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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 1:20 pm
by Stevie G
i wish gerrard stays, but i think if liverpool are playing in the UEFA cup next year he will want to move, and also the big name signings that rafa is supposed to make like Joaqin, will not want to play in the UEFA cup. so i think it is vital for liverpool to get in next years champions league, i hope they make it.   ???

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 3:25 pm
by desperado0831
The comments insist that xabi is better than stevie is a biggest joke of the century though.

If Stevie leave us next season,i cant imagine what we left but 40m. It's hard to find another replacement for him although we can splash money on 3-4 world class figure such as Ballack,Baraja,Vicente or even Van de Vaart.:p  I am sorry to say that our current captain is better than anyone in present world except Marilyn Monroe. :p 

Stevie is irreplacable.....and so xabi. If xabi didn't came towards us this season,what will it be and i think 99.999999999% fans will protect him. People compare him with fattie lampard. People say he will depart and flying to bernabeau or stamford bridge. People say carragher is ten times better than alan hansen. People say everyone is keen on him. what's more? Do you think that he will compete with his natinal team fellow at chelsea to get his no.8 kit and shadow over that crappy lampard and john terry? I don't think so because whatever the odds, he's still the one stood over there even whole team been collapse.

Stop teasing our hero. Without him,the days are bleak. Xabi is a spaniard and we are a english team. We need some local gladiator to revitalize our squad. Currently only Jamie and Stevie are the fancy for rafa to remain at the starting XI.

The biggest ever triumph is coming to us. We're close to regain our medals of honour.

YNWA and Gerrard will never walk alone. :)