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PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:50 pm
by maximus
bigmick wrote:
maximus wrote:Just out of interest where did you sit in Istanbul, because I do not remember seeing a great big bell end situated amongst the Liverpool supporters, that is of if you did actually go, like you so proudly said at the time ???

:D I don't get involved as a rule in the spats myself but do occasionally enjoy reading 'em. This is precisely the reason why, because mixed in with all the other nonsense and name-calling, you get a piece of probably unintentional comic genius. I mean no disrespect whatsoever to Judge or anybody else involved in this disagreement but this line killed me. It must be my purile sense of humour but I'm still laughing now thinking about it.
Playground humour at it's absolute finest. Thankyou.  :D 

My pleasure mate  :D

Big Mick for moderator !!  :buttrock

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:00 pm
by Ciggy
bigmick wrote:
maximus wrote:Just out of interest where did you sit in Istanbul, because I do not remember seeing a great big bell end situated amongst the Liverpool supporters, that is of if you did actually go, like you so proudly said at the time ???

:D I don't get involved as a rule in the spats myself but do occasionally enjoy reading 'em. This is precisely the reason why, because mixed in with all the other nonsense and name-calling, you get a piece of probably unintentional comic genius. I mean no disrespect whatsoever to Judge or anybody else involved in this disagreement but this line killed me. It must be my purile sense of humour but I'm still laughing now thinking about it.
Playground humour at it's absolute finest. Thankyou.  :D  :D

Any good with Photoshop Mick?  :D

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:13 pm
kewell is class i've said it before rafa thinks so and when fit he wil give us great options. The return of the wing wizard of oz:D

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:24 pm
by Judge
bigmick wrote:
maximus wrote:Just out of interest where did you sit in Istanbul, because I do not remember seeing a great big bell end situated amongst the Liverpool supporters, that is of if you did actually go, like you so proudly said at the time ???

I don't get involved as a rule in the spats myself but do occasionally enjoy reading 'em. This is precisely the reason why, because mixed in with all the other nonsense and name-calling, you get a piece of probably unintentional comic genius. I mean no disrespect whatsoever to Judge or anybody else involved in this disagreement but this line killed me. It must be my purile sense of humour but I'm still laughing now thinking about it.
Playground humour at it's absolute finest. Thankyou. 

i was sat behind a bucket of fish that resembled the cu'nt max  :p aye playground humour, thats max's level, but it was funny

mick for mod
max for headroom (do you remember max headroom)

anyway enough of this childish banter  :D

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:33 pm
by *R*E*D*S*
anyone know if he'll be making an appearence in tomorrows game??

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:32 pm
by tubby
Call me crazy and rip me as much as you want to but i dont think its Harrys fault. The friggin Australian team are always pushing him back on the pitch before hes fully healed. They rely on him way too much and obviously when your country comes calling your gonna give it a go. Its ok, as soon as they go out to Uraguy Harry can start putting in the form he made his name know for.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:40 pm
by redskye
If he is still a month away from playing what is he doing with the Aussie squad - surely he should be with his club working on getting back as soon as? I am sure I read last week he may play this month - was I wrong?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:42 pm
by redskye
If he is still a month away from playing what is he doing with the Aussie squad - surely he should be with his club working on getting back as soon as? I am sure I read last week he may play this month - was I wrong?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:59 am
by Espionage
wasnt the game played at Old Trafford?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:03 am
by darwisigila
sooner or later he will play and hope he play like he did at leeds or rafa should get rid of him, sell him to jamaica.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:49 am
by red21
bavlondon wrote:Call me crazy and rip me as much as you want to but i dont think its Harrys fault. The friggin Australian team are always pushing him back on the pitch before hes fully healed. They rely on him way too much and obviously when your country comes calling your gonna give it a go. Its ok, as soon as they go out to Uraguy Harry can start putting in the form he made his name know for.

Harry played his first A international game in  April 1996. Since then there has been 90 games of which he has played just 16. You have no :censored: idea so STFU

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 9:35 am
by bigmick
red21 wrote:Harry played his first A international game in  April 1996. Since then there has been 90 games of which he has played just 16. You have no :censored: idea so STFU

What you mean is, "Nah mate you are well wide of the mark there. Despite commonly held misconceptions, Harry has only played in 16 of 90 Internationals played since his debut. It's probably borne out of frustration at Kewells seemingly constant injury woes, but to bark up the tree of International football as the cause is just plain wrong mate, sorry."

There, it's nice to be nice. BTW I'm surprised by your stat because I was one of the clueless feckers who blamed his injuries in part on Internationals also. Oh well, I also stand corrected. Just as an aside, my rule is never say something to a bloke on the internet that you wouldn't be prepared to say to him if you were stood next to him in a Town Centre circuit pub.    :;):

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 9:51 am
by kazza
bigmick wrote:my rule is never say something to a bloke on the internet that you wouldn't be prepared to say to him if you were stood next to him in a Town Centre circuit pub.    :;):

especially when his name begins with the word "Big" eh Mick?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:18 am
by bigmick
kazza wrote:
bigmick wrote:my rule is never say something to a bloke on the internet that you wouldn't be prepared to say to him if you were stood next to him in a Town Centre circuit pub.    :;):

especially when his name begins with the word "Big" eh Mick?

The BIG in bigmick is actually after a bouncer that used to work at the Pub though Kaz. He was an absolute monster so  he was bigmick and I was, well just Mick   :( . Anyways when I first logged on, most stuff on the internet that needed a password wouldn't take Mick or Micky or anything like that so I started using bigmick. In the last couple of years I think I've tried my best to live upto it as the old beer belly has helped in the weight going up to 15 1/2 stone, but as I'm only 6 feet tall I don't really qualify. The missus will confirm that what you see is what you get and it's fair to say that I don't measure up in any way shape or form TBH    :D
So in a nutshell, allcomers should feel free to give me as much sh!te as they wish, I ain't that big. Rule about circuit bars still holds true though    :;):

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:51 am
by kazza
bigmick wrote:
kazza wrote:
bigmick wrote:my rule is never say something to a bloke on the internet that you wouldn't be prepared to say to him if you were stood next to him in a Town Centre circuit pub.    :;):

especially when his name begins with the word "Big" eh Mick?

The BIG in bigmick is actually after a bouncer that used to work at the Pub though Kaz. He was an absolute monster so  he was bigmick and I was, well just Mick   :( . Anyways when I first logged on, most stuff on the internet that needed a password wouldn't take Mick or Micky or anything like that so I started using bigmick. In the last couple of years I think I've tried my best to live upto it as the old beer belly has helped in the weight going up to 15 1/2 stone, but as I'm only 6 feet tall I don't really qualify. The missus will confirm that what you see is what you get and it's fair to say that I don't measure up in any way shape or form TBH    :D
So in a nutshell, allcomers should feel free to give me as much sh!te as they wish, I ain't that big. Rule about circuit bars still holds true though    :;):


Don't you worry about it Mick because afterall it's not the size of the wave, it's the motion of the ocean.