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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:56 pm
by drummerphil
to be honest with you Gray is an ex bitter so what do people expect.....I know he is suppose to be impartial but if i was commentating on a Liverpool match i couldnt hide my feelings and i'm sure most of you here couldnt either.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:05 pm
by babu

I will pay for his monthly isp fee if he buggers off.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:49 pm
by yckatbjywtbiastkamb
its hard for ex players to hide their feelings, the commentator alan parry used to stand on the kop in the 60`s and you can tell!!!!
gray took a lot, and i mean a lot, of stick from bluenoses who were unhappy at his celebrations of gerrards goal against olympiacos so i think he`s definately concious of his old clubs fans listening to his every word.
the fella`s passionate about footy and to be fair at least he gets into the spirit of the matches, some analysts talk for about twenty minutes without saying a word, they just waffle trying to be non contraversial like david pleat and howard wilkinson.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:06 pm
by redmikey
Andy gray is a bandwagon boy who loved fergie for years and is now up morons :censored: at every chance.

His stupid arsed scotish opinion should be banned

I just hope i never hear him say anything good about LFC and the way we are playing now cause i don't want to have to ever agree with a word the tw#t says

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:51 pm
by red37
andy gray, make no mistake does know a thing or two.. however enlightening he may or may not be. one thing the guy will ALWAYS be is a giant sized guffoon!  :wwww

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:10 pm
by Sean
We've been listening to his commentaries for 14 years now.  I reckon its in SKY's best interests to freshen things up by replacing him.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:44 pm
by Reinas No.1 Fan
I agree I hate Andy Gay, He is very Biased and evtremely annoying :angry:

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:59 pm
by neil
oops  :suspect: ???

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:13 pm
by dawson99
andy gray? ive never heard a more biased view in my life. thats why if im watching footy on the telly, i make sure im ina  pub where uc ant hear the commentary. if i saw andy gray in the street id punch him in the nose and then laugh like a madman

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:05 pm
by Glofut
That feckin Jonathon Pierce does my nut in... the Chelsea lovin :censored: is ludicrous - recently said something like "well, remember the date, because chelsea have conceded a goal!" Wouldn't mind but theyve shipped a few since then, and he still says it. Nah, Pierce is a chump, he should stick to those stupid feckin robots.

I sense Gubba doesn't really know what he's doing - and knows he's always gonna get the WBA against Sunderland games ... so he makes the most of it  "Ohh yesss.... yesss.... Oh nooo.... well, I don't .... yes!! It's a goal kick!!".

Cottee .. sorry, but this fella's a cnut on the sly -- his commentary against Villa, I think, nearly had me punching the screen.

Loved it when Parry was commentating on us .. always felt we had a head start.. :D

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:17 pm
by mighty mo
i like parry as well,you can sense the biased liverpool fan in him when he commentates on our games,but i have to say andy gray is the best ex player commetator on tv

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:21 pm
by Macca
He's a Blueshite wanker.  End of.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:34 pm
:bump ed

Andy gray is fookin' useless - I'm watching the chel$ki Vs Barca game and del horno has just been sent off for what can only be described as GBH on Lionel Messi and what does Andy 'I love to glory hunt and kiss the ar$e of the top teams' Gray say "LOOK AT MESSI ROLLING AROUND INFLUENCING THE REFEREE - DEL HORNO ONLY MISSED TIMED THE TACKLE AND IT WAS HARSH FOR A YELLOW NEVER MIND RED." How this guy can be taken serious by anybody never mind the sky management is a bleedin' mystery. I know in european games the british commentators are gonna side with the british teams but in premiership games he always seems to side with one team; i was always under the impression pundits and commentators are there to be impartial. Obviously GRAY thinks he's "the special one" when it comes to commentators - KNOB is all i've got to say.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:35 pm
by Gaunt
Yer im watching the game too. Del Horno totally plowed into Messi even though Messi pulled out. Fooking Andy Gray.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:38 pm
by drummerphil
RUSHIE#9 wrote: :bump ed

Andy gray is fookin' useless - I'm watching the chel$ki Vs Barca game and del horno has just been sent off for what can only be described as GBH on Lionel Messi and what does Andy 'I love to glory hunt and kiss the ar$e of the top teams' Gray say "LOOK AT MESSI ROLLING AROUND INFLUENCING THE REFEREE - DEL HORNO ONLY MISSED TIMED THE TACKLE AND IT WAS HARSH FOR A YELLOW NEVER MIND RED." How this guy can be taken serious by anybody never mind the sky management is a bleedin' mystery. I know in european games the british commentators are gonna side with the british teams but in premiership games he always seems to side with one team; i was always under the impression pundits and commentators are there to be impartial. Obviously GRAY thinks he's "the special one" when it comes to commentators - KNOB is all i've got to say.

He did say after though.......what goes around comes around,meaning how Robben went down when Reina tapped him on the cheek.