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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:12 am
by puroresu
dawson99 wrote:nothing to do with technical ability. its about pride. dont tell me that technically croatian footballers are better than english, thats cr@p. its about playing the right players in the right formations and making them care.

when it comes down to who wins, the brazils and frances, then it comes down to technical ability. us not qualifying from the group is down to poor management, playing, supporting etc etc etc

Watch that game again and see what team looks more comfortable with the ball.  Watch how the croatian players even under pressure trap the ball with 1 touch and then manage to keep hold of the ball and pass it to a teamate in space.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:12 am
by dawson99
where was the pressure for croatia? they had already qualified... trust me if they needed to win to qualify it would have been a totally different game.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:41 am
by Kharhaz
Toffeehater wrote:start naming a few then just don't give views on what an ideal captain is for u

The kind of captain that puts CLUB first, the kind of captain that would be nothing without his CLUB, Captain Caveman ! always puts club first !

Yeah admittedly I seemed to lose my way when typing as I had the missus nagging about something to do with xmas so I was typing but my brain was like "gerrard is dont forget to not showing leadership because we need to get my mum qualities that other captains because its what she asked for so for leadership in the pub on xmas" so you can see why I typed cack !

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:55 am
by crazyhorse
Reg wrote:Effectiveness is more important than distance covered which is the whole point, Fat Frank and Gerrard covered the turf but didnt make anything of it. Rushie was economical around pitch (posh expression for a lazy b..) but when he was on the ball he was the most dangerous man in the league.

Were we watching the same player???

Ian Rushes work rate was fantastic, especially in the latter part of his career. In his first stint with us he was a goal machine, no question but when he returned and played with the young Robbie Fowler his workrate was immense. We conceded fewer goals because he was constantly snapping at the heels of the oppositions defence.

His defensive capabilities extended his career later at Leeds and then for the barcodes when he moved into midfield.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:18 am
by Toffeehater
ivor_the_injun wrote:I think Gerrard and Hargreaves will emerge as our central midfield pairing in future, but I'm hardly convinced by that combination either.

I don't mind us having Lampard as back up for Gerrard, but putting them both in central midfield is like trying to accommodate two goalkeepers in the side. He took his penalty well last night, but he's been a passenger in the national side for years now.

yea i for one would prefer hargreaves with gerrard  as hargreaves is a defensive mid and would hold the defence together and also then gerrard can attack and do the surging runs that he does for us .. Lampard has always been givem first choice in midfield as u have seen he always gets the nod to attack and gerrard has to stay back .. Macclaren has made it very clear that he prefers scores for their own teams and he favours players , like lampard who hasn't scored a :censored: load of goals like he does for chelsea

Its a bit sad to see that those players like gerrard / becks , whom was exiled from the national and was called back to help us come back in and he did , he put in a sublime cross . These players work so hard and they don't deserve this treatment . becks is on his 99th cap , he's one short of a 100 , and the only way he's gonna get that is in friendly matches , How can a team ranked 11 in the world not qualify for euro , a team whom were thrashed germany a few years back .

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:22 am
by Toffeehater
Kharhaz wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:start naming a few then just don't give views on what an ideal captain is for u

The kind of captain that puts CLUB first, the kind of captain that would be nothing without his CLUB, Captain Caveman ! always puts club first !

Yeah admittedly I seemed to lose my way when typing as I had the missus nagging about something to do with xmas so I was typing but my brain was like "gerrard is dont forget to not showing leadership because we need to get my mum qualities that other captains because its what she asked for so for leadership in the pub on xmas" so you can see why I typed cack !

can u blame him if he wants to represent his country ?? Every player 's dream is to represent his country and do well for them . You can't blame gerrard , he played true pain with england and did for us also , during one match . Look at terry? he got an op or owen , yet they still want to represent their country just a week after having their respective operations . So i ask you now can u blame steven for wanting to represent his country and winning something for them?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:41 am
by Rimetto_
Reg wrote:Effectiveness is more important than distance covered which is the whole point, Fat Frank and Gerrard covered the turf but didnt make anything of it. Rushie was economical around pitch (posh expression for a lazy b..) but when he was on the ball he was the most dangerous man in the league.

Rushie was a striker and not a midfield player so that comparison is just complete and utter tosh.

Have you ever watched a football game or maybe from what you've typed you call it soccer.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:39 pm
by Perry Digweed
It only becomes a problem if Gerrard finds his England from for Liverpool.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:42 pm
by stmichael
Perry Digweed wrote:It only becomes a problem if Gerrard finds his England from for Liverpool.

funny you should say that actually. i was listening to the radio the other day and the old lampard-gerrard debate was brought up again. one of the presenters (who happens to be a chelsea fan) was pointing out that lampard was playing far better than gerrard at the moment for his club.

if scoring 5 goals in your last 7 games for your club represents poor form, then god help the rest of the league when gerrard starts firing.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:51 pm
by Perry Digweed
When have Gerrard and Lampard both played well for England? I know we've won plenty of games with both of them, but I struggle to rememeber a game against decent opposition when they both played well.