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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:06 am
by LFC #1
The Canadian Red Army wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:It's true what  LFC#1 says.
I cannot support Fatty/Rooney/Ferdinand/Cole, etc just because they play for England.
At the end of the day, the people who hate Man U, etc, players when they play for their club side, but love them when they don the white of England are hypocrites.

The fact that it's the fans who pay their team's wages also contributes in my book.
If it were England fans in general who paid the wages, then it'd be a different kettle of fish.

you can still support england without supporting the likes of rio and lampard.

It's hard though isn't it. Cos if Rooney scores the winner, then you are cheering for a guy that you want to be shot every other week.

You can't really support a team properly if you dislike half the players.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:24 am
by The Canadian Red Army
LFC #1 wrote:
The Canadian Red Army wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:It's true what  LFC#1 says.
I cannot support Fatty/Rooney/Ferdinand/Cole, etc just because they play for England.
At the end of the day, the people who hate Man U, etc, players when they play for their club side, but love them when they don the white of England are hypocrites.

The fact that it's the fans who pay their team's wages also contributes in my book.
If it were England fans in general who paid the wages, then it'd be a different kettle of fish.

you can still support england without supporting the likes of rio and lampard.

It's hard though isn't it. Cos if Rooney scores the winner, then you are cheering for a guy that you want to be shot every other week.

You can't really support a team properly if you dislike half the players.

you couldnt put your differences aside for one game, to cheer on your country into the semis?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:19 am
by Lando_Griffin
No. I cheer the fact England have scored, not the fact that it may be Spoony or Frank "Fat Basteria Frequenter" Lampard who scored it.
To paraphrase LFC#1 - "It's hard to support a team half of which you'd like to shoot."

I'd say that theres no more than 5 or 6 England players I like, excluding LFC players ofcourse!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:38 am
by LFC #1
The Canadian Red Army wrote:
LFC #1 wrote:
The Canadian Red Army wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:It's true what  LFC#1 says.
I cannot support Fatty/Rooney/Ferdinand/Cole, etc just because they play for England.
At the end of the day, the people who hate Man U, etc, players when they play for their club side, but love them when they don the white of England are hypocrites.

The fact that it's the fans who pay their team's wages also contributes in my book.
If it were England fans in general who paid the wages, then it'd be a different kettle of fish.

you can still support england without supporting the likes of rio and lampard.

It's hard though isn't it. Cos if Rooney scores the winner, then you are cheering for a guy that you want to be shot every other week.

You can't really support a team properly if you dislike half the players.

you couldnt put your differences aside for one game, to cheer on your country into the semis?

you probably could, but you wouldn't care half as much as when Liverpool were playing in a European/FA/Carling cup semi-final.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:29 pm
by Ace Ventura
I actually dont agree with most of you, but can see where your coming from about LFC coming first.
But if England are playing in a major tournament, i love it and am right behind all the players, whether its G@ry N@ville or Fat Frank.
I know most LFC fans are not as bothered about England, and i wouldn't be a@sed going the game due to the songs they sing and the leery cockneys that dominate the support.
I think alot of the problems with recent support is down to Sven, we are p@ssed off with meaningless friendlies that replace LFC matches on a Saturday that he uses 20 odd players and we lose to sh@te.
But the minute the world cup starts i will be back right behind the players and partying for the duration we are in it....also believing that we can win it.
It may sound stupid when we have got a tactically inept swede in charge...but i think we can do well if the draw isn't too unkind.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:44 pm
by 115-1073096938
For England to win that tournement with the best set of players they're probably likely to ever have, Sven would need to sacked or the other teams would simply have to "not want it".

Theres players out there that should without question, be making every squad but don't because certain people don't have a clue.

Also the manager is a complete joke and brings absoloutely nothing to the table at all.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:36 am
by Ace Ventura
stu_the_red wrote:For England to win that tournement with the best set of players they're probably likely to ever have, Sven would need to sacked or the other teams would simply have to "not want it".

Theres players out there that should without question, be making every squad but don't because certain people don't have a clue.

Also the manager is a complete joke and brings absoloutely nothing to the table at all.

I agree that Sven has not got a clue, tactically he is sh@te, he cant motivate either and his use of substitutions is shocking.
But i would play almost the same team.
What players should be in the squad that never are.
Parker is the only obvious one to me.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:57 pm
by 115-1073096938
Holding midfielder Ledley King?

Don't make laugh. As good a player as he is he's not a centre mid, do that against a good side and you'll come unstuck.

Parker or even Carrick (who i don't think is brilliant but is a good player) should be in there.

The team balence is incorrect with Lampard in the centre, yet he refuses to find another alternative to him. Parker for me is a better player than Lampard or is at least as good, due to Franks reputation though, he keeps his place. Gerrard and Lampard will not give you the right balance.

He then has Dean Ashton, who is the typical old style centre forward, he's got good skill, decent pace, very strong, superb in the air, very intelligent with his passing and build up play and knows where the net is. Yet he continues to look at the likes or Crouch and Heskey, while both players have decent ability, neither are what you would call top quality.

He has Darren Bent and Defoe who never seem to get anywhere near the team despite showing masses of potential and ability.

He lets Beckham drift all over the show which helps lose the balence. The problem is, now people believe Beckham isn't the player he was, he's still a class act, just used wrongly. His crossing and passing are still second to none and he's still probably one of the best right sided (not central) midfield players in world football.

