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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:05 am
by bigmick
Jeez another good thread hijacked by verbal fistycuffs. Anyways, we all knew that Gerrard was very good, but this good? He's developing to the point where the opposition know what he's going to do but still can't stop it. The run onto Baros's pass on Saturday was as predictable as it was absolutely unstoppable. Pace, power and balance combining in an irrisistable force. As comparisons seem to be the mode at the moment, there isn't another midfield player in the World at the moment, not Keanne Vierra and certainly not fat Frank, who posess such explosive qualities. He's certainly making those of us who advocated selling him at various times during his teenage poetry and navel gazing stage, look the numpties that we are.
As for Sissoko, he does look like he may become a player. He is however, very raw and talk of him being "class" is a bit premature in my view. Some of us did think that Diao looked like he may become something in the very early days (probably as he got off the plane without falling over) so while it's not a comparison I would make, I can see where the fella is coming from. Certainly at this point, given they cost a similar amount and that we all now for sure that Diao for all his willingness is ultimately sh!te, Sissoko looks like a much better buy.
As a footnote it is one of my things to make early judgements on players but it was early even for me on the question of Zenden. I said he was garbage before he even played a game for us. I'm standing by my call and have seen nothing sofar to even make me consider changing my mind. Money grabbing ponce if you ask me, though nobody ever does. There you go, a post full of calm reasoning, finished off with some vitriol. Bring it on.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:43 am
by neil
nEIL, you are always chatting s.hit mate TBH!!  And it has been shown once again!!   :no

Sorry but like you say, its just my 'opinion'.

Who rattled your cage, Mr Popular?  :laugh:

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:57 pm
by stmichael
bigmick wrote:Jeez another good thread hijacked by verbal fistycuffs. Anyways, we all knew that Gerrard was very good, but this good? He's developing to the point where the opposition know what he's going to do but still can't stop it. The run onto Baros's pass on Saturday was as predictable as it was absolutely unstoppable. Pace, power and balance combining in an irrisistable force. As comparisons seem to be the mode at the moment, there isn't another midfield player in the World at the moment, not Keanne Vierra and certainly not fat Frank, who posess such explosive qualities. He's certainly making those of us who advocated selling him at various times during his teenage poetry and navel gazing stage, look the numpties that we are.

good post bigmick.

his movement off the ball is quite simply world class. he's almost two steps ahead of everybody else in our team when it comes to this.

infact this season, he's been as close to roy of the rovers as you can be so far. :D

PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:33 am
by stmichael
stmichael wrote:Right guys. Yes it may only be one game into the league season but already I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a bold prediction.


There, I've said it.

I suppose the latter part of that statement depends a great deal on the team's success. For example, two seasons ago, I would have given the award to Stevie G, because he was OUTSTANDING for virtually the entire season. However looking back, the fact that he singlehandedly carried a poor side at times (and the fact that he doesn't play for a London club) worked against him. Players such as Smicer, Murphy et al just weren't up to it on a consistent basis when push came to shove.

We all know what then ensued over the next two summers. Gerrard's poor showing at Euro 2004 was clearly due to the speculation regarding his future and even when he did eventually decide to stay, the look on the guys face in the press conference told me that he still wasn't entirely happy. Go forward to that night in Istanbul, the "how can I leave now" comment, and the onsuing circus that followed over his new contract signing and we appeared to be back to square one. Whether you love the guy as a person or hate him for what he put us through, with everything put behind him now we have essentially got a new player.


I know Stevie could essentially go out and break his leg against Sunderland next week, but from what I've seen so far this season, the guy has upped his game another 20% and that is no mean feat considering how good he was anyway. The goals are obviously great. In the past, the one area of his game that I criticised was his goalscoring. He did score a few but they all tended to be cracking long range efforts. Last season he was joint top goalscorer with 13 and he already has seven this. However what has become more prevalent to me is the positions he is getting himself into now. He has developed a tendency to turn up in the box late unnoticed and but for wayward finishing he could already be in double figures for the season.

His movement off the ball is quite exceptional aswell. That's why I think he would thrive even more when Crouch plays because Crouch has the ability to hold the ball up and let others bomb on around him. The unearthing of Sissoko (who looks class by the way) will also benefit Stevie in the long term and give him a lesser share of defensive responsibility to do in games so he can attack more.

All in all, he looks a lot more disciplined in what he's trying to achieve on a football pitch. He's not trying Hollywood balls every five minutes. He's not running around like a headless chicken at times trying to do five people's jobs at once. He's showing signs of putting the final few pieces of the jigsaw togther in becoming what I said he could become, and that is THE BEST central midfielder in the world.

Lets just hope that the rest of the players step up to the plate aswell. I don't like us being labelled as a one man team because we have some fantastic players apart from Stevie, but having seen how he's started the season, if we'd lost him I can't help thinking we'd be in trouble this season. That's how well he's playing right now.

