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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:22 am
by Gerrard30391
If im honest, you lot that disapprove are selfish spoilt brats. The poor, innocent, lad has been shot from behind, and you can't face a song being played at Anfield. Ok its Everton's song but at the end of the day why should football get in the way of a great gesture. I watched the game and it was fitting for the young lad. His family looked delighted!


PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:48 pm
by red37

Paul Eaton - 30 August 2007

The parents of murdered Merseyside youngster Rhys Jones today sent heartfelt thanks to Liverpool supporters and declared: "You have done your club and the city proud." 
Stephen and Melanie Jones, along with son Owen, stood at the side of the pitch before Tuesday's Champions League qualifier against Toulouse as their son's favourite 'Z-Cars' anthem was played inside the stadium for the first time in his memory.
"I was really taken aback once we were there, but up until then, I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do," said Melanie.
"It was only when Owen said he had been talking to people from both the Blues and the Reds over the internet and that they all wanted us to go that I was convinced.
"And Liverpool were really amazing with us. They were fantastic from start to finish."
Mr Jones added: "We were picked up by our police family liaison officer and, as we were driving to the ground, we were given a few looks.
"But when we got out of the car, we were given a massive round of applause by everyone. It knocked us back. It was just the most amazing thing.
"When we got to pitchside, the noise was deafening. We couldn't even hear Z Cars being played but my brother assured me it was.
"Then afterwards we met David Moores and Rick Parry and I just told them their fans had done Liverpool - the city and the club - proud. It really was so moving for us.
"Both Rafa and his wife, as well as Steven Gerrard, came and gave us their condolences.
"These people didn't have to go out of their way to talk to us, but they did. They were just as fantastic as the fans." 


Enough said.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:49 pm
by KRobbo10
The parents of murdered Merseyside youngster Rhys Jones today sent heartfelt thanks to Liverpool supporters and declared: "You have done your club and the city proud." 
Stephen and Melanie Jones, along with son Owen, stood at the side of the pitch before Tuesday's Champions League qualifier against Toulouse as their son's favourite 'Z-Cars' anthem was played inside the stadium for the first time in his memory.
"I was really taken aback once we were there, but up until then, I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do," said Melanie.
"It was only when Owen said he had been talking to people from both the Blues and the Reds over the internet and that they all wanted us to go that I was convinced.
"And Liverpool were really amazing with us. They were fantastic from start to finish."
Mr Jones added: "We were picked up by our police family liaison officer and, as we were driving to the ground, we were given a few looks.
"But when we got out of the car, we were given a massive round of applause by everyone. It knocked us back. It was just the most amazing thing.
"When we got to pitchside, the noise was deafening. We couldn't even hear Z Cars being played but my brother assured me it was.
"Then afterwards we met David Moores and Rick Parry and I just told them their fans had done Liverpool - the city and the club - proud. It really was so moving for us.
"Both Rafa and his wife, as well as Steven Gerrard, came and gave us their condolences.
"These people didn't have to go out of their way to talk to us, but they did. They were just as fantastic as the fans."

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:47 pm
by The Manhattan Project
It's important for Reds and Blues to always make sure their rivalry remains friendly and based on sporting competition only.

I'd hate to see it become something like those nutters in Argentina and Rome.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:21 pm
by Ciggy
Little Rhys's funeral is on Sky news its awful sad.

loads of reds there, hes got an everton coffin.

RIP Little fella

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:19 pm
by Ace Ventura
Ciggy wrote:Little Rhys's funeral is on Sky news its awful sad.

loads of reds there, hes got an everton coffin.

RIP Little fella

We have all been asked to pay a couple of quid each and wear football shirts today in our work, so that should raise a bit of money for the lads family. Its not much but still feels like we're doing a bit like.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:31 pm
by 7_Kewell
just goes to show we have the best fans in the world.... :bowdown