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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:10 am
by laza
Lando_Griffin wrote:
0asis wrote:
stmichael wrote:
s@int wrote:Aurello,Riise,Warnock,Traore, Zenden,Gonzales,Kewell looks like three will have to go. Traore is a given so who else? My choice would be Warnock and Zenden but if we want/need the money Kewell and Riise would have to go.

Djimi is off to whoever will take him and Warnock will probably be off but Zenden can move infield to provide cover for the central midfield positions.

But will Zenden want to be a bit part player, that's what you have to ask yourself. I don't think he will.

If he doesn't want to be a bit-part player, he'll have to raise his game.

This is why we need competition for places.

Exactly, its not the case that this signing means someone is heading out the door. It now means that there is genuine competition for places.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:51 am
by Espionage
stoney wrote:Lionhart, I know with you being an Aussie you're gonna defend kewell no matter what but accept that people will have other ideas and will prefer someone else in the team.

As an Aussie i resent that kind of talk.  I am not speaking for Lionhart but I I personally think that Gonzalez will not walk into the starting line-up, he has to win the spot, he has not got it yet.
I think that Kewell will start more games than Gonzalez next season barring injuries.  Our LM and LB is going to be heavily rotated due to the increased competition and it is going to be interesting who responds to it the best.  Risse v. Aurellio AND Kewell v. Gonzalez

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:14 am
by Anfield Kop
As mentionned above, the competition for places would be intense thus making the team even better.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:16 am
by The Red Baron
I have always thought of Austrailians as great competitors.What ever sport they want to win and win well.In my opinion Harry Kewell is the exception to the rule.When the going gets tough,Harry limps off.We were treated to a few sparkling performances from him last season,and Ithought he had turned the corner.I honestly believe the lad is a waster.At the cup final he pulled up coming back onto the pitch after half time.He was signaling to come off before the game had restarted.He never had one thought of trying to run the injury off,FFS it was the FA Cup Final,his first thought was get me out of here,havent we seen that somewhere before.I have never been one for slagging players of this club,and maybe this season he may make me eat my words,but he needs to put some perfomances in to win me back over.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:31 am
by The Red Baron
Lionheart wrote:
The Red Baron wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:Whats the story with "THE ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE"

Italy - la liga
Span Premiera liga
France Le Championait

Why do we need to say EPL ?

It just reminds me of the American NFL, NHL, AFC etc....

Its the rest of the Premiership is it not ?

At risk of being called suckhole, @rse kisser,or some sort of bum chum I tottaly agree.Its  the fu.king premiership for Christ sake.

So it's the F.P. not EPL???  :D

:)  :) Pmsl

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:29 am
by kazza
Lionheart wrote:
kazza wrote:
stmichael wrote:Riise must be feeling under threat now with regards to his first team future. Although I'd definitely keep him as a valuable squad member, he is one of our more saleable assets if we're looking to offload players.

The club tried to tell Warnock about his immediate future but he was so far out of position he couldn't hear.

I would rather offload Kewell than Riise

Muppet!!!  :glare:

So why am I a muppet you idiot? Because I would rather keep a battling, hard working, better at defending footballer that scores more goals than a soft hearted has been who spends more time doing his hair.

Kewell will never be as good as he was at Leeds and the only reason he raised his game to "average" at the end of last season was due to his excitement at Australia qualifying for the World Cup.

I expect Kewell to be injured most of next season, but that will not bother him at all as he will continue to pick up his pay check and continue with his facials and manicures.

I think it is you that is the muppet. It is like AB saying Biscan was a great player.  :laugh:

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:44 am
by tommycockles
How fickle are people on here- first everyone hated Kewell at the start of last season, then by the end we were all (i'm speaking generally here) saying how much he'd won us over as he was playing out of his skin- now we buy Gonzales everyone's on his back again. Personally, as much as i love new signings to come in and be successful, i don't really care who plays the best as long as someone does!!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:54 am
by alxy
tommycockles wrote:How fickle are people on here- first everyone hated Kewell at the start of last season, then by the end we were all (i'm speaking generally here) saying how much he'd won us over as he was playing out of his skin- now we buy Gonzales everyone's on his back again. Personally, as much as i love new signings to come in and be successful, i don't really care who plays the best as long as someone does!!!