You then have the left side. He's tried the world and his wife there. Yet he won't give Gareth Barry a go. Who is easily the best player at Villa and easily one of the most consistent players in the country. Very much like Finnan in that he's solid rather than spectacular but he knows how to defend, can deliever a cross, add width and generally knows how to play left midfield and left back. A good player who's never had a look in down to Svens cluelessness.

Jermaine Pennant. Again, a quality player with alot in his locker, better than Wright-Phillips alround and doesn't get a look in. Sven might tell you its down to discipline, yet i know the fact is its because he hasn't got a clue. :)

Lee Bowyer is another one who should be in and around the squad, i can however understand him not being picked.

Stewart Downing and even Steven Warnock should be in and around the squad. Yet he doesn't bat an eyelid in there direction without a shove. Danny Murphy could be in and around the squad, Kirkland, Robinson and Green should be the goalkeepers, yet he keeps picking James...

The mans clueless, i won't even go into his tactical play....

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:04 pm
by Lando_Griffin
Yep. I agree with virtually all that last post Stu.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:05 pm
by stmichael
stu_the_red wrote:He has Marcus Bent and Defoe who never seem to get anywhere near the team despite showing masses of potential and ability.

nearly fell off my seat there stu.

i presume you mean darren bent? please tell me you do. :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:05 pm
by Judge
Lando_Griffin wrote:Yep. I agree with virtually all that last post Stu.

you must be ill lando  :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:47 pm
by xd3vilx
i am sure Sven will not get fired...
Reason: it is too costly...with so many year contract left...firing him mean giving tons of money without needing him to do anything...if i am Sven...i would take the $$$ and look for a new club...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:33 pm
by 115-1073096938
stmichael wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:He has Marcus Bent and Defoe who never seem to get anywhere near the team despite showing masses of potential and ability.

nearly fell off my seat there stu.

i presume you mean darren bent? please tell me you do. :D

No i meant the lad from Everton :blush:

I dunno why i keep getting them mixed up. (yes i meant Darren).

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 3:27 am
by Lando_Griffin
Judge wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Yep. I agree with virtually all that last post Stu.

you must be ill lando  :D

I am feeling a little queasy!!!!  :p

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:03 am
by Ace Ventura
stu_the_red wrote:Holding midfielder Ledley King?

Don't make laugh. As good a player as he is he's not a centre mid, do that against a good side and you'll come unstuck.

Parker or even Carrick (who i don't think is brilliant but is a good player) should be in there.

The team balence is incorrect with Lampard in the centre, yet he refuses to find another alternative to him. Parker for me is a better player than Lampard or is at least as good, due to Franks reputation though, he keeps his place. Gerrard and Lampard will not give you the right balance.

He then has Dean Ashton, who is the typical old style centre forward, he's got good skill, decent pace, very strong, superb in the air, very intelligent with his passing and build up play and knows where the net is. Yet he continues to look at the likes or Crouch and Heskey, while both players have decent ability, neither are what you would call top quality.

He has Darren Bent and Defoe who never seem to get anywhere near the team despite showing masses of potential and ability.

He lets Beckham drift all over the show which helps lose the balence. The problem is, now people believe Beckham isn't the player he was, he's still a class act, just used wrongly. His crossing and passing are still second to none and he's still probably one of the best right sided (not central) midfield players in world football.

You then have the left side. He's tried the world and his wife there. Yet he won't give Gareth Barry a go. Who is easily the best player at Villa and easily one of the most consistent players in the country. Very much like Finnan in that he's solid rather than spectacular but he knows how to defend, can deliever a cross, add width and generally knows how to play left midfield and left back. A good player who's never had a look in down to Svens cluelessness.

Jermaine Pennant. Again, a quality player with alot in his locker, better than Wright-Phillips alround and doesn't get a look in. Sven might tell you its down to discipline, yet i know the fact is its because he hasn't got a clue. :)

Lee Bowyer is another one who should be in and around the squad, i can however understand him not being picked.

Stewart Downing and even Steven Warnock should be in and around the squad. Yet he doesn't bat an eyelid in there direction without a shove. Danny Murphy could be in and around the squad, Kirkland, Robinson and Green should be the goalkeepers, yet he keeps picking James...

The mans clueless, i won't even go into his tactical play....

Some good points and some i dont agree with.
It has always puzzled me how Gareth Barry doesn't get in at least the squad (especially as Sven seems to favour picking versatile players.
Comparing Parker and Lampard is an awkward one, Parker hasn't played at the same level of competition as Lampard (maybe 1 game in champs league)before he got injured.
I think there should be room for both in the England set up...and possibly the side with Parker in the holding role, Stevie G Lampard and Beckham ahead of him.
I dont like Lampard at all as a person...he is so smug and arrogant but i dont think anyone could argue with his record for england or in the champions league.
The Pennant issue, comparing him with SWP, now i like Pennant and think he is a more skillfull player than SWP but i dont think he will score as many goals from a wide position and if you think his discipline is nothing to do with it then i totally disagree.
If sven has the option between the two, as back-up to Beckham then i know who i would pick.
Downing was in the squads before his injury and Warnock when he was starting regulaly for LFC.
This reply is in no means a defence of Sven just an observation and my opinion, i agree Sven is tactically inept and the big players have got far too much say in what goes on.