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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:58 pm
by taff
Yeah we lost thats it

Alonso looked good fair play to him

Not much more to say  :(

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:59 pm
by eupheui
To sum it up..
Very poor game by the 2 sides ,MAN-U had 2 things playing for them :Ronaldo and Liverpools Defence (catastrophic).

I feel that although the offensive will and must get better as the season progress ,the defensive line is worthless and futureless ,Hypia ,Risse ,Callagher ,Dudek ,won't change ,hope Benites do something.

1 more note on the game ,when their is a superb dribbler on the court (Ronaldo) ,you can't afford giving the boy 1-2 meters to breath ,this was a pure massacare.

Cheer up lads ,at least the France coach is gone ,it can't get worse.:D

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:02 pm
by Ciggy
L-type wrote:Oh and I found out Ferguson's plan to shut down gerrard; injure him. I hope that piece of sh|t burns in hell.

:angry: I heard that to  :angry:
F#kin bast ard. go rot in hell and die :angry:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:04 pm
by Starbridge42
What a crappy performance by the ref!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:06 pm
by 7_Kewell
we played bad, Rafa needs to see the bad to make the good.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:06 pm
by Santa
Take it easy folks...Josemi, Cisse, Alonso & Garcia probably never faced a game in their playing career which offer so little breathing space. Defence was poor, two bad marking job gifted them both goals . Riise just couldn't contain Ronaldo all night. Hyypia was having a nightmare. Garcia need to do the simple thing sometime...not every team's a WBA or Monaco!!! Cisse and Baros didn't have a sniff all day but it was down to a wrong referee decision which gifted them the corner for the 2nd goal. 2-1 flatter us...need to overhaul our central defence...NOW!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:14 pm
by Ciggy
Only good thing is we got norwich on sat.should get 3 points
Then on tuesday Olympiakos,  ???
a must win game for another 3 points in CL.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:15 pm
by mistyred
Lads and ladies what a fookin mess!.Our defence is pure sh.ite i mean what is this pub football?as you may or may not know i am forever the optamist but not this time i am shattered.

Beni needs to learn that in England is alot faster football than Spain and 1 upfront sometimes is not the way to go,good luck to the Pool but it's gona be fookin hard work.

Hope january comes soon.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:18 pm
by Santa
Hoped the Nov/Dec jink from Houllier's era don't return...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:22 pm
by Ade
We were outclassed in the first 30 mins, but then Utd had hit a gear there they haven't found so far this season.

their 2 goals came from ****** decisions by the officials: Hyypia didn't commit a foul for the first free kick, and we should've had a free kick when Giggs (I think) pulled Riise back, so he lost the ball and they got their corner. Typical spawny Utd decisions.

That said, they could've had a pen in the first half and we were poor. Only when Hamann came on did we close up the midfield; before that we were overrun.

Dudek was at fault for the second goal: look at it on tv, his hands are too soft. the ball was fired in at a very saveable height and he flapped at it. He's finished in my book. Kirkland has to come in against Norwich.

Baros's body language still worries me; he looks like he can;t be bothered working alongside anyone and tries to do everythig himself. And Cisse - ffs, he's quick as lightning, why does he play right on the shoulder of the last defender? Learn the offside law ffs.

Defence: Ronaldo will torment a lot of teams this year - no disgrace on that front, but we need to man mark at corners, not this zone defence stuff. Their first goal, we had 10 players in the box and no one picking up Silvestre.

Midfield: Alonso looks pure class. This bloke has played, what, 4 prem games and he already looks like he's been here 3 years. His shot from the halfway line was genius. He is one fantastic prospect.

Kewell was dire tonight; created nothing. He needs a rocket, otherwise we should go for broke and go for Duff in  January.

garcia tried, but he needs to mix up the simple and the tricky stuff, and he needs better support from Cisse or Baros.

Gutted tonight, but the spirit looked good in the 2nd half and if we can link the midfield better with the front 2, I'm optimistic.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:27 pm
by banana
3 away games and we have only 1 point. We must do better. United were fresh. Hyypia, Carragher and Riise did not play well. Kewell was trash and Warnock should start next game. Finnan was outpaced all afternoon and must be replaced in January. Dudek was shaky. All in all, very disappointing. Credit to the ****** for playing a good game. They massacred us in the first half. Alonso was our best player tonight and now we need 3 points on Saturday to keep up with top 5.