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PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:15 pm
by wil-kop

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:22 pm
by Ciggy

I think this is why Rafa keeps all of his cards close to his chest as soon as you say you want a player, every :censored: crawls out the woodwork.
I mean ffs look at souness everythings getting leaked from the barcodes cause he wants to look good, cause they are sh.ite to give the fans some faith.
Moyes another one signed 2 players already, and players hes wanted have :censored: off to lower clubs :laugh: rather than play for them one season wonders getting 4th.
Even though its doing our heads in its probably better in the long run, Wenger tried to hyjack our Reina deal, and he told wenger where to shove it, he wants to come to Liverpool, and he will probably be the first player we sign cause he hasnt shut up about us :D

Its not very good for us cause we are bored with no transfer activity, but neither the mancs, chelsea/loadadosh, or the gooners have signed anyone.
The players will come probably some weve never heard of, some we will have, but one things for certain if a certain mr gerrard hasnt signed a new deal by friday I think we can all asume he's a gonner :(

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:31 pm
by wil-kop
nah i have faith in gerrard, but i fully understand what your sayin. Benitez is a very clever man. It looks so :censored: stupid wen ur after a player n someone beats you to him, taking Everton as your primary example with Scott Parker turning down a side that finished 4th for a side that finished 14th or watever blatantly because he knows in all honesty everton are bollox.

I also agree that we'll probably buy a couple of no namers (all possibly spanish) but who doesnt buy them? exactly

In all fairness though i have every faith in benitez bringing at least 1 or 2 big name signings (not including Reina) into this club this summer

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:49 am
by XSD
Maybe Atletico are buying Kujit because they are resigned to losing Torres to us  :idea

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 5:20 am
by A.B.
Moyes another one signed 2 players already,

Nah, he signed one player and that was Davies. He tried to sign Parker and Forsell but he failed.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:19 am
by LFC #1
A.B. wrote:
Moyes another one signed 2 players already,

Nah, he signed one player and that was Davies. He tried to sign Parker and Forsell but he failed.

He has also signed Per Kroldrup, a Danish international centre-half from Udinese for £5million.

So he's signed 2.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:38 am
by A.B.
He has also signed Per Kroldrup, a Danish international centre-half from Udinese for £5million.

I just found that out on UEFA's website, did not see it on EPL's site which is the one I check for transfer news.

So he's signed 2.

I didn't know 1+1 = 2, thank you you're a life saver..

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:28 pm
by Ciggy
Ive translated this the best I could, I think he's on his way gang  :cool:  :bowdown

At last some news over the talks.

Feyenoord striker on his way to Liverpool, feyenoord have resigned themselves to loosing Kuijt, he is top of the wanted list by Liverpool.
The suprise Champions league winners have a plan for him to be the top scorer with Liverpool,. Chairman rick parry began negotitations with feyenoord and last night he had a meal with Kuijt.
only problem now is to sort out the tranfer cash as feyenoord are asking 15 million euro, Liverpool only want to pay 10 million with some young players from liverpool going in the opposit direction.
Liverpool have said they want to do everything to get this player, there is movement in this transfer as we have reported earlier.

Jimmy Floyd will leave boro and be going to feyenoord.

Feyenoord-spits Kuijt op weg naar Liverpool

LIVERPOOL, 22 juni 2005 16:10 - Feyenoord dreigt Dirk Kuijt kwijt te raken. De Katwijkse spits staat -we meldden het al eerder- in de belangstelling van Liverpool. Het blijkt dat de verrassende winnaar van de Champions League daadwerkelijk van plan is de topscorer naar Anfield te halen. Voorzitter Rick Parry begon dit deze week de onderhandelingen met Feyenoord en gisteravond sprak hij tijdens een etentje persoonlijk met Kuijt.
Breekpunt is naar verluidt nog altijd de vraagprijs van Feyenoord, die rond de 15 miljoen euro ligt. Liverpool wil vooralsnog niet verder gaan dan 10 miljoen en eventueel wat jonge talenten als ruil. Maar de club heeft duidelijk gemaakt dat het alles op alles wil zetten om Kuijt te halen, zodat er wel degelijk beweging in de onderhandelingen te verwachten is.
Als mogelijke vervanger voor Kuijt wordt Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink al een tijdje genoemd. De geblokte spits wil weg bij Middlesbrough en heeft al enkele keren de wens uitgesproken voor Feyenoord te gaan spelen.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:05 pm
by parchpea
Perhaps Parry is enjoying his extended weekend in Holland a little too much. Dragging out the negotiations so he can immerse himself in the free spirited lifestlye on offer. All at the clubs cost too no doubt. His expenses claim will make an interesting read  :;):

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:24 pm
by Paul C
Yeah I heard he was at a gay bar and in the red light district after he visited a 'cafe' last night, all paid for by season ticket holders  :p

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:32 pm
by Garymac
Yeah he has been away for a while now, the press would love that "Respected Chairman and top signing in stoned Gay Bar scandal"!!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:05 am
by RedorDead
Very good translation CIGGY, spot on...sounds like the deal is being done and I for one and chuffed to bits. This is exactly the sort of player I was hoping we'd be getting this summer.

Dit is verdomt goed nieuws!!!!!!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:55 am
by LFC #1
A.B. wrote:
So he's signed 2.

I didn't know 1+1 = 2, thank you you're a life saver..

wasn't sure if they taught you Maths over in the States AB.  :D

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:45 am
by A.B.
wasn't sure if they taught you Maths over in the States AB

I learned my basic math in Europe thank you very much :D

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:39 am
by The_Rock
to be frank, i have never heard of Kuijt until after the ***champions league final***   :buttrock .

if he is as good as what he is described here.....10 million pounds sounds just about alright for him.