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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:30 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
Hope that ... this just a rumor ...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:31 pm
by A.B.
Personally I don't want Coloccinni here, he can't break into a Deportivo 11 and any player who is responsible for conceding 2 goals after comming on [against England] should be questioned about their ability

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:37 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
Personally I don't want Coloccinni here, he can't break into a Deportivo 11 and any player who is responsible for conceding 2 goals after comming on [against England] should be questioned about their ability

Me too.But maybe we have no choice ...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:38 pm
by A.B.
How do we not have a choice when there are 4-5 CB's on our list, Agger being one of them theres 3-4 left. How is that not having a choice, we obviously have a couple of choices.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:41 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
How do we not have a choice when there are 4-5 CB's on our list, Agger being one of them theres 3-4 left. How is that not having a choice, we obviously have a couple of choices.

Maybe the other choice are Upson, King and C Riggort.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:42 pm
by A.B.
:laugh: Upson? That would only make us more prone to making mistakes, one of the worst CB's in England.

Riggot is staying at Boro, he's signed a new contract. And King? Why would Tottenham complent selling King? If we don't want to pay 6.5 for Agger, then why would we pay what could be a figure in double digits for King?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:46 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
Upson? That would only make us more prone to making mistakes, one of the worst CB's in England.Riggot is staying at Boro, he's signed a new contract. And King? Why would Tottenham complent selling King? If we don't want to pay 6.5 for Agger, then why would we pay what could be a figure in double digits for King?

Who do you have in mind ??

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:11 pm
by karnevale (dk)
From a Brondby point of view I have to say that I think it's tactics - but I'm SO nervous about this.

As A.B. said, 6.5 is pushing it and it wont be the price.

I think the chairman, Bjerregaard, is playing a dangerous game. There have been some rumors that in the 5.5m£-offer Liverpool has made, some (a large part) of it is not real cash, but a friendly between the two, a bonus when Aggers reach (X) matches and mainly, a part of a possible transfer if Agger is being sold from Liverpool.

However Brondby has burned it's fingers on this kind of deal before and probably Bjerregaard wants to secure that Liverpool are not going to make the price go the other way. In other words: I think 5.5 is enough, but it has to be in nice cold cash.

Bjerregaard is playing poker and I fear he is going to lose. No one would pay 6.5-7m£ for Agger - not because he isen't worth it, but because he has only played in the bulls*** Danish league - and Bjerregaard knows this.

I can only agree with A.B. and say that I don't see any other premiership club are going to take Agger. But if it is correct that he have 2 years left of his contract, perhaps Bjerregaard thinks he has all the time in the world.

In short: I really hope you'll get him for 5.5, but I'm not sure.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:25 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
In short: I really hope you'll get him for 5.5, but I'm not sure.

Everybody who loves LIverpool hope that he will sign this week ...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:35 pm
by stmichael
What is the 'right price' though? The fact is, nobody knows. If a player is successful I don't think anyone cares about the price. Man United paid £19M for Nistellroy and £27M for Rooney - were they the 'right price'? We paid £5M for Diao - and £7M for Crouch. Was that the right price?

Its better to pay £2m more for a quality player than refuse to pay it, and go for someone less. FFS we refused to pay just 500K extra for a big talent like Theo Walcott, even though I think it would be good for him to stay at Southampton for now.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:38 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
What is the 'right price' though? The fact is, nobody knows. If a player is successful I don't think anyone cares about the price. Man United paid £19M for Nistellroy and £27M for Rooney - were they the 'right price'? We paid £5M for Diao - and £7M for Crouch. Was that the right price? Its better to pay £2m more for a quality player than refuse to pay it, and go for someone less. FFS we refused to pay just 500K extra for a big talent like Theo Walcott, even though I think it would be good for him to stay at Southampton for now.

But that's is not Rafa style ...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:40 pm
by karnevale (dk)
Today Agger said to reporters: "I can't tell you anything, but I know what is going to happen".

Okay, there you have it. A move is on it's way.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:29 pm
by A.B.
Keep us updated on the situation mate, [welcome by the way, enjoy the site.]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:30 pm
by A.B.
Btw, there's a rumour around going that Agger is gay,wtf?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:51 pm
by karnevale (dk)
He he. I don't no where you picked that up, but maybe, who knows. He is a very quiet lad. Very likable, but also a guy who keeps his personal life very personal. I would say that his style doesn't indicate him being gay, meaning that he surdenly is not the first one to pick up fashion trends.

But you must have some good sources, because that gay-rumor is not one I've heard before. But then again, maybe. As I said, he is just a good kid.

In addition to what I told you earlier, the Brondby coach, Michael Laudrup, has via the press demanded money to buy a new star-CB (in Danish standards) if he (Laudrup) is going to stay with the club. He told the press that Agger is going to leave ("only a question of how much and when"). The "when" is most likely a matter of days, not weeks or months.