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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:03 am
by kobashi
Liverpool fans are not the worst but you can't just ignore the fact the Liverpool fans were getting mugged by there own fans for tickets.  yeah the security was a shambles etc but it is still no excuse.  Celtic took 100,000 to Seville and they never had trouble like our fans did.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:34 am
by DAV
Not sure why we have been singled out
but never the less some of our fans/supporters should have life time bans put on them. In Athens some fans were a disgrace.
We as true supporters should help get rid of this scum

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:45 am
by Leonmc0708
kobashi wrote:Liverpool fans are not the worst but you can't just ignore the fact the Liverpool fans were getting mugged by there own fans for tickets.  yeah the security was a shambles etc but it is still no excuse.  Celtic took 100,000 to Seville and they never had trouble like our fans did.

I know that is not true.

I know a celtic fan who was mugged for his tickets by someone in a celtic fan.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:48 am
by dawson99
muggings happen in every city in the world. i posted something about liverpool after the final which was said in haste and i have ap[ologised for (was tired, and im stupid sometimes, leon, it wasnt meant in any bad way)

In truth on champions league final day i was a londoner in matthew street and 99.9% of the people were absolutely fantastic and the solidarity shown was outstanding. I will be going back a lot more next season work permitting.

To say we have the worst fans is just UEFAs way of trying to squirm out of the fact that it was massive clusterf.k on there part from day one.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:09 am
by stmichael
How can we be the worst fans in Europe? we don't

Throw scooters from the top tier of stadium (Inter Milan)
Kill policemen (Palermo)
Start fights with perspex fences (Mancs)
Go looking for trouble in town centres and then sh#t out when you are heavily outnumbered (Mancs)
Go past on scooters slashing people with stanley knives (Italians, mainly Roma)
Burn opposition fans coaches when they are still in the vehicle (Feyenoord/Ajax)
Brick in coaches and call the Queen a slag (Juventus)
Throw bottles of p#ss and bricks at opposition fans (Juventus)
Decapitate pigs and throw the head onto the pitch at former players (Barcelona)
Throw flares at keepers heads (Inter Milan)
Boo black players, start monkey chants, have Nazi insignia everywhere (All Italians & Spanish)
Pull up trams and overturn them (Basle)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:04 pm
by Ola Mr Benitez
The fact is we have the BEST supporters on the planet but also some of the worse. This shows how a minority can ruin a clubs reputation. 

A friend of mine came back from Athens and described things he had seen that made me feel ashamed to be a Liverpool Fan,  He saw Liverpool fans beat up a guy and take his ticket and the ticket of his 11 year old son.  The fact that some "fans" think it is their right to get into a stadium, even without a ticket because "they go to all liverpool games" is absolute madness.

Liverpol fans shuld more than anyone else know how to act in and around a football stadium as we have suffered more than any other club.

Saying that I agree Uefa are trying to cover their backs, but lets be honest, although we all feel that we did not have enough tickets allocated from Uefa, we are not totally blameless.

I would say 90% of our fans are probably the best supporters in the world.  but its the other 10% that tarnishes our name

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:21 pm
by LFC2007
I don't know if this has been posted already, but Parry has responded to Gaillard's comments about our fans.

Parry reaction

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:36 pm
by stmichael
The law of averages dictates that English fans are always likely to be involved in more incidents because we take by far the largest away support across Europe. The more fans you take the greater the likelihood that a few more nobheads go.

The Italians and the Turks are f#cking mental at home but are pussycats when travelling abroad. Why? Because they're treated properly and the security organisation is second to none.

Domestically we p#ss all over the rest of Europe for the way our fans behave. It's strange isnt it that the better the organisation domestically the least likely there are to be large scale violence or 'incidents' hence why in stone age (in terms of organisation and attitude regarding football only) places such as Turkey and Greece there's always murder. Italy is a paradox because its a modern country but the organisation at football grounds is a joke.

It pisses you off because people will actually believe this but we know the truth.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:14 pm
by puroresu
I think the report is too harsh.  However the club has to admit that there are those that try and bunk into grounds 4 free and they are the guilty party as well as UEFA.  There is nothing wrong with the club accepting there is a fringe element who cause trouble and they are trying to rectify the problems.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:41 pm
by LFC2007
The bottom line is this, had UEFA a) not fuelled the sale of black market tickets by allocating a silly number of tickets to UEFA 'partners' there would have been less of a problem, and b) implemented the system used at last years world cup and the euros in 04 where you had to put your ticket through a machine that i) verified it as being genuine and ii) verified that you were the rightful owner of that ticket.

