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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:55 pm
by ivor_the_injun
I'm not going to get on his back about his flaws. Bottom line is that he was an integral part of the squad that brought us the Champions League last year. Anyone that disputes that is kidding themselves, and has a very short memory.

I won't pretend that I'm not pleased to hear there are suitors for him. He's not a solution for us either at left back or in the centre, and it is now time that he moved on. Rafa's backed him in the past, but I think now reality's dawned on him, and the quality gap between our first choice 11 and some of the back ups is really starting to hit home.

In terms of quality, Fulham and Man City are about right for him. He's a good, honest professional, but he's too inconsistent for a top 6 club.

Cheers Djimi. It's been...interesting.  :D

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:10 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
I’ve always felt that Troare needs to put some muscle on his upper body, 6 months in the gym doing upper body work would do him the world of good as a centre back. He doesn’t have the upper body strength to impose himself on strikers, a strong upper body combined with his height and recovery pace would give him a good chance of forging out a career at a decent level in the French league as a centre back. Nothing can help him with his appalling balance, dwelling on the ball and poor aerial ability, but he could be a decent centre back in France were he would get more time to make his mind up about what he wants to do with the ball.

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:31 pm
by davo_LFC
He is awful at reading the game and doesnt have any of the qualities needed to be a success at a club like liverpool. However, i think he will do a job at fulham or man city because he is a tremendous athlete, tall, quick, stamina...this might not be enough to succeed at the highest level but at clubs like city and fulham it could well be enough. His tackles are good but half the time they are a consequence of his own mistakes, maybe his lack of concentration is due to the fact that liverpool are very rarely called upon to defend for their lives so maybe at city or fulham he will be ok because more often than not he will be called upon for long periods of the game. Look at the Cl run, we had to defend like fuc.k away to juve and at home to chavski and traore played extremely well in both considering he was out of his depth. Good luck to the lad, i feel sorry for him sometimes, the way people slate him to the max, when hes playing and people are grunting and groaning every time he touches the ball its no wonder he sh.its himself whilst on the it :D