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Earnshaw hat-trick!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:04 pm
by bigmick
Title says it all really.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:10 pm
by LFCFan4Life
You're never going to let this go are you? But then again I don't blame you.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:32 pm
by Ciggy
bigmick wrote:Title says it all really.

I still prefer Andy Johnson to come to us though :cool:

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:25 pm
by L-type
saw this thread coming a mile away.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:27 pm
by chiggz_likes_owen
WTF!? both are shi*t

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:30 pm
by fivecups
I knew we should have moved for Earnshaw :( I could never bring myself to say it out loud, was never man enough to voice my opinion in public. When Morientes arrived I knew it was wrong - something in me knew it should have been Robbie Earnshaw instead. Damn, damn, damn.


PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:33 pm
by KennyisGod....still
Morientes... Baros.... Cisse.... ..... ..... Earnshaw? ???? Get real. The price would be outrageous, he's hardly set the West Mids alight, let alone Europe and the world, and we've got potential in Pongo far better than the Welsh w@nker. Sorry, maybe you know him personally, are related or just like the look of him in a Liverpool kit, but if Earnshaw's at Anfield for the 1st game next season I'll apply for the next vacancy at the Vatican. (just watch us get Albion 1st game if they stop up!! :p )

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:27 pm
by andy_g
he shaw earned his wages in 15 minutes, eh, eh...? :D

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:18 pm
by JBG
But Earnshaw cannot get a start in a team in the bottom 3!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:31 am
by bigmick
Very true JBG, but this is down to the judgement of Robson and beyond his control. All he can do is score, period. I have long said that he is lacking in overall team-play ability. All he can do is score goals. But, and this has been my point all season, he will ALWAYS score goals. Even playing for West Brom, he will score goals.
If you see his three goals on Saturday, the one which is the dead giveaway is the header. Ball gets knocked long to far post, as Players challenge for it Earnshaw actually looks away from ball and locates a spot in-between two defenders where can move into and give himself a chance to win any knock-ons. Ball gets headed back accross goal and Earnshaw scores. Cue the "FFS I could've scored that!" from the unknowing viewers. That awareness though, that look away from the ball and that three step movement into a gap BEFORE the ball gets there is what means he will always score goals. Ditto Garcia as he showed yesterday. Natural goalscorers move while everybody else stands still. It's really simple but impossible to teach.
Sofar I think I've been proven right. I said Earnshaw would score ten Premiership goals this season from open play and he has. Seasons not over yet either. I 'm not daft, I know we won't sign him but those who laughed at my original judgement and said he couldn't and wouldn't score at this level have been proven wrong, very wrong.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:04 pm
by JBG
Bigmick: Earnshaw has proved me wrong and you right in many respects, I'll give you that. I honestly didn't think he'd score as many goals as he has, particularly given that he's in a relegation fodder side and often starting from the bench.

Well done Robbie, but Earnshaw for Liverpool? Different kettle of fish altogether.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:35 pm
by taff
Not good enough for Liverpool I agree

But as ive said before the guy is just a goal scorer and it cant be taught or coached. Every level he has ever performed at its been he wont score its a level too high for him and hey presto he scores.  Been doing it since he was a kid

What team would possibly want a lightning fast striker who scores completely naturally  ???  :p

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:52 pm
by bigmick
Don't know Taff. I'm fairly sure we're all in agreement it certainly won't be us. Those of us (yourself included Taff) who predicted he would score goals though, will be amazed if in the event of West Brom going down, some other Premiership club doesn't step in and give them at least their money back (3 mill) from their original investment.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and make an outlandish prediction: If somebody does buy him at the end of the season, he'll score lots of goals in the Premiership next season aswell. If somebody doesn't and they go down, he'll score a shedload of goals in the Championship or whatever it's called. I wonder if the hoots of derision will be as loud this time as they were last.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:32 pm
by taff
His touch aint all that to be honest but he was born to score goals and not many people are.

I think he suffers from a case of "my mind is made up about you"

He will score goals next season for whoever he plays for. I predict Blackburn cos of Sparky.  Would I buy him for LFC, probably not but would have that nagging thought in 2007 that I could have had him cheaply in 2005. :D

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:07 am
by LFC #1
1 Thierry Henry Arsenal 22
2 Andrew Johnson Crystal Palace 18
3 Jermain Defoe Tottenham 12
4 Andy Cole Fulham 10
5 Robert Earnshaw West Brom 10
6 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink Middlesbrough 10
7 Robert Pires Arsenal 10
8 Aiyegbeni Yakubu Portsmouth 10
9 Milan Baros Liverpool 9
10 Paul Dickov Blackburn 9
11 Didier Drogba Chelsea 9
12 Robbie Keane Tottenham 9
13 Fredrik Ljungberg Arsenal 9
14 Wayne Rooney Man Utd 9
15 Shaun Wright-Phillips Man City 9

Earnshaw is tied for 5th, ahead of the likes of Drogba, Baros, Rooney and Keane, pretty impressive for a guy playing for the likes of West Brom and not playing week in week out.

And of the people on that list, Earnshaw is second only to Henry in terms of goals per minutes played.

Even more incredible about Henry is that he is leading assists with 15, with 2nd place Lampard on 12!

Earnshaw has been caught offside 33 times though, compared to someone like Andy Johnson on 29.