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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 7:09 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
yckatbjywtbiastkamb wrote:
Cool Hand Luke wrote:Basically I was just saying that many people dismissed my suggestion of Yakubu, and the same ones are saying that Baros shouldn’t be sold and should be a first teamer.

I think Yakubu has real potential to play at a higher level, I would love for someone to give me some solid reasons as to why he is not good enough for us in our current situation?

He has pace, power, aggression and has scored goals 2 seasons running in the Premiership at a club that is struggling in the bottom half. In the last two seasons none of our strikers have scored more than him in the Premiership. He may be 'Unfashionable' but he would be a real weapon.

I just couldn’t bare going into next season with no strikers that are proven Premiership goal scores. Yakubu would be a good safety net for us, because Cisse and Morinetes are not guaranteed to score goals for us next season, neither have proven that they can cut it in the Premiership YET.

personally i`d stick with baros, yakubu does look a decent player but heskey looked the same for leicester, he used to go on powerfull runs and score from all angles with rocket shots.
heskey looked like a one man army for the foxes.
i wouldnt be gutted if we got yakubu and i`d rather have him than johnson but i`d keep baros.

94-95 Leicester City  0 Goals, 1 Game
95-96 Leicester City  7 Goals, 30 Games   
96-97 Leicester City  10 Goals, 35 Games 
97-98 Leicester City  10 Goals, 35 Games
98-99 Leicester City  6 Goals, 30 Games
99-00 Liverpool 3 Goals, 12 Games
00-01 Liverpool 14 Goals, 36 Games
01-02 Liverpool 9 Goals, 35 Games
02-03 Liverpool 6 Goals, 32 Games
03-04 Liverpool 7 Goals, 35 Games
04-05 Birmingham City  9 Goals, 32 Games

That is Heskey's Premiership record, he has had one season (00-01) were he has got past 10 Goals. I don't ever remember Heskey being that good for Leicester, yes he had power and pace but he never had the goal scoring ability, we got ripped off paying 11 MILLION for raw potential.

03-04 Portsmouth 16 Goals, 37 Games 
04-05 Portsmouth 12 Goals, 29 Games

This is Yakubu's record, now I'm not saying that he has blown the Premiership away, but he has scored goals 2 seasons running at a struggling club, he is different to Heskey, and would be cheaper.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 7:15 pm
by JC_81
Cool Hand Luke wrote:94-95 Leicester City  0 Goals, 1 Game
95-96 Leicester City  7 Goals, 30 Games   
96-97 Leicester City  10 Goals, 35 Games 
97-98 Leicester City  10 Goals, 35 Games
98-99 Leicester City  6 Goals, 30 Games
99-00 Liverpool 3 Goals, 12 Games
00-01 Liverpool 14 Goals, 36 Games
01-02 Liverpool 9 Goals, 35 Games
02-03 Liverpool 6 Goals, 32 Games
03-04 Liverpool 7 Goals, 35 Games
04-05 Birmingham City  9 Goals, 32 Games

That is Heskey's Premiership record, he has had one season (00-01) were he has got past 10 Goals. I don't ever remember Heskey being that good for Leicester, yes he had power and pace but he never had the goal scoring ability, we got ripped off paying 11 MILLION for raw potential.

03-04 Portsmouth 16 Goals, 37 Games 
04-05 Portsmouth 12 Goals, 29 Games

This is Yakubu's record, now I'm not saying that he has blown the Premiership away, but he has scored goals 2 seasons running at a struggling club, he is different to Heskey, and would be cheaper.

Don't agree with you on this one mate

Heskey was pretty immense for leicester and most fans were pretty excited when he signed

In terms of his scoring record at leicester you don't mention that a lot of his games were played as a left wing-back in the 3-5-2 formation under o'neill.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 7:20 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
john craig wrote:In terms of his scoring record at leicester you don't mention that a lot of his games were played as a left wing-back in the 3-5-2 formation under o'neill.

