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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:29 pm
by peterc1992
Red Dotty wrote:I am going to make this clear from the start.

This is a personnal feeling and i expect no replies, that already gives food for the comedy posters out there.

I possibly like most on here joined this site due to the fact that, i get to go to about half a dozen league games a season but alot more champ league and carling cup games due to more tickets available. From where i live it is about £100-£120 round trip. So joining this site kept me upto date with current topics involving the club.I like most am more than impressed with "SOME" of our more senior members on there knowledge and inside info on the club.

But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

and all that sort of :censored:

Also if like myself you are passionate about this great club and try to remain upbeat you are labbelled or made to feel that you know feck all about football, to those people who make those sort of remarks and it tends to be made from those more senior members to those with less posts, take your :censored: out from your hand and spend the money getting to the games and vent your passion by cheering on the team.

fecking hell someone even put an article in a thread about selling SG while we can get a good price WTF. Would Chelsea have said that about fat fwank. NO

I am possitive that players and staff of the club pick up on this vibe and that in it's self adds to the pressure, having seen the way the players celebrated when we won at Everton maybe explains that.

So for what it is worth here are my reasons why i am happy with this great club.

1. Two fantastic seasons in the CL
2. A great manager that is wanted around the world
3. Money and finacial backing to really compete with the big guns
4. A great new stadium in prospect
5. Torres
6. The real possibility of winning the holy grail EPL
7. Unbeaten the league
8. Beating Everton away

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

So there long possibly not the most perfect of grammer or spelling but so what stop reading and get along to a game or two



:bowdown  :hearts

I agrre with ya mate,just wait till the end of tyhe season and judge ....i think today will be a turning point in the season and alot of people will change there opinion after today.

All them reasons u outlined are good reasons to be prud of the team at present,I laso think that we will still qualify for the next phase of the champions league,as we were in a similar perdicament 3 years ago!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:37 pm
by Ciggy
peterc1992 wrote:i think today will be a turning point in the season

Are you playing today Peter?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:39 pm
by Toffeehater
u and ur sarcasm lol

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:42 pm
by Red @ Heart
Ciggy wrote:
peterc1992 wrote:i think today will be a turning point in the season

Are you playing today Peter?

thank god you only typed that  :oops:  i seen you were the last to post and thought, holy moly im in for a major tongue lashing thanks ciggy  :D

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:49 pm
by Lando_Griffin
Red Dotty wrote:hell i might declare war on the anti fecking liverpool brigade :D

With you all the way lad.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 pm
by Lando_Griffin
I'm just glad you f*ckers weren't in the trenches back in 1914-18. :no

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:27 pm
by LFC2007
Wilhelmsson wrote:There seems to be a holier than thou attitude from several posters on this forum.


PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:39 pm
by Anfield rapper
Anti Liverpool? ???

You could call some of it anti rafa or anti rotation but i haven't heard any anti liverpool remarks. Oh actually there were a few a while ago from some Besiktas fans, is that who your on about?  :laugh: