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PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 11:45 am
by Sabre
I just hope we don't draw Valencia in the Champions League next season - sod's law he'll rediscover his goalscoring touch then!

Onwards and upwards

Nah, bear in mind that the English game is thunder lightning quick. That, and the fact he's not cut for the english football means he'll have no chances against Carra and Hyppia at all (since they're the best in the thunder lightning quick league). So I'd just suggest Rafa not to do Morientes Marking at all. :)

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 11:48 am
by 73-1141222089
Red Red Tom wrote:The people who are jeering at the back of Nando should hang their heads in shame.  Unlike Cisse he would always work hard, and he just wasn't up to it in this league.  I'll never forget his desperate lunges against Makelele against the Chavs at Old Trafford - Cisse showed no interest in getting the ball back, Nando did.

Best of luck to him for the future.  I was at the game against Fulham this season, and I don't get to many (5-6 a season), because I live down south.  I'm just as proud to say I saw one of the legends of the modern game score, as I am to say I saw Robbie's first goal back.  Nando is obviously class, and I'm sure he'll prove it again at Valencia.  Hope to see you back at Anfield in the Champions League Nando!


Agree completely.

The lad gave 100% everytime he was on the pitch. Crying shame that his game is just not suited to the prem..... had high hopes for him when he 1st signed but guess it  just wasn't a good match whatever the reason....

He had to go.... but unlike Cisse, it wasn't due to a lack of effort...

Good luck Nando....

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 1:38 pm
by account deleted by request
I think the sale of Nando will send a big message out to the Liverpool squad ,that if you dont or cant do the job that Benitez expects then you will not be carried, no matter your rep or personal friendships. It also shows Benitez is not frightened of admiting to making mistakes and correcting them for the good of Liverpool. I think in the end it was a straight choice for Benitez between Robbie Fowler and Morientes. Both similar in age, ability and technique. Robbie proved that he could still do it in the EPL Nando never quite could. For Benitez a simple question of what is best for Liverpool, not who do I like best or what decision will make me look better. Fowler was scoring goals Nando wasnt, Nando has gone. Good luck Nando and thanks for trying so hard.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 1:59 pm
by azriahmad
I'd read somewhere or heard it on the local radio in my parts of the world that Nando went for 3 million pounds.

Such a shame that a genuinely classy player like him struggled so hard to score. Whatever misgivings I had about him delivering on the pitch and Rafa starting him way too often for the goals return that he gave to us, fair play to him because he worked his socks off whenever he plays for us, mostly his tracking back and harrying the opposition as an example of defending from the front whicn Cisse does very little of.

Good luck, Morrientes, in your future endeavours. Thanks for trying so very hard even though it was tough for him not being able to score enough goals.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:08 pm
by Lando_Griffin
Glad he's gone.

He always gave 100%, and for that he deserves some respect, but the clear truth is he wasn't good enough in the Premiership.

Good luck, Nando. Don't bite us on the a*se if we play Valencia!!!!! :D

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:18 pm
by JC_81
I was genuinely surprised Benitez got rid of him.  With Cisse also seemingly on the way out this summer, Benitez must have at least one if not two front men lined up.  He wouldn't risk leaving us short for strikers again after what happened in his first season in charge.

Morientes tried 100%, always tackling back which is something I like in a front man.  But the bottom line is he didn't do the business for us.  Too slow, not physical enough and not suited to the EPL.  60 games is more than enough of a chance to prove himself and frankly he did not, so cheers but bye bye Nando.

If this does not prove beyond all doubt that Benitez is the ruthless manager we need to be Premiership champions then I don't know what will.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:27 pm
by Kukilon
Cisse is probably going to stay.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:47 pm
by Redman in wales
from koptalk....

Valencia say they haven't yet completed the signing of Liverpool striker Fernando Morientes.

Both clubs have agreed a fee and it was reported yesterday that the player had agreed personal terms.

However, we understand that the player is seeking some kind of pay-off from Liverpool and all three parties need to try and come to a compromise.

Sports director Amedeo Carboni said: "At the moment we cannot say he has signed or that he is a Valencia player.

"I don't think there will be problems but we haven't reached an agreement with the player yet.

"We don't want to hide anything from anyone and will be the first to announce the news when it is finally closed."

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:08 pm
by kobashi
I glad rafa finally realised that playing 2 target men together doesnt work for liverpool..  he stuck with mori and crouch as a partnership way too long.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:24 pm
by account deleted by request
However, we understand that the player is seeking some kind of pay-off from Liverpool

This type of thing really makes me mad, he was well paid I presume while playing for us and will be well paid when he plays for Valencia, maybe not as much, but a figure based on his current standing and perceived ability, why then must we pay a player who will no longer be under contract or playing for Liverpool. Liverpool have lost enough money on him why pay out more ? Perhaps if Liverpool were forcing him to go to West brom or Birmingham compensation would be acceptable but Valencia?

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:35 pm
by Lando_Griffin
If it's from Kop talk, it MUST be true. ???

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:37 pm
by bigmick
Morally you may have a point visa-vis his contract mate but legally he is fully entitled to the money. At the end of the day Liverpool offered him the contract with gauranteed earnings of probably 2.5 million quid a year over four years. They have now decided they don't want him anymore, and have transfered his registration to Valencia who are probably only prepared to pay him 1.5 million over the next two years. Morientes effectively misses out on 2 million quid, though he does have the certainty of a longer contract.
His agent would argue that Nando doesn't actually want to leave and is infact quite happy to stay and fuffil the terms and conditions of the remainder of his deal and pick up the outstanding 5 million quid. Given the fact however that Liverpool seem determined to sell his registration, then his client would be prepared to compromise on the deal, do Liverpool a favour and only take a further 1 million out of the coffers in a full and final severence package.
Although the numbers are mind-blowingly huge, in principal it's only the same as a firm making somebody redunadant and paying them off.
Still a hard one to swallow all the same. FWIW, if we have got 3 million for him then even after the payoff it turns out to be 2 mill which is quite a bit more than he is actually worth IMHO.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 4:04 pm
by account deleted by request
bigmick I cant fault your reasoning and accept all that you have said but it still makes me mad when players try to squeeze the last drop out of a club. :angry:
good post though Mick

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 4:42 pm
by dmf
Seen a story on the news here in Australia which said he'd been sold for 14 mil in aussie dollars which is worth about 4.5 million pounds.

Best of luck Nando

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:19 pm
by Pedro O'Maradona
Best of luck to him, he was a good pro....just didnt work out for him.....hope he does well at valencia....its a pity some people were so negative about him in this him with el haj diouf and it cant be justified....lets hope none of the average strikers such as dafoe, johnson or bent are drafted in for michael owen.....i wudnt be bothered with him either