This would hav ecomprehensively knocked down the problems that occcurred flat on their face.

You can't excuse the minority who reacted angrily, but you can empathise with their reaction given that people with genuine tickets were refused entry - a problem that would not existed had UEFA implemented proper ticketing procedures that are used at every other major footballing event.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:31 pm
by Kopite187
uefa can get F****D.

Italians are by far the ultimate disgrace to football. fullstop.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:47 pm
by puroresu
LFC2007 wrote:The bottom line is this, had UEFA a) not fuelled the sale of black market tickets by allocating a silly number of tickets to UEFA 'partners' there would have been less of a problem, and b) implemented the system used at last years world cup and the euros in 04 where you had to put your ticket through a machine that i) verified it as being genuine and ii) verified that you were the rightful owner of that ticket.

This would hav ecomprehensively knocked down the problems that occcurred flat on their face.

You can't excuse the minority who reacted angrily, but you can empathise with their reaction given that people with genuine tickets were refused entry - a problem that would not existed had UEFA implemented proper ticketing procedures that are used at every other major footballing event.

That cannot be disputed.  However regardless of what systems were in place there still would of been those who 1. would of tried to get in for free. 2.  Robbed those woth genuine tickets.  Nothing UEFA would of done would of stopped the scumbags causing trouble.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:45 pm
by luvliverpool
Pratini can fook off!!! I am sooooo ragin now!!! Yes fans with illegal tickets got into the game and some with genuine tickets did not! But if I went to Athens with a legit ticket for a CL Final and got refused entry, I would be wrecking the City!! (And I am not a violent person)

If UEFA could organise and run an event like the CL Final then there would be no trouble, or atleast limited to 1 or 2 drunken bums!!!!

They are a bunch o kunts that are ran by a frog legged loving bazza!!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:20 pm
by account deleted by request
BERNE, Switzerland (Reuters) - Premier League side Liverpool's supporters have been branded the most troublesome in Europe, according to a report compiled from international police statistics.

UEFA said on Monday it would be handing the study to sports minister Richard Caborn during a meeting in Brussels on Tuesday.

"There have been over 25 incidents involving Liverpool supporters since 2003, some of them small, some more worrisome," UEFA spokesman William Gaillard told Reuters.

Gaillard insisted though that UEFA were not labelling Liverpool as Europe's worst club, since the statistic did not take into account the severity of the incidents.

While European football has been rocked by fatal cases of hooliganism this season involving French and Italian fans, Gaillard said the problems with Liverpool often involved supporters trying to enter stadiums without tickets.

"We cannot compare apples and oranges," Gaillard said.

"The problems with Liverpool have not been big enough to earn the club any sanctions from UEFA which means we are probably talking about a few small groups causing trouble outside of the stadiums.

"This is not about saying that Liverpool are the worst club. But we received this police report and thought it was a relevant time to pass on our concerns to the sports minister."

And now the backtracking begins, AFTER making sure we are labelled the worst fans in Europe, they now start to re- think their slurs.

Brave Sir William ran away.
Bravely ran away, away!
When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir William turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Sir William!

He is packing it in and packing it up
And sneaking away and buggering up
And chickening out and :censored: off home,
Yes, bravely he is throwing in the sponge...

Ripped from Rawk

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:49 pm
by LFC2007
puroresu wrote:there still would of been those who 1. would of tried to get in for free. 2.  Robbed those woth genuine tickets.  Nothing UEFA would of done would of stopped the scumbags causing trouble.

1) Maybe if UEFA had implemented the ticketing system that has been used before, the criminals who stole tickets from fellow fans may have had less of an incentive to do so given that they would not be allowed into the ground in any case.

2) There were no proper turnstlies, the fencing was shambolic, and steward/police organisation to match. Would fans try to get in for free say if the game had been played at Old Trafford?

No, because they have turnstiles, not an antiquated system like they had in Athens.

The bottom line as I said, is had UEFA planned and foreseen the problems that were going to happen with effective stewarding, good fencing, a highly effective ticketing system then these things, in all likelihood would never have happened - certainly not to the extent that they did.