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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:14 am
by Fo Dne
LegBarnes wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:7 - Reina - Some good saves.

5 - Arbeloa - Poor passing, poor movement but wasn't troubled defensively.

6 - Carragher - Poor distribution but untroubled.

6 - Turtle (can't spell his name) solid but ball watched once or twice.

7 - Aurelio - Decent on the ball and done well on the left on his own.

3 - Kuyt - Scored the winner but was a disgrace. Absolotuely awful.

7 - Alonso - MOM never gave it away, played some excellent passes, read the game, best player.

7 - Gerrard - Helped Xabi boss the game, tried, tackled and done well, good balance with Xabi.

4 - Bennayoun - Poor, can do alot better.

5 - Keane - Worked hard... too hard. RELAX!

6 - Torres - Not at his best, needs to sharpen up.


2 - Babel - Supplied the cross, he owed that to us for the :censored: he served before... Is the biggest :censored: house and waster ever. Rubbish rubbish rubbish performance by a :censored: player who is a disgrace to the shirt.

7 - El Zhar - Looked lively, offered more than Kuyt, Babel and Bennayoun. Played good passes and looked lively.

Disgracefull from the wide players with the exception of Aurelio.

You clearly know all about football 2 outa 10 for babel LMAO.

You are some thing else CLASSIC>  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Had he not delivered a half decent cross he'd have got a -1. His contribution was a disgrace, his lack of effort was a disgrace and the fact he didn't even look interested in going up for a header when the game was at 0-0 in the second half and just let the defender jump on his own made me feel physically sick.

He's getting paid £50,000 a week and he can't even be arsed to challenge for one :censored: header all game.

I hope he breaks both of his :censored: legs the misely :censored:. Complete and utter waster with zero talent.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:46 am
by 112-1077774096
LegBarnes wrote:
peewee wrote:
LegBarnes wrote:All you fu.cks slaging dirk off eat ya words and my man babel with cross.

Some of you make me sick.  :no

yeah cos kuyt is world class now based on kneeing one in from 4 yards


FU.CK OFF like to see your fat :censored: do it

Go surport manc's if you enjoy nice football this is liverpool remember we aint played nice football since 1990.

w@nker, so you openly admit that we play bad football while criticising me for highlighting it

can anyone work out this hypocrisy as i cant


PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:49 am
by 112-1077774096
LegBarnes wrote:OK just remember guys we have had one of worst pre seasons i can remember.

Gerrard had injury and missed game here and there.

Havent had masch or babel or lucas around much untill now.

all spanish wasn't about till last friendly or was it 2ns from last.

Also player we brought in are still learning how our team plays.

On top of that rafa has been fooked over in transfer market.

Owners havent helped.

More take over talk.

Rafas fall out in press about leaving.

Any more i can't remeber but all this will slow us down some what.

These for me these 3 games have been form games and we still getting our together.

We will click but we need few more games yet.

Tbh you haters just can't get through 2 weeks of bringing your real life to these forums sorry you lifes suck but don't depress the rest of us with your negitive comments.

Cos frankly I don't want to hear it and i am sure alot of others don't as well.

Do us and your team a favor and get behind them for once when they are not doing well and be a real suporter cos i am sick of this.

Rant over.  :D

more tedious excuses, whatever next?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:06 am
by DLS
we were taught a football lesson AGAIN tonight.

Reina - proved again why he's the world's best.
Arbeloa - did alright.
Skrtel - pretty much faultless.
Carra - usual solid self.
Aurelio - :censored: as soon as he crossed the half way line, nothing new.
Kuyt - :censored: awful, then scores the vital goal and all of a sudden he's a world beater? not for me, isn't good enough PERIOD.
Gerrard - smashed every ball to the recieving player. very poor performance tonight.
Alonso - why oh why didn't we sell him?
Benayoun - :censored: awful. absoloutely useless. the way he's playing he could try and pass a plate of chips to his mam and end up giving them to next door.
Torres - non existant. very poor performance.
Keane - 20 million? no justification whatsoever.
Babel - couldn't control a bag of cement. one decent cross, but was an improvement on Benayoun.
El Zhar - man of the match. blatant pen turned down and we finally had someone with quality down the right wing.
Plessis - did nothing wrong when he came on.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:58 am
by hello_red
We are through.