YNWA STEVIE G! :buttrock

i'm not one to blow my own trumpet and all that but i draw everyone's attention back to this thread which i started after the boro game on the first day of the season. they don't call me mystic mick for nothing you know. :p

well as it happens, gerrard is currently on 19 goals, so he'd better score in one of our last five games, preferably the winner in the fa cup final :angry:

well done again on the award though stevie. fully deserved. :D

PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:37 am
by adamnbarrett
stmichael wrote:
stmichael wrote:Right guys. Yes it may only be one game into the league season but already I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a bold prediction.


There, I've said it.

I suppose the latter part of that statement depends a great deal on the team's success. For example, two seasons ago, I would have given the award to Stevie G, because he was OUTSTANDING for virtually the entire season. However looking back, the fact that he singlehandedly carried a poor side at times (and the fact that he doesn't play for a London club) worked against him. Players such as Smicer, Murphy et al just weren't up to it on a consistent basis when push came to shove.

We all know what then ensued over the next two summers. Gerrard's poor showing at Euro 2004 was clearly due to the speculation regarding his future and even when he did eventually decide to stay, the look on the guys face in the press conference told me that he still wasn't entirely happy. Go forward to that night in Istanbul, the "how can I leave now" comment, and the onsuing circus that followed over his new contract signing and we appeared to be back to square one. Whether you love the guy as a person or hate him for what he put us through, with everything put behind him now we have essentially got a new player.


I know Stevie could essentially go out and break his leg against Sunderland next week, but from what I've seen so far this season, the guy has upped his game another 20% and that is no mean feat considering how good he was anyway. The goals are obviously great. In the past, the one area of his game that I criticised was his goalscoring. He did score a few but they all tended to be cracking long range efforts. Last season he was joint top goalscorer with 13 and he already has seven this. However what has become more prevalent to me is the positions he is getting himself into now. He has developed a tendency to turn up in the box late unnoticed and but for wayward finishing he could already be in double figures for the season.

His movement off the ball is quite exceptional aswell. That's why I think he would thrive even more when Crouch plays because Crouch has the ability to hold the ball up and let others bomb on around him. The unearthing of Sissoko (who looks class by the way) will also benefit Stevie in the long term and give him a lesser share of defensive responsibility to do in games so he can attack more.

All in all, he looks a lot more disciplined in what he's trying to achieve on a football pitch. He's not trying Hollywood balls every five minutes. He's not running around like a headless chicken at times trying to do five people's jobs at once. He's showing signs of putting the final few pieces of the jigsaw togther in becoming what I said he could become, and that is THE BEST central midfielder in the world.

Lets just hope that the rest of the players step up to the plate aswell. I don't like us being labelled as a one man team because we have some fantastic players apart from Stevie, but having seen how he's started the season, if we'd lost him I can't help thinking we'd be in trouble this season. That's how well he's playing right now.

YNWA STEVIE G! :buttrock

i'm not one to blow my own trumpet and all that but i draw everyone's attention back to this thread which i started after the boro game on the first day of the season. they don't call me mystic mick for nothing you know. :p

well as it happens, gerrard is currently on 19 goals, so he'd better score in one of our last five games, preferably the winner in the fa cup final :angry:

well done again on the award though stevie. fully deserved. :D

can you buy me a lottery ticket mike?  :D

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:03 pm
by Bad Bob
Well in, mate, well in!!!

If memory serves, you've also been one to champion Xabi as the corner taker because Gerrard gets on the end of so many corners and carries a real goal threat.  Well, didn't that bear itself out beautifully for his 20th?

Congrats, St. the man!  :bowdown  :bowdown

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:36 pm
by GunGod
stmichael wrote:
stmichael wrote:Right guys. Yes it may only be one game into the league season but already I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a bold prediction.


There, I've said it.

I suppose the latter part of that statement depends a great deal on the team's success. For example, two seasons ago, I would have given the award to Stevie G, because he was OUTSTANDING for virtually the entire season. However looking back, the fact that he singlehandedly carried a poor side at times (and the fact that he doesn't play for a London club) worked against him. Players such as Smicer, Murphy et al just weren't up to it on a consistent basis when push came to shove.

We all know what then ensued over the next two summers. Gerrard's poor showing at Euro 2004 was clearly due to the speculation regarding his future and even when he did eventually decide to stay, the look on the guys face in the press conference told me that he still wasn't entirely happy. Go forward to that night in Istanbul, the "how can I leave now" comment, and the onsuing circus that followed over his new contract signing and we appeared to be back to square one. Whether you love the guy as a person or hate him for what he put us through, with everything put behind him now we have essentially got a new player.


I know Stevie could essentially go out and break his leg against Sunderland next week, but from what I've seen so far this season, the guy has upped his game another 20% and that is no mean feat considering how good he was anyway. The goals are obviously great. In the past, the one area of his game that I criticised was his goalscoring. He did score a few but they all tended to be cracking long range efforts. Last season he was joint top goalscorer with 13 and he already has seven this. However what has become more prevalent to me is the positions he is getting himself into now. He has developed a tendency to turn up in the box late unnoticed and but for wayward finishing he could already be in double figures for the season.

His movement off the ball is quite exceptional aswell. That's why I think he would thrive even more when Crouch plays because Crouch has the ability to hold the ball up and let others bomb on around him. The unearthing of Sissoko (who looks class by the way) will also benefit Stevie in the long term and give him a lesser share of defensive responsibility to do in games so he can attack more.