Well I wouldn’t pay £11 MIL for a 'striker' how plays at left wing back a lot and has never been prolific in the Premiership.

Also, I was not that excited when Heskey signed, I thought we had overpaid, by about 5MIL, Leicester were laughing all the way to the bank, yes he had natural attributes of strength and power, but he didn’t show that goal scoring ability that you expect from a £11 MIL player.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 7:26 pm
by JC_81
Cool Hand Luke wrote:
john craig wrote:In terms of his scoring record at leicester you don't mention that a lot of his games were played as a left wing-back in the 3-5-2 formation under o'neill.

Well I wouldn’t pay £11 MIL for a 'striker' how plays at left wing back a lot and has never been prolific in the Premiership.

Also, I was not that excited when Heskey signed, I thought we had overpaid, by about 5MIL, Leicester were laughing all the way to the bank, yes I had natural attributes of strength and power, but he didn’t show that goal scoring ability that you expect from a £11 MIL player.

That was back when the transfer market was grossly inflated though, especially for english players.

He still wasn't worth 11 million in hindsight but at the time it didn't seem that over the top.  Leicester went out and spent 1.5 million of that on trevor benjamin and another 5 million on ade akinbiyi FFS, that shows you how screwed up the market was!!

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 7:32 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
I remember Heskey was linked with a lot of mid table clubs at the time, mainly Tottenham, and the price that was being talked about was 6-7MIL, I think Tottenham pulled out at £7MIL. He was never a top club player, he belongs in mid table, and I was genuinely shocked when we paid £11 MIL for him.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 11:14 pm
by supersub
bigmick wrote:Since this is a FACT thread I thought I'd throw in a couple of my own.

FACT: None of our strikers have cut the mustard this season. That's probably why we are looking increasingly unlikely to qualify for the CL. Personally I think Baros is the best of a mediocre bunch though Cisse has potential but I repeat, NONE of them look absolute top-drawer to me.

FACT: Those of us who slagged Owen underestimated his value to the team. That said, his attitude stunk to high heaven and if the same player with the same attitude was at Madrid this season he wouldn't have scored half the goals he has. HE ISN'T COMING BACK.

FACT: Owen missed lots of chances. Also, the whole team played with the express desire to play Owen in every game. That was our sole line of attack. Consequently, he was always going to be top scorer and was always going to score most of the teams goals. Very similar to Johnson at Palace, they try to play him in EVERY time they go forward. Next top scorer there has about 3 goals or something ridiculous.

FACT: If we are going to mount any sort of sustained challenge to the top three we will need to buy at least one top striker, two if Baros goes. Kick names around all you like, sneer all you like at blokes like Yakubu, but we will definately need a striker who has a nuisance value to the opposition. Someone who exudes menace in a Drogba, Henri, Van Nistelroy kind of way. I don't know any off the top of my head but I do know this, unless Cisse developes apace we haven't currently got one, and Michael Owen isn't one either.

At last a little sense amongst the crazy rantings......

Owen...gone...left us up the creek without a paddle.....remember the quotes.."I'm going to sign when my agent gets back from his 6 month holiday"..."O.K. I'll sign after the Euro Finals"..."I'm this close to signing right now"..."I'm off to Real where I'm going to win loads of trophies,maybe even the Champions League come May 25th"......

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 11:23 pm
by Woollyback
john craig wrote:
Cool Hand Luke wrote:94-95 Leicester City  0 Goals, 1 Game
95-96 Leicester City  7 Goals, 30 Games   
96-97 Leicester City  10 Goals, 35 Games 
97-98 Leicester City  10 Goals, 35 Games
98-99 Leicester City  6 Goals, 30 Games
99-00 Liverpool 3 Goals, 12 Games
00-01 Liverpool 14 Goals, 36 Games
01-02 Liverpool 9 Goals, 35 Games
02-03 Liverpool 6 Goals, 32 Games
03-04 Liverpool 7 Goals, 35 Games
04-05 Birmingham City  9 Goals, 32 Games

That is Heskey's Premiership record, he has had one season (00-01) were he has got past 10 Goals. I don't ever remember Heskey being that good for Leicester, yes he had power and pace but he never had the goal scoring ability, we got ripped off paying 11 MILLION for raw potential.