End of surely!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:55 am
by Emerald Red
Just read the last few post on this page. Some serious shyte being spewed as usual.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:59 am
by 112-1077774096
truth hurts eh?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:46 am
by Bretc
We were absolute rubbish throughout the game. Our luck will run out soon and when that time comes with us still playing like idiots, making schoolboy errors everywhere, we'll be slaughtered. And it won't even take the likes of ManU, Chelski or Arsenal to do that. Mid-table teams like Villa, Blackburn etc will murder us easily.

It's time for Rafa to change things round. It's obvious whatever formation and personnel he's playing now is simply not working at all. Keane shld play in a deeper role like what he did at Spurs. At the moment, he's always staying up front with Torres which negates his qualities. And our wide players, Benayoun and Kuyt are clueless in their link up play. Kuyt is too slow. Arbeloa is like a headless chicken. Alonso is struggling to regain his best form. I can't stand the way we're playing at the moment. It's time for Rafa and the players to shape up or ship out!!! Enough of the rubbish football.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:53 am
by maguskwt
Fo Dne wrote:7 - Alonso - MOM never gave it away, played some excellent passes, read the game, best player.

at last someone in agreement with me on alonso's performance... he was clearly our best outfield player... I would give gerrard 5 1/2 (wasn't fit and it showed and we now find out now why) and kuyt 4 though... he did score the crucial goal...

p.s agree with  babel's performance... he is a very one dimensional player... don't know what some people see in him... either play him as a striker or as one of 3 forwards... can't really see him as a winger... was a good cross though and it was with his right foot...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:13 am
by Rafa D
Having went the game last night - from where I was sitting, Gerrard had a fucking stinker. Fluffed 3 or 4 chances around the edge of the area, made some shocking passes, and was generally outmuscled in midfield by two very good centre mids for Standard.

In no way, shape or form, did he boss that midfield.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:28 am
by Emerald Red
peewee wrote:truth hurts eh?

Don't give me that bollox. We were poor, aye; but the constant droning and negativity consistently directed at this team is starting to get on my f*cking tits on this forum lately. Either support the side, or just f*ck off and support someone else. Simple as that. In a while when we're having a good spell, players will all of a sudden become legends. You can't have it both ways. Faith is one-dimensional. That's it!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:56 am
by NiftyNeil
100% league record, only 1 goal conceded in 4 competitive games and we've not started playing well yet. It's not a bad place to be is it?

Last night's game, while not being a vintage performance, was in no means as diabolical as the first leg. Our main problem is the flanks, and we're over relying on the fullbacks to give us width - which leaves us vulnerable at the back. We're missing the energy of Masch in the midfield too which isn't helping matters. What's plain to see is that it just ain't working with Bennayoun on the left and Kuyt on the right. The pair of them are like loose cannons, constantly abandoning their positions, and quite often ending up on the same area of the pitch.
There's been some debate about what formation to play, and we all our opinions. I think we can all decide that it's certainly not what we witnessed at time last night with four at the back, two central midfielders and two up front and Kuyt and Bennayoun dithering about too close to the strikers. Rafa needs to drill some discipline into his players and stop them going walkabout.
I thought the fullbacks looked decent when going forward last night, but Arbeloa still looks dodgy in defence. He was dragged out of position at times leaving us vulnerable down the right. He also (on a few occasions) committed the worst crime a fullback can commit by charging up field and losing the ball, once again leaving us open down the right.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:12 am
OK. I just returned from vacation... what did I miss? :laugh:

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:16 am
by skatesy
Emerald Red wrote:Just read the last few post on this page. Some serious shyte being spewed as usual.

That's is because it was a seriously shyte performance.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:23 am
by Emerald Red
skatesy wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:Just read the last few post on this page. Some serious shyte being spewed as usual.

That's is because it was a seriously shyte performance.

Yes. No doubt. I was furious at it. But that's not what I was getting at.