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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:00 pm
so rafa wants the same control in the club as both taggert and wenger and people talk about dictator etc saying its the final straw ? What utter tosh . Yes rafa has had some poor signings well so has both the other two . Give rafa want he wants . Let him control the team 100 per cent and let him control the academy the way he wants and let us succeed . If the owners dont then we wont win the league and wont win it for a while .

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:00 pm
by Alex G.
tonyeh wrote:The idea if giving Rafa complete control in transfers sends a shiver up me spine.

If he had that kind of control in the Summer, we may have Barry and have sold Alonso.



Or maybe we may have Barry and Alonso and not keane.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:00 pm
by Roger Red Hat
Ciggy wrote:Calderon has resigned from Real Madrid.........................

now that is more worrying.  :down:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:01 pm
by Judge
Judge wrote:
heimdall wrote:
metalhead wrote:
“The only person who can decide the value of a player to his squad is the manager because he knows what elements are needed to improve the squad.”

Exactly! :nod

So Dossena, was he a good signing, wasn't he rafa's signing?
How about Degan?

or N'Gog

or that dodgy keeper?

or a £20 million striker who doesn't get a game recently?

All super signings, but yes rafa needs to be the dictator at Liverpool and control everything, some of you people are in cloud cuckoo land you really are.


firstly -Dossena was outstanding for udinese and his country which is probably why rafa bought him. you cannot predict that a player may not adapt to the english game from abroad

secondly - N'gog is young

thirdly - cavalieri is not as bad as you think. i mean reina had a couple of scares against stoke, but we dont slate him

forthly - as for keane. we should play him more

heimdall, stop trying to wash folks mouths out with soap and answer this

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:05 pm
by Lando_Griffin
heimdall wrote:So what the hell would be the point in having a Chief Executive officer then. Of course the manager has to answer to the CEO, that's how it works in the real world Rafa!!
If he goes due to this then good because if these reports are true then he's being a pr1ck. His transfers are very hit and miss so to give him 100% control could be a disaster!

BTW I hope this is being blown out of proportion, I want him to stay until the end of this season at least.

Listen, Heimdall. Doesn't this go to show that at least SOME of the transfers ARE NOT WHAT RAFA WANTED?

Use that dried-up gerbil's todd you laughingly refer to as your brain BEFORE engaging your fingers on here.

This just goes to show what has been suggested - Keane was Parry's choice, not Rafa's.

Maybe people might stop having a pop at the bloke now for quite rightly not wanting to use an inferior player?

Maybe not...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:09 pm
by Roger Red Hat
realistically the signing of Keane was done on the fact he was a goal scoring machine at Spurs. Neither Parry nor Rafa could forsee the goals would dry up once he got into the Liverpool system of play. So to me the blame does not lie at their feet.

Come on Rafa, sort it out fella. :D

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:09 pm
by Reg
H&G cant finance the new stadium and cant refinance the debt so is it realistic for Rafa to expect a carte blanche to write cheques?

In these severe economic times you can understand the owners reluctance to change the system.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:10 pm
by bigmick
Judge wrote:
Judge wrote:
heimdall wrote:
metalhead wrote:
“The only person who can decide the value of a player to his squad is the manager because he knows what elements are needed to improve the squad.”

Exactly! :nod

So Dossena, was he a good signing, wasn't he rafa's signing?
How about Degan?

or N'Gog

or that dodgy keeper?

or a £20 million striker who doesn't get a game recently?

All super signings, but yes rafa needs to be the dictator at Liverpool and control everything, some of you people are in cloud cuckoo land you really are.


firstly -Dossena was outstanding for udinese and his country which is probably why rafa bought him. you cannot predict that a player may not adapt to the english game from abroad

secondly - N'gog is young

thirdly - cavalieri is not as bad as you think. i mean reina had a couple of scares against stoke, but we dont slate him

forthly - as for keane. we should play him more

heimdall, stop trying to wash folks mouths out with soap and answer this

I'll have a go at answering Judgie.

