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The best thing that could happen - Second rate mancs beat the galacticos

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:02 pm
by JohnBull
A :censored: goal and a sad performance and it was enough to show the truth - You cannot buy tradition.
For once Chelsea didn't get a deflection, a penalty that wasn't and as usual never suffered a penalty that should have been and they huffed and puffed and still couldn't beat a VERY ordinary gang of Mancs.

Watch this space and see if Dozy Jose can still work wonders.

Stick with the real manager- Raffa

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:04 pm
is the win for manure a good thing

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:09 pm
by JohnBull
Too friggin right !  They'll start thinking they're good which they're not and the galacticos are really going to get question marks intheir heads.
Same last year when a really good Arsenal team got beat by the has-beens and then fell to pieces. With a bit of luck Jose's gypsies will go the same way

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:10 pm
JohnBull wrote:and the galacticos are really going to get question marks in their heads.

who do u think the galacticos are ?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:14 pm
by JC_81
It's good to see Chelsea go through a bad patch and show they're beatable, but I'm not going to will them to lose to the scum.

Chelsea are still going to win the league in my opinion and we have to do the best we can which is second I feel.  Therefore we need teams like United and Arsenal to keep dropping points. 

Today was a good result for English football, but a bad result for Liverpool.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:14 pm
by JohnBull
Forget about RM this gang of sad cockneys could buy and sell them.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:01 pm
by stmichael
i said that manure would win this game. at the end of the day, if they couldn't get motivated for this game they'll never get motivated.

chelsea are no world beaters. today they had the majority of the possession but did nothing with it.

nevertheless, maureen still claimed that chelsea "didn't deserve to lose" after the game. the guy talks so much sh#t it's unreal. :no

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:11 pm
I wanted Chelsea t wn. I hate those mancs as much as the blue :censored:, actually more.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:47 pm
by woof woof !
john craig wrote:It's good to see Chelsea go through a bad patch and show they're beatable, but I'm not going to will them to lose to the scum.

Chelsea are still going to win the league in my opinion and we have to do the best we can which is second I feel.  Therefore we need teams like United and Arsenal to keep dropping points. 

Today was a good result for English football, but a bad result for Liverpool.

I go along with that , no way will we catch Chelsea (this season  :D  ) but there's a lot of others who we'll be scrappin' with for a top 4 finish ,happy to see Chelsea fall on their faces but would have preferred to see the mancs failing to pick up more points.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:56 pm
by Leonmc0708
woof woof ! wrote:
john craig wrote:It's good to see Chelsea go through a bad patch and show they're beatable, but I'm not going to will them to lose to the scum.

Chelsea are still going to win the league in my opinion and we have to do the best we can which is second I feel.  Therefore we need teams like United and Arsenal to keep dropping points. 

Today was a good result for English football, but a bad result for Liverpool.

I go along with that , no way will we catch Chelsea (this season  :D  ) but there's a lot of others who we'll be scrappin' with for a top 4 finish ,happy to see Chelsea fall on their faces but would have preferred to see the mancs failing to pick up more points.

I bet somewhere on the internet about this time last year, people where saying the same about not catching Arsenal (who won the league unbeaten the season before) before they lost at Old Trafford.

Never say never......................

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:59 pm
by ste123lfc
just goes to show chelsea don't like it up em. if you can get beat by a team with a midfield of smith and fletcher you ain't that good. this is for you jose  :rasp

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 9:04 pm
by drummerphil
3 defeats in 4 games will do me........I know it was Manure who i detest more than any club...but hopefully it should inspire the rest of the premiership that this Chelsea  team can be beaten and will stop teams going out against them thinking they have lost before a ball has even been kicked.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 9:07 pm
by JC_81
Leonmc0708 wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:
john craig wrote:It's good to see Chelsea go through a bad patch and show they're beatable, but I'm not going to will them to lose to the scum.

Chelsea are still going to win the league in my opinion and we have to do the best we can which is second I feel.  Therefore we need teams like United and Arsenal to keep dropping points. 

Today was a good result for English football, but a bad result for Liverpool.

I go along with that , no way will we catch Chelsea (this season  :D  ) but there's a lot of others who we'll be scrappin' with for a top 4 finish ,happy to see Chelsea fall on their faces but would have preferred to see the mancs failing to pick up more points.

I bet somewhere on the internet about this time last year, people where saying the same about not catching Arsenal (who won the league unbeaten the season before) before they lost at Old Trafford.

Never say never......................

True Leon

Although the difference this time is that if Chelsea have players underperforming they have practically another team sitting on the bench who can come in and do a job.  Although I didn't expect Arsenal to crumble so badly this time last year, their squad was never the strongest and they were always running the risk of falling apart relying so heavily on Henry and Vieira.

I think today will do to Chelsea what losing to Boro did to United.  It will give them a kick up the backside and I expect that to be the end of their bad run.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 9:49 pm
by 66-1120597113
That 1-0 win for the scum was the best thing to happen to the Premiership so far this season!!
I hate them both equally but that was a good result for football in general!!
It's a huge kick in the nuts for Chelsea,Ok they lost in Europe and the Carling cup lately but in their arrogance they still felt they were untouchable in the Prem!!
They were wrong and that was by no means the best UTD team or performance so surely it should inspire the other 18 teams in the league!!
Its gonna be very intersting to see how Chelsea manage over the next few games!!
John Terry looked bewildered coming off the pitch as if he could'nt believe that they had been beaten but that is too be expected after months of listening to Maureen banging on about how good they are...tough Chelsea!!Never in my life been happy to see the scum win until today!!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:10 pm
by andy_g
i'm definitely in the 'good to chelsea get beat' camp. points wise it doesn't put anyone that far out of reach of us and stops chelsea getting too far away. in a perfect scenario of us winning both our games in hand, man u losing the one they have and arsenal, tottenham, charlton and bolton not winning the one they each have, we go third. then its just a case of hauling in wigan and we're right on their butts. :D