All in all, he looks a lot more disciplined in what he's trying to achieve on a football pitch. He's not trying Hollywood balls every five minutes. He's not running around like a headless chicken at times trying to do five people's jobs at once. He's showing signs of putting the final few pieces of the jigsaw togther in becoming what I said he could become, and that is THE BEST central midfielder in the world.

Lets just hope that the rest of the players step up to the plate aswell. I don't like us being labelled as a one man team because we have some fantastic players apart from Stevie, but having seen how he's started the season, if we'd lost him I can't help thinking we'd be in trouble this season. That's how well he's playing right now.

YNWA STEVIE G! :buttrock

i'm not one to blow my own trumpet and all that but i draw everyone's attention back to this thread which i started after the boro game on the first day of the season. they don't call me mystic mick for nothing you know. :p

well as it happens, gerrard is currently on 19 goals, so he'd better score in one of our last five games, preferably the winner in the fa cup final :angry:

well done again on the award though stevie. fully deserved. :D

Well, he just got himself another 2 goals mate. That makes it 20+++ I guess.

Great prediction, really. Wouldn't have thought he would be able to wrestle the PFA award from Henry.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:37 pm
by fivecups

All in all, he looks a lot more disciplined in what he's trying to achieve on a football pitch. He's not trying Hollywood balls every five minutes. He's not running around like a headless chicken at times trying to do five people's jobs at once. He's showing signs of putting the final few pieces of the jigsaw togther in becoming what I said he could become, and that is THE BEST central midfielder in the world.

YNWA STEVIE G! :buttrock

What a prediction! Great post too.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:47 pm
by shineshin
hey~~~dun u all feel that this forum quiet messy~~~~~
can clean up some of the old topic~really bored of seeing that~

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:01 pm
by JC_81
shineshin wrote:hey~~~dun u all feel that this forum quiet messy~~~~~
can clean up some of the old topic~really bored of seeing that~

You're complaining about the forum being messy?  FFS you've only been here 5 minutes :laugh:

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:02 pm
by dawson99
if i complained about the forum every 11 posts... id have moaned:727 times roughly!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:04 pm
by RichardLFC1
Great prediction mate congratulations

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:12 pm
by Garymac
sissoko does not look class just yet, there appears to be potential but none more than say salif diou or whatever his name is.

And i think its time Neil made an apology for this statement  :D

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:30 pm
by 2520years
Credit where it's due.  It wasn't such a bold prediction, but it's spot on.  Are you sure you didn't do an elaborate edit?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:42 pm
by Feeney
stmichael wrote:Right guys. Yes it may only be one game into the league season but already I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a bold prediction.


There, I've said it.

I suppose the latter part of that statement depends a great deal on the team's success. For example, two seasons ago, I would have given the award to Stevie G, because he was OUTSTANDING for virtually the entire season. However looking back, the fact that he singlehandedly carried a poor side at times (and the fact that he doesn't play for a London club) worked against him. Players such as Smicer, Murphy et al just weren't up to it on a consistent basis when push came to shove.

We all know what then ensued over the next two summers. Gerrard's poor showing at Euro 2004 was clearly due to the speculation regarding his future and even when he did eventually decide to stay, the look on the guys face in the press conference told me that he still wasn't entirely happy. Go forward to that night in Istanbul, the "how can I leave now" comment, and the onsuing circus that followed over his new contract signing and we appeared to be back to square one. Whether you love the guy as a person or hate him for what he put us through, with everything put behind him now we have essentially got a new player.


I know Stevie could essentially go out and break his leg against Sunderland next week, but from what I've seen so far this season, the guy has upped his game another 20% and that is no mean feat considering how good he was anyway. The goals are obviously great. In the past, the one area of his game that I criticised was his goalscoring. He did score a few but they all tended to be cracking long range efforts. Last season he was joint top goalscorer with 13 and he already has seven this. However what has become more prevalent to me is the positions he is getting himself into now. He has developed a tendency to turn up in the box late unnoticed and but for wayward finishing he could already be in double figures for the season.

His movement off the ball is quite exceptional aswell. That's why I think he would thrive even more when Crouch plays because Crouch has the ability to hold the ball up and let others bomb on around him. The unearthing of Sissoko (who looks class by the way) will also benefit Stevie in the long term and give him a lesser share of defensive responsibility to do in games so he can attack more.

All in all, he looks a lot more disciplined in what he's trying to achieve on a football pitch. He's not trying Hollywood balls every five minutes. He's not running around like a headless chicken at times trying to do five people's jobs at once. He's showing signs of putting the final few pieces of the jigsaw togther in becoming what I said he could become, and that is THE BEST central midfielder in the world.

Lets just hope that the rest of the players step up to the plate aswell. I don't like us being labelled as a one man team because we have some fantastic players apart from Stevie, but having seen how he's started the season, if we'd lost him I can't help thinking we'd be in trouble this season. That's how well he's playing right now.

YNWA STEVIE G! :buttrock

I'll pique my hat to ya there Mike!
