

To me Mourhinho has stood by his team which I respect and he's thrown down the gauntlet to us.  Fair enough we'll see what happens on Tuesday. :cool:

Sky.  My old man refused to have it cos of Murdoch and his politics but like all of us even he gave in cause of Sport mainly.  I hate what it stands for but will not live without it

Oh and if you want controversy I respect Alex Ferguson as he stood by the miners and donated money to the cause and he hated Thatcher but dont get me started on the club he manages.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 11:03 am
by dawson99
supersub wrote:I don't like maureenio,I don't like Kenyon,I don't like Roman,I don't like Cheatski fans and "Sky" sucks too....

i completely agree with supersub on this one.
everyone ahs some kind of 'isnt he adorable and funny' approach to mouinho but i just think hes an arogant twit. lets notforget, benitez ahs also done it all before, but does he go on about it 24/7?

plus, winnig la liga is just a tad more prestigious than winning the portugal league.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 11:16 am
by Woollyback
Mourinho also reckons all the ladies love 'im

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 11:26 am
by Judge
we could his throat with his american express card :)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 11:48 am
by azriahmad
Whatever we say about him, there is no denying that he is one of the best coaches around; and this also applies to Benithez.

One thing he is good at is taking pressure off his players by hogging all of the limelight. I don't think he is really so vain as to desire max media exposure, he does this also to take the spotlight away from his players so that they can concentrate on their job. He winds up his opponents on purpose, such as what he did to Rijkaard and also did the same thing to UEFA by turmpeting to the whole world that Collina is the ideal ref for the return leg and gets his whis granted. UEFA even went so far as to deny Maurinho had any say in this. By openly kicking up the fuss about Frisk and Rijkaard and Barca, he put a lot of pressure on Collina to miss calling the foul by Carvalho on the Barca 'keeper allowing Chelski's winning goal to stand.

He is one clever manipulator who is able to motivate his charges and also start things which put pressure on opponents or the regulators. Wicked! Probably the next career move for him is to act in a tv soap like Dallas or Dynasty where his manipulation skills can be pur to more use!

I wouldn't say thay I like him but I admire his achievements and his ability to mould and motivate these young millionaires and keep them hungry for glory like him.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:14 pm
by Big Niall
I find him amuzing, Benitez is in the Paisley mould of personality (hopefully ability too) in that he isn't good press. Mourinho wil do & say stuff that fills up papers in between games.

He does think that football revolves around him but then again he is going for a third Euro trophy on the spin (and a few leagues in a row too) and has already won silverware this season.

At the start of the season I didn't think they'd win the league as I thought they'd need time to gel so all credit to him. I wasn't upset with his gestures during the carling cup either - no big deal, what have fans shouted at players/refs/ managers.