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PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:10 am
by Rush Job
s@int wrote:
heimdall wrote:
Rush Job wrote:
heimdall wrote:I missed the match yesterday but saw it on my Sky +, It was so :censored: boring that in the end I watched it at X2 speed and there were very few times that I switched it to normal speed!
Everyone knows my position on Rafa, I don't like him and I haven't for a long time but I was willing to give him a chance but his signings including assistants etc has been a complete joke this transfer season. We now have have Sammy Lee who proved to the world that he has zero football knowledge at Bolton and is a total yes man to Rafa and we have 2 defenders who are :censored:, did Dossena successfully complete any passes?
Also what the hell is the deal with playing strikers as wingers, that kind of cr8p might work on Fifa 2009 but not in the real world.
Why the hell pay £20 million for a striker and put him on the wing, and then when you have to replace Torres you replace him with Ngog instead of bringing on Babel and moving Keane to the striker position, where is the genius in that? again can I have a happy clapper explain it to me because I'm baffled.
My major criticism though is that almost every Liverpool game I see these days is such sh1t quality that it bores me too tears and I am genuinely worried that Manure are going to tear us a new one next weekend and humiliate us again!

I think it is probably too soon to replace Rafa but I expect this is a new season down the drain, and yes I know we are joint top but if we play this way then we won't remain there for long!

Thanks for the contribution.
Whats this place going to be like when we lose.

To be honest with you I felt like we did loose. My contribution is just as valid as any rose tinted happy clapper, and I could say that same about he way you guys go over the top every time we beat a team of the calibre of Standard Liege  :D

I can't say I have ever thought of Rush Job being a "happy clapper" Heimdall, I think he is a positive poster but realistic more than happy clapper. Although I suppose from your "doom and gloom" position anyone not ringing a bell and shouting bring out your dead is " happy clapper"

Thanks S@int, ive never seen my self as one either. TBH if this place wasnt so negative at times i might be a little less possitive but when i see everyone and his dog having a go someones got to try and give the other side if you know what i mean, raise the spirits because theres always another game, how ever bad our last was.
But i dont know maybe thats just the spirit of a match goer, thats not to say it makes you more of a fan its just.. I dont know im finding it hard to explain so i`ll leave it there.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:20 am
by Rush Job
s@int wrote:Although I suppose from your "doom and gloom" position anyone not ringing a bell and shouting bring out your dead is " happy clapper"

Missed that the first time, fook me s@int youve been on form lately mate.
And to think some have a go at such one liners.

"But he`s not dead"
"He`s almost dead, cant you just take him"
"I feel happy, so very happy"
"shut it you"

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:22 am
by Rush Job
" This boards for proper posts buy proper people, we`ll have no oneliners here"
Eh tubbs.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:29 am
by Owzat
s@int wrote:I think Rafa should be given the rest of the season, a strong title challenge combined with a good CL run should be enough to earn him another season. Fourth place with no challenge and no cup and I would be looking for a replacement.

Assessing his use of the transfer market this summer would certainly have added to the doubts, depending on where you place most of the blame.

But how do you measure a "Strong title challenge" ? To win the league we need to win 27 games, we need to improve on last season and so far we've dropped two points on what we managed in the same games last season (won against Sunderland and villa away, scraped past boro at home)

If you'd told me in 07/08 that our biggest signing (in terms of spending) of 08/09 would be Robbie Keane then I think I'd have called you insane. So you're right in terms of the transfer dealings, two full backs, a CF who couldn't score for PSG and a striker in his late 20s for £20.3m. Looked good on paper, but I'm sure I've already said I'm not convinced by those signings even on paper as making up the 11 point deficit. In THEORY Keane's goals would add the extra points, but it doesn't work like that. We need increased creativity and I can't see that coming from the FBs.

So far we've scored four goals in five games, in the first five games of last season we scored TEN - and we'd played Chelsea in those games as well as Sunderland and villa away (coincidentally) Have we improved the side? Probably not as much as some of us had hoped, the strikers are still feeding off scraps, and like it or not, Torres' only goal has come during the 69 mins he's been on the pitch and Keane hasn't. We'd hoped Keane would add goals, in fact we've now got two strikers who between them have managed one goal in 820 mins on the pitch.

I think the owners and board will be much harsher judges of Rafa, this side should be finishing top four every season with the money that has been spent - third most in the league at the moment. I don't want to see another third or fourth place and a decent CL run cloud judgement over his future, he's done that several times and we're still no closer to a title challenge. He needed to sort out the goalscoring problems and still does. We can't rely on Torres and Gerrard to score the goals again, and indeed score more

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:31 am
by Ciggy
Bad Bob wrote:FYI, folks...I've merged the original "Rafa's Last Chance" thread with the "How Long Has He Got?" thread that popped up today.  Unfortunately, I got the merge going in the wrong direction such that the new thread's title has replaced the old one.  Apologies to Saint, who started the original thread.

Couldnt it just have had its own topic, I doubt anyone will want to look back and read all the pages in this topic.

People are moaning there is not many football talk topics but if they keep getting merged thats probably why.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:55 am
by Gerrard30391
Rush Job wrote:
heimdall wrote:I missed the match yesterday but saw it on my Sky +, It was so :censored: boring that in the end I watched it at X2 speed and there were very few times that I switched it to normal speed!
Everyone knows my position on Rafa, I don't like him and I haven't for a long time but I was willing to give him a chance but his signings including assistants etc has been a complete joke this transfer season. We now have have Sammy Lee who proved to the world that he has zero football knowledge at Bolton and is a total yes man to Rafa and we have 2 defenders who are :censored:, did Dossena successfully complete any passes?
Also what the hell is the deal with playing strikers as wingers, that kind of cr8p might work on Fifa 2009 but not in the real world.
Why the hell pay £20 million for a striker and put him on the wing, and then when you have to replace Torres you replace him with Ngog instead of bringing on Babel and moving Keane to the striker position, where is the genius in that? again can I have a happy clapper explain it to me because I'm baffled.
My major criticism though is that almost every Liverpool game I see these days is such sh1t quality that it bores me too tears and I am genuinely worried that Manure are going to tear us a new one next weekend and humiliate us again!

I think it is probably too soon to replace Rafa but I expect this is a new season down the drain, and yes I know we are joint top but if we play this way then we won't remain there for long!

Thanks for the contribution.
Whats this place going to be like when we lose.

The fact is he can see past the "pride goggles" and tell the truth and speak the fact that we've had better performances and had worse starts, it justs worries us when we're playing like that against Sunderland and scraping wins. If we play like that in two weeks, expect a mauling. And that i'm afraid is what's going to happen if something doesn't change over the break.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:57 am
So is it sack Rafa time as we are second in the prem unbeaten after 3 games ? is it all kuyts fault as well ?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:01 am
by Gerrard30391
GYBS wrote:So is it sack Rafa time as we are second in the prem unbeaten after 3 games ? is it all kuyts fault as well ?

But, as i said yesterday, he wouldn't be sacked on three games. He'd be sacked on previous. If thats the case, no manager would be sacked 'til Christmas. What's all this about Kuyt? The guy probably did just as Rafa asked him to. And that's the point!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:16 am
by account deleted by request
Rush Job wrote:
s@int wrote:Although I suppose from your "doom and gloom" position anyone not ringing a bell and shouting bring out your dead is " happy clapper"

Missed that the first time, fook me s@int youve been on form lately mate.
And to think some have a go at such one liners.

"But he`s not dead"
"He`s almost dead, cant you just take him"
"I feel happy, so very happy"
"shut it you"


the full sketch for those that don't recognise it :-

MORTICIAN:  Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
      Bring out your dead!
  CUSTOMER:  Here's one -- nine pence.
  DEAD PERSON:  I'm not dead!
  CUSTOMER:  Nothing -- here's your nine pence.
  DEAD PERSON:  I'm not dead!
  MORTICIAN:  Here -- he says he's not dead!
  CUSTOMER:  Yes, he is.
  DEAD PERSON:  I'm not!
  MORTICIAN:  He isn't.
  CUSTOMER:  Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
  DEAD PERSON:  I'm getting better!
  CUSTOMER:  No, you're not -- you'll be stone dead in a moment.
  MORTICIAN:  Oh, I can't take him like that -- it's against regulations.
  DEAD PERSON:  I don't want to go in the cart!
  CUSTOMER:  Oh, don't be such a baby.
  MORTICIAN:  I can't take him...
  DEAD PERSON:  I feel fine!
  CUSTOMER:  Oh, do us a favor...
  MORTICIAN:  I can't.
  CUSTOMER:  Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes?  He won't
      be long.
  MORTICIAN:  Naaah, I got to go on to Robinson's -- they've lost nine
  CUSTOMER:  Well, when is your next round?
  MORTICIAN:  Thursday.
  DEAD PERSON:  I think I'll go for a walk.
  CUSTOMER:  You're not fooling anyone y'know.  Look, isn't there something you can do?
  DEAD PERSON:  I feel happy... I feel happy.
  CUSTOMER:  Ah, thanks very much.
  MORTICIAN:  Not at all.  See you on Thursday.
  CUSTOMER:  Right.
      [clop clop]
  MORTICIAN:  Who's that then?
  CUSTOMER:  I don't know.
  MORTICIAN:  Must be a king.
  MORTICIAN:  He hasn't got sh!t all over him.

youtube clip

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:24 am
by lakes10
but who would you have as our next manager, I am all for getting rid of him if we dont start playing well in the Prem but there is no good managers out there right now, well none that stand out that i wiuld like them to be our manager.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:49 am
by Gerrard30391
lakes10 wrote:but who would you have as our next manager, I am all for getting rid of him if we dont start playing well in the Prem but there is no good managers out there right now, well none that stand out that i wiuld like them to be our manager.

I'm sure someone can be pulled out of the woodwork!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:30 am
by Gerrard30391
What would be interesting is if DIC took over would there be any change in Rafa? Would they tell him change or the door. Are they more knowledgable about fans desires than the yanks?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:41 am
by LegBarnes
Gerrard30391 wrote:What would be interesting is if DIC took over would there be any change in Rafa? Would they tell him change or the door. Are they more knowledgable about fans desires than the yanks?

He be gone 100%.

They will want a fresh start and i wouldn't blame them loads of top managers (attacking managers) who would love to manage this team.

I would miss him as a person but atm way he sets up team i wouldn't miss him as a manager.

Rafa is top bloke but we have seen his limitations as a attacking coach over last year.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:43 am
by Gerrard30391
LegBarnes wrote:
Gerrard30391 wrote:What would be interesting is if DIC took over would there be any change in Rafa? Would they tell him change or the door. Are they more knowledgable about fans desires than the yanks?

He be gone 100%.

They will want a fresh start and i wouldn't blame them loads of top managers (attacking managers) who would love to manage this team.

I would miss him as a person but atm way he sets up team i wouldn't miss him as a manager.

Rafa is top bloke but we have seen his limitations as a attacking coach over last year.


Some one like Rijkard then?

I agree, the guys a legend, the manager's loosing his ways.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:48 am
by mistyred
To be fair Rijkard is a very good manager and after winning what he did at Barca was very unlucky to be sacked on top of that he team played
some beautiful flowing football.