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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:29 am
by Emerald Red
Bam wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Bam wrote:Sorry Murph.


How is it ridiculous? Little do you realize, some people in Ireland don't take to being called a "Paddy" too kindly. It would be like me walking up to an Arab, Indian, or someone else of an ethnic group and addressing him/her in a stereotypical manner. It's offensive. End of.

PC gone Mad.

It's got f*ck all to do with being PC. It's disrespectful and that's all there is to it. Again, it depends where it's used, and how it's used. To formally address a stranger as "Paddy" for being Irish is an insult.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:30 am
by Bam
Emerald Red wrote:
bigmick wrote:I'm glad I don't find POM a racial slur, I'd be walking around feeling pretty racially slurred upon for a good portion of every day.

Different context, Mick.

How ?

How the feck do you know what context it is. ?

Jesus wept,


You are a fecking fuddy duddy .

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:31 am
by Emerald Red
bigmick wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
bigmick wrote:I'm glad I don't find POM a racial slur, I'd be walking around feeling pretty racially slurred upon for a good portion of every day.

Different context, Mick.

Your probably right. I had some boring c... trying to tell me the other day that it means Prisoner of Her Majesty or something, and that it's them (the aussies) as I understand it who are the POM's, and we're kind of not. Apparently in New Zealand they weren't convicts, they were farmers who played rugby who came over. As I understand it, almost to man they were Jocks ( :D just kidding).

But anyway, it probably is different. My point was only that I don't find it offensive anyway. It's nowhere near as bad as being accused of being glad when we lose on here   :) .

You wouldn't like it if a stranger walked up to you in a bar and said "excuse me, Limey" having heard your accent, would you? It's disrespectful, Mick. Manners cost nothing.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:33 am
by Bam
I've been called a Limey a POM and all sorts, but I dont get my kniCkers in a twist about it Murph.

Jesus, get a life. Paint something or do a drawing if your that easily offended kin ell.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:34 am
by Bam
I've been called a Limey a POM and all sorts, but I dont get my kniCkers in a twist about it Murph.

Jesus, get a life. Paint something or do a drawing if your that easily offended kin ell.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:36 am
by Bam
Emerald Red wrote:
bigmick wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
bigmick wrote:I'm glad I don't find POM a racial slur, I'd be walking around feeling pretty racially slurred upon for a good portion of every day.

Different context, Mick.

Your probably right. I had some boring c... trying to tell me the other day that it means Prisoner of Her Majesty or something, and that it's them (the aussies) as I understand it who are the POM's, and we're kind of not. Apparently in New Zealand they weren't convicts, they were farmers who played rugby who came over. As I understand it, almost to man they were Jocks ( :D just kidding).

But anyway, it probably is different. My point was only that I don't find it offensive anyway. It's nowhere near as bad as being accused of being glad when we lose on here   :) .

You wouldn't like it if a stranger walked up to you in a bar and said "excuse me, Limey" having heard your accent, would you? It's disrespectful, Mick. Manners cost nothing.

I know it wouldnt bother me, and I doubt it would bother Mick in all honesty.

You always cause a Ku-fuffle over the most pedantic of points, you've made your point. But if I feel like calling a Frog a frog, or a Paddy a Paddy I will, its my perogative and if your easily offended. tough ti.ties

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:36 am
by Emerald Red
Bam wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
bigmick wrote:I'm glad I don't find POM a racial slur, I'd be walking around feeling pretty racially slurred upon for a good portion of every day.

Different context, Mick.

How ?

How the feck do you know what context it is. ?

Jesus wept,


You are a fecking fuddy duddy .

"All the Paddy's" was the context.

Why not just say all the Irish people, or the Irish members of the forum and be slightly more respectful? Like I said, there are people in Ireland who do take offense to being called a "Paddy". For a start, blanketing someone with a stereotype name was designed to do one thing in the first place, and that's disregard a person's individuality.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:39 am
by Bam
Emerald Red wrote:
Bam wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
bigmick wrote:I'm glad I don't find POM a racial slur, I'd be walking around feeling pretty racially slurred upon for a good portion of every day.

Different context, Mick.

How ?

How the feck do you know what context it is. ?

Jesus wept,


You are a fecking fuddy duddy .

"All the Paddy's" was the context.

Why not just say all the Irish people, or the Irish members of the forum and be slightly more respectful? Like I said, there are people in Ireland who do take offense to being called a "Paddy". For a start, blanketing someone with a stereotype name was designed to do one thing in the first place, and that's disregard a person's individuality.

No doubt if I said all the Irish you'd be accussing me of being Racist, like the fuddy duddy you seem to be.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:49 am
by bigmick
Nobodies ever called me a limey, I think that's the americans who say that. I have a few times been callec an English c... by Irish fellas when I was running a betting shop in Harlesden. The black guys used to call you all sorts, blood claart mainly, or pussy claart. I don't think that was actually racist per se, I think it's more along the lines of the commonal garden "you're a c...", only in West Indian. Didn't make it anymore pleasant to take mind, I simply clarify that part as it's kind of not in this discussion.

I've got a feeling that Limey is because they used to eat limes on the way over to the states to avoid getting scurvey. There is the distinct possibiltiy though that that theory is utter b0ll0cks as I can't remember where I got it from.

No it wouldn't bother me in the slightest though no.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:56 am
by Bam
bigmick wrote:Nobodies ever called me a limey, I think that's the americans who say that. I have a few times been callec an English c... by Irish fellas when I was running a betting shop in Harlesden. The black guys used to call you all sorts, blood claart mainly, or pussy claart. I don't think that was actually racist per se, I think it's more along the lines of the commonal garden "you're a c...", only in West Indian. Didn't make it anymore pleasant to take mind, I simply clarify that part as it's kind of not in this discussion.

I've got a feeling that Limey is because they used to eat limes on the way over to the states to avoid getting scurvey. There is the distinct possibiltiy though that that theory is utter b0ll0cks as I can't remember where I got it from.

No it wouldn't bother me in the slightest though no.

Blood claart  :laugh:

I used to work in Harlesden Mick and Kilburn (Bit of a hole). Loads of Paddy's in and around that area. They came over and were a big work force regarding the railways being built.

Your right about the Lime thing too.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:10 am
by account deleted by request
Personally I didn't know it wasn't OK to say Paddy, Emerald, so if I have ever used the phrase I am sorry mate. 

Why do rabbits die when someone stands on someones foot in Ireland ..... Micks o' my toeses

Sorry about that but it's getting late :D

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:27 am
by Emerald Red
s@int wrote:Personally I didn't know it wasn't OK to say Paddy, Emerald, so if I have ever used the phrase I am sorry mate. 

Why do rabbits die when someone stands on someones foot in Ireland ..... Micks o' my toeses

Sorry about that but it's getting late :D

S@int, it's not the worst thing in the world to call a person from Ireland, I know. It's not particularly that bad of a thing. Again, I'll