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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:42 pm
by 109-1105722616
it makes me feel  depressed

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:48 pm
by anfieldadorer
Performing our "rotting" squad is something that somedody has got to do, and Rafa is the man who brave enough to do that with all the possible consequences, including the adverse one. This is the high time to do it -in the rafalution. Revolution costs. Let's do the dues to reap the harvest in the near future. I do believe this is gonna happen soon. Let's give them a chance to flourish.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:50 pm
by mistyred
Just wondering when times get hard people usually jump, who will it be this time.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:34 pm
by Scottbot
woof woof ! wrote:For once I think Rafa got it wrong .

When I saw our line up I THOUGHT Rafa was underestimating the opposition and the tradition of the FA Cup . At half time i was CONVINCED .

Well, live and learn Rafa ,and welcome to the FA Cup. I felt sorry for the first teamers who had to try and put together a performance against a fired up team who were more than able to take on our "kids" .

Can understand the many reasons why Rafa decided to play this line up bt as the saying goes "If you're serious about winning a competition ,field you best eleven or don't bother entering to start with"


24 hours late - I've got the flu + theres nothing worse than coming on here an posting strraight after a big defeat with everyones' blood boiling. I have to agree with Woof and a good few others an say the gaffa got it wrong. I can understand why he fielded a weakened team but i do not understand why the likes of Riise, Hamman or Garcia weren't put on the bench in reserve should things turn ugly. Fergie did the same against Exeter last week and had he not been able to bring on the likes of Scholes and Saha the mancs might have gone the same way as us.

I think the boss underestimated the importance of this trophy to fans in England. If we had lost in the 1st round of the League would anyone have shed many tears? I doubt it. The FA Cup might not be worth so much these days but would any of you swap a place in the 4th round for that League cup semi next week?