1. You can never predict 100% with anyone as far as them "adapting", but usually the good players do. Equally, that's one of the things you pay the manager 50 grand a week for, so he avoids buying duds like Dossena. It's Ok for instance for me to get it wrong about Robert Earnshaw, I sell dildo's for a living. Rafa though doesn't, he runs a football team. Nobody could know for certain that Dossena was going to be absolutely sh!t, but it is so glaringly obvious that I would like to think we might have spotted it before we shelled out 7 million quid on him.

2. N'Gog is young, and it's possible he could be anything. It's equally possible he could be nothing. In fact to be truthful, given the balance of probability he's much more likely to be the latter, and based on what we've seen so far IMHO he almost certainly is.

3. Cavalieri might well be quite good. He hasn't really shown it so far, but being a goalie it's very hard to just step in. That said, we aren't (Reina aside) known for buying great goalkeepers, although I suppose Carson was a good buy at a million quid.

4. I agree we should play Keane more, but even if we did it would be hard to imagine him looking like value at 20 million quid.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:12 pm
from what it seems reg its not blank cheques rafa is asking for , its control on who is bought with any money given and more control on the academy set up .

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:17 pm
by Ciggy
Hicks will be on SSN soon...............

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:17 pm
by bigmick
Lando_Griffin wrote:This just goes to show what has been suggested - Keane was Parry's choice, not Rafa's.

Maybe people might stop having a pop at the bloke now for quite rightly not wanting to use an inferior player?

Maybe not...

Oh I don't think Rafa would entertain staying at a clubb where he was having players signed that he didn't pick himself Lando. I don't think for one minute that Keane was signed for 20 million quid behind his back, Rafa picked him lets not be under any illusions whatsoever there.

I think there is a possibility being charitable, that as the two negotiations were being conducted concurrently Rafa would concieveably have preferred Barry to Keane if he had a choice over the two, but they were his selections I'm certain of that. I only think he might have had a real desire to sign Barry because he was seemingly so determined to sell Alonso to make way for the Villa man.

Keane though was and is Rafa's signing, just like Torres is. One worked, one didn't. Simple as that really.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:18 pm
by Alex G.
Reg wrote:H&G cant finance the new stadium and cant refinance the debt so is it realistic for Rafa to expect a carte blanche to write cheques?

In these severe economic times you can understand the owners reluctance to change the system.

Rafa is not expecting a cart blanche to write cheques..

Rafa to Echo:

“I have a lot of experience in football at different clubs and if you do not have a technical director and you are the manager you have to have control of the football decisions, but always within the confines of a budget which is controlled by the owners and the club.

“In this scenario the manager knows the amount money he has available to him and can decide how much he should spend on each player according to the needs of the team.
The only person who can decide the value of a player to his squad is the manager because he knows what elements are needed to improve the squad.”

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:20 pm
by korabiowski
Leonmc0708 wrote:
heimdall wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:
heimdall wrote:
Ciggy wrote:I bet this comes down to  if City offer over £100million for Torres they could just go over Rafas head and sell him, and Rafa could do feck all about it.

There is noway on earth Rafa would be selling Agger for 7 million not a chance, if we wanted to buy Agger from a top club we would be talking 20 million +.

If they offered £100 million for Torres we should snap their hand off in accepting it, sorry but no player is worth that much money especially not now when a lot of clubs are about to go t1ts up or at least into big financial trouble with the global recession and we should be able to buy excellent players on the cheap.

This epitomises why you are without a clue.

Who do you get to replace him ?

you bemaons Rafa's signings and then say we sell the best and replace him with players of a sub standard.

Since when are excellent players = sub standard. You need a new dictionary mate!!

And Ciggy you really need to wash your mouth out and maybe also get a dictionary, no need for vulgarity as long as you have a good vocabulary.

Who do you buy who will replace Torres ?

Kaka!!  :rasp

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:21 pm
mick you cant really say if keane has worked out or not , the guy has only been here for 6 months .

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:47 pm
by lakes10
Hicks "Rafa will be here for the next 5 years".............longer than you then?