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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:34 pm
So what makes you so sure of this Breaking News then ? The fact they have already offered him a contract once ? The fact he wants to go so  much that he has asked for more control ?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:38 pm
by Owzat
Rockthekop wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Rockthekop wrote:The contract means nothing, they can sack him anytime.  It just means he'll walk away with a golden handshake.

so our owners and club that is pretty skint are going to give someone a 4-5 year contract on 4 mil a year then 3 months down the line sack him and have to pay out close to 10 mil pound to him ? I know the owners are a bit clueless but they arent that fecking stupid. If there was even a chance they would sack they wouldnt offer him a new contract so if they did sack him in the summer it wouldnt cost them much .

They are clueless and stupid for even considering a contract at this stage.

I can't disagree with that, makes sense. He's not won the league, they may want rid anyway and until such a time as he shows he can win the league then why extend his contract and therefore increase any compensation involved if they do want rid?

I think the odds are against him winning the league, not to say he won't pull it off, but I think he needed to negotiate his contract when in a stronger position and he's not exactly held that strong position since around the end of last year

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:41 pm
by Effes
Rafa's done enough to get a new contract in my eyes

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:42 pm
by Owzat
Effes wrote:Rafa's done enough to get a new contract in my eyes


2005 Champions League Final?
Finishing 3rd?
The run this season that sees us currently second?

ie expand s'il vous plait

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:46 pm
I guess got us closer to man utd and actually challenging for the title at this moment in time - something we havent said for how many years now ?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:49 pm
by Owzat
GYBS wrote:I guess got us closer to man utd and actually challenging for the title at this moment in time - something we havent said for how many years now ?

That said, where have we finished this season? Oh no, wait a minute, we're only just ahead of Chelsea and Aston Villa and the season still has a third of its course to run. We could easily end fourth, I think fifth would require a complete disaster, but the point is the season isn't over - just as much as the medals and trophy aren't on their way to old trafford just yet.

Didn't Houllier finish second once? We may be closer to the mancs than in previous seasons, but only 2/3 of the way through the season.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:52 pm
by millsybeast
Nope. He is a god to me :)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:54 pm
yeah you are spot mate - nothing has been decided yet so we could go either way - realistically for me i can see us ending up second and for me thats a great improvement . Yeah GH finished second one year then just went backwards the year afterwards . If we do finish second or even win the thing then we would have to consolidate and build - for that to happen rafa still needs to be there not a new guy .

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:11 pm
by Rockthekop
If we finish 2nd and over 10pts behind Man Utd, would you consider that an improvement?

Believe me the way we are playing at the minute compared to Man Utd, there is every chance it will end up that way.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:12 pm
by Effes
Owzat wrote:
Effes wrote:Rafa's done enough to get a new contract in my eyes


2005 Champions League Final?
Finishing 3rd?
The run this season that sees us currently second?

ie expand s'il vous plait

I dont think we can solely summarise the team's progress under Rafa by looking at his league positions each season.

I think he is the best tactician in the Champions League - which brings in large amounts of money.

Looking at where we are NOW - I think he's taken us to where we wanted, whcih is to be challenging for the Title.

If this went t!ts up, big time, from now til the end of the season, then maybe a "re-think" would be required.

So in answer, let's just wait til the end of the season. And enjoy the ride of challenging for the Title.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:14 pm
by Ciggy
Rockthekop wrote:If we finish 2nd and over 10pts behind Man Utd, would you consider that an improvement?

If we finish 2nd then it is an improvement ecspecially with the new CL  rules next season, plus we wouldnt have them stupid qualifiers.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:16 pm
Rockthekop wrote:If we finish 2nd and over 10pts behind Man Utd, would you consider that an improvement?

Believe me the way we are playing at the minute compared to Man Utd, there is every chance it will end up that way.

If we have more points than we did last year then yes .

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:24 pm
by heimdall
GYBS wrote:
Rockthekop wrote:If we finish 2nd and over 10pts behind Man Utd, would you consider that an improvement?

Believe me the way we are playing at the minute compared to Man Utd, there is every chance it will end up that way.

If we have more points than we did last year then yes .

Oh wow this is scary, I actually agree with you GYBS  :sniffle  :lookaround

the team's improvement should be based on points instead of position because I think we can all agree that manure, the chavs and Arsenal are all playing worse than last year, not that that takes anything away from us but it does flatter us a bit in terms of position in the league I think.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:27 pm
by Ace Ventura
GYBS wrote:
Rockthekop wrote:The contract means nothing, they can sack him anytime.  It just means he'll walk away with a golden handshake.

so our owners and club that is pretty skint are going to give someone a 4-5 year contract on 4 mil a year then 3 months down the line sack him and have to pay out close to 10 mil pound to him ? I know the owners are a bit clueless but they arent that fecking stupid. If there was even a chance they would sack they wouldnt offer him a new contract so if they did sack him in the summer it wouldnt cost them much .

Isnt that what we/Rafa/the owners have been doing for years with signings ?
The likes of Pennant etc ?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:29 pm
but ending up second is a very good thing for the CL next year