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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:43 am
by Eagle
roberto green wrote:
Eagle wrote:Hope we line up like this:


Arbeloa     Carragher     Hobbs     Aurelio

Babel      Mascherano     Leiva       Leto

                    Torres     Voronin



I take it this is a p!ss take team? :no

In a way yes.

All those players baring Carragher and possibly Arbeloa and Mascherano don’t feel like Liverpool players yet. O.K, so I don’t really want that team to start but it shows that a large chunk of our “2 quality players for each position” isn’t really reality yet.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:44 am
by Forever_Red
Hope we line up like this:


Arbeloa     Carragher     Hobbs     Aurelio

Babel      Mascherano     Leiva       Leto

                   Torres     Voronin




PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:59 am
by laerciojunior

Somebody know where can i see the game (chanel TV) ? (I live im Portugal). Sky???

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:05 pm
by europian-kings
finnan  carragherr  hyypia  arbeloa

pennant  gerrard  mashcerano  babel

            torres    voronin

my guess ^

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:11 pm
by woof woof !
s@int wrote:I still think we will win this one comfortably (team selection permitting).

Finnan     Carra              Hyppia     Arbeloa

Pennant     Gerrard      Mascherano     Riise

                    Torres    Kuyt

I'd go with that Saint, but think I'd be tempted to go with Benayoun if we want a bit of guile, Riise is the dependable option.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:19 pm
by JamCar05
Does anyone think we'll see Babel at some point of todays game? He hasn't featured a lot lately, sometimes not even been in the squad at all. I must admit I haven't been that impressed with what I've seen from him, when he has played (bar his great goal against Derby of course), but I would still like to see a bit more of him. Maybe in a bit more advanced role, as he himself has claimed striker is his preferred position. Or is he too much like Torres (only not as great) in being pacey, direct and so forth?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:29 pm
by Rockthekop
This game should be a lot more open which suits us better than having to break down a stubborn `park the bus` Birmingham defence.  I expect a big performance and nothing less than 3pts against a mediocre spurs side.  Torres has to start, this type of game is perfect for him.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:34 pm
by Rockthekop
I think its very unfair to make a judgement on Babel on the basis of a handful of games.  Hes young, its his first season so at least give him a chance.  Personally I dont think hes comfortable in the wide role, he was used to playing as a striker at Ajax and I feel its his natural position.  Whether Rafa sees it that way or not is another thing.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:43 pm
by kunilson
babel will come good......i like the way he just wants to attack the goal and nothing more.

when i said live, i wish i meant at Anfield, but unfortunately ill be looking for a good stream too........just gonna look at one of the streaming sites forum. someone usually puts up a link soon enough.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:45 pm
by JamCar05
I'm not making final judgement on him though, just saying that I haven't really been that impressed with him so far. That isn't to say, that he won't be great for us or anything. Nor that he has been shi'te for that matter. He just hasn't set the world on fire yet, has he? And as I further stated, I would actually like to see more of him, so this isn't any anti-Babel thing at all. I was just wondering about what Rafa thinks of him, and whether he would use him at some point during todays match, that's all.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:54 pm
by murphy0151
Rockthekop wrote:I think its very unfair to make a judgement on Babel on the basis of a handful of games.  Hes young, its his first season so at least give him a chance.  Personally I dont think hes comfortable in the wide role, he was used to playing as a striker at Ajax and I feel its his natural position.  Whether Rafa sees it that way or not is another thing.

Rock top what ever ya name is thats the way fans views our now.  They have no knowledege at all.  Yet we have seen Babel in what, lets say a handfull of games yet people have started to question why we signed him.   

People who have probably never even manged to kick a ball in a straight line question him after x amount of games.  Its wrong all people with any once of knowledge of the game will give the lad at least a season beofre they start to judge him.  I say the lad, and that he is he is only a younbg boy moving to another country, new league, new team mates, new everything. 

I get tired of sayign this now but what was Pires and Henry like int he first seasons in the prem?  And even Drogba in his first season?  I ask.

Anyway sorry about that little rant im a bit drunk as im waiting for me lift to the match.  Been on the vodkas and coke lol.

God know who Rafa will play today but ill have a guess at

Arebola    Hyypian      CArra    Riise

Pennant   Masherano Gerrard(boy does he need a big game) and Babel on the left

Kuyt Torres up top.

And ill go for a 3-1 win sami Hyypia first or last goal lol

I know eveyones been playing :censored:of late but by god ahs Gerrard been awful.   For team captian and a so called world class player.  Ever since he played for England he has been awful for us.  Anyone who wants to point the blame to someone point it at him.  Hes team captain, and that of late he hasnt been leading the example.  Hes been nothing more than shocking for me.   And before people start going on about Gerrards carried the club for years now so what, that was then and this is now.

Come on lads big fuccccking game today.  Id go as far as saying this game really could turn our season big time today come the boysss.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:22 pm
by JamCar05
Clearly both of you guys, who assume that I'm writing Babel off already haven't read either of my last two posts very thoroughly. Try reading them again, and you'll realise that I would actually like to see MORE of the lad. Don't just write me off as the "a lot of fans nowadays have no knowledge"-type. It's rather insulting.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:40 pm
by RichardLFC1
Arsenal are currently drawing 2-2 with sunderland. A win today would see us only 2 points behind if the score stays the same. Come on liverpool

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:41 pm
by account deleted by request
Beaten to it  :D

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:43 pm
by RichardLFC1
s@int wrote:Sunderland have come back from 2-0 down against Arsenal 2-2 latest score

3-2 to arsenal with about 5 minutes to go