hear hear!

unfortunately kewell has that effect on people... one day superb, next day limp donkey... here's hoping gonzalez will bring out the best in kewell again... he did not have enough competition for his spot last season (riise is not considered a direct competition, although he did play reasonably well there at times)... zenden was supposed to do that but got injured... and also did not play well enough to be a threat before he got injured

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:38 pm
by stmichael
tommycockles wrote:How fickle are people on here- first everyone hated Kewell at the start of last season, then by the end we were all (i'm speaking generally here) saying how much he'd won us over as he was playing out of his skin- now we buy Gonzales everyone's on his back again.

it's not being fickle, it's just being logical. as rafa has already proven during his time here there's no room for sentiment.

personally, id sell kewell if we got a decent offer for him.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:56 pm
by tommycockles
stmichael wrote:
tommycockles wrote:How fickle are people on here- first everyone hated Kewell at the start of last season, then by the end we were all (i'm speaking generally here) saying how much he'd won us over as he was playing out of his skin- now we buy Gonzales everyone's on his back again.

it's not being fickle, it's just being logical. as rafa has already proven during his time here there's no room for sentiment.

personally, id sell kewell if we got a decent offer for him.

...of course it's being fickle. Kewell ended the season really well with us and most people were singing his praises that he was finally showing some form and staying injury free. Now that someone else has come along people are turning against him. At least give him a chance, if he reverts to playing :censored: then fine (and we can all be fickle together) but if he doesn't then he deserves to be in the team as he did last season!!

What would you call a decent offer? Personally i doubt we'll get another player close to his class for less than 6m so it'd need to be near that. We don't even know if Gonzales will click straight away in the EPL ( :D ) so i'd rather have Kewell on the bench than Zenden/Riise.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:04 pm
by stmichael
tommycockles wrote:What would you call a decent offer? Personally i doubt we'll get another player close to his class for less than 6m so it'd need to be near that. We don't even know if Gonzales will click straight away in the EPL ( :D ) so i'd rather have Kewell on the bench than Zenden/Riise.

I'd say £5-6m would be a decent offer. There is a great player in there somewhere, but he seems buried within a fragile body. The best argument for keeping Kewell is that we have persevered for so long with his injuries to get him at least somewhat fit, that we might as well see what he might offer on the pitch.

If Harry is fit and he is not in the team then he may want to move on for his own career anyway. At that point a London club might be the answer, given his wife's showbiz connections. :D

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:05 pm
by Ace Ventura
I dont think its fickle at all for fans to think it could be good business to sell Kewell.
Yes he improved last season and may improve further this season, but he was still a shadow of the player he was at leeds and is injury prone. He is on high wages and doesnt produce often enough.
If someone offered 4-5 million i would snap there arm off, dont forget the wages he is on, if he left it could fund the signing of a top right winger or another striker.
If he starts the season at Liverpool i will support him and hope he kicks on from last season, but if he doesnt i dont think it would be a great lost tbh,
His goals return was also not good enough for an attacking player last season.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:05 pm
by Raoul
stmichael wrote:
The Specialist wrote:Great news.

I admit I first read the title of the thread, and came in here planning on starting my post with "This is beyond a fu.cking joke.." or something. I quickly calmed down, though.  :D


notice how i've edited the topic title now and my first post doesn't even make sense anymore. quite frankly, i don't even care.  :D

Oh, thats why nothing anyone is saying is making any sense.  That'll teach me for living in the wrong time zone, and missing all the action!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:07 pm
by Sabre
This Gonzalez-Kewell debate is pointless. We are getting closer to Chelsea, and the only way to do that is to have in the bench people who can give things to the team as a starting eleven man would do.

We need prefferably 2 good men per position. Kewell has better dribbling when the ball is not running much, Gonzalez can make havoc to defences that step up like Wigan used to do. We can and we will use them both, so we have to support both of them.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:12 pm
by El Nino_#9
our kewell and gonzalez = chelski's duff and robben