03-04 Portsmouth 16 Goals, 37 Games 
04-05 Portsmouth 12 Goals, 29 Games

This is Yakubu's record, now I'm not saying that he has blown the Premiership away, but he has scored goals 2 seasons running at a struggling club, he is different to Heskey, and would be cheaper.

Don't agree with you on this one mate

Heskey was pretty immense for leicester and most fans were pretty excited when he signed

In terms of his scoring record at leicester you don't mention that a lot of his games were played as a left wing-back in the 3-5-2 formation under o'neill.

sorry john but I used to go watching Leicester quite a lot (don't ask!) and it's a myth that he was a big hit, Heskey was EXACTLY the same down there as he was at Anfield - infuriatingly inconsistent and playing WAY short of his supposed potential

few Leicester fans were really sorry to see him go, in fact most were more than happy with the £10m

he was never any good, apart from one fairly respectable season in 00/01

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 12:00 am
by Scottbot
stu_the_red wrote:I'm not a boo boy, i like the lad, if he was willing to be third choice (which still involves alot of games) then i'd happily keep him, of that there is no question, he's definately good enough for that, but as a first choice he isn't good enough.

Baros has been done to death on here and i have found my opinion of the lad changing on an almost game by game basis.

Unquestionable talent, tremendous work-rate, suspect team-play, questionable attitude (at times), low on confidence but with a very high opinion of himself.

Have to agree with this (currently). I would be happy if we kept the lad on next season but would prefer to see him as 3rd choice.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 12:08 am
by Eazy-E
****** Owen...****** Heskey...****** Diouf...we just can't buy a decent striker. Baros is the closest thing we have to that.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 9:57 am
by tel
I've been down to the bookies to put some coin on Baros scoring first tonite.

He'll be off in the summer, and after the Everton game, I'm less fussed.

His temperament is questionable but his talent is not. He will fire against Chelsea. He'll be up for this game.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:33 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
Cool Hand Luke wrote:Baros is not good enough to be first choice at Liverpool, that is for sure.

Good backup player...Yes.

Will he be sold in the summer... most probably.

About a week ago I suggested that we needed a proven Premiership goal scorer to act as a backup to Moreietes and Cisse next season as neither is guaranteed to get goals, I epically mentioned that our attack could use a strong and aggressive striker, I suggested Yakubu Ayegbeni of Portsmouth, most people dismissed my suggestion:

Baros: appearances - 33(8), Goals - 13
Yakubu: appearances - 31(3), Goals - 16

Last season he scored 16 Premiership goals (the same as Michael Owen). Now I'm not saying that he is the best striker in the world, but if he can score goals consistently at a 'lesser' club like Portsmouth then I don't see why he couldn't do well for us. He has pace and strength and has scored as many goals than any of our strikers in the past 2 seasons at a poorer club.

Yakubu is another Heskey apparently?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:38 pm
by 115-1073096938
Eazy-E wrote:****** Owen...****** Heskey...****** Diouf...we just can't buy a decent striker. Baros is the closest thing we have to that.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:52 pm
by Alonso14
How comes everyones bringin back realy old threads.

I was reading through the Lampard Gerrard one and didnt see the date and i was thinkin WTF? :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:58 pm
by murphy0151
Some people make me laff.

Silly people have got nothing better to do than search threw old threads.
SAD :censored:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:24 pm
by 66-1137139704
stu_the_red wrote:Anything you can come up with as a fact that supports he's class player and convince us all he's worth being first chioice at our club.

My take on it...

13 goals in all compitions.

Including a hatrick (2 penalties) against Palace and a brace against Millwall.

Good enough to be ours first choice?

so you believe in stats :)

If baros was bad,cisse worse as you're saying now....
how come crouch with far worse stats is good enuff for you?  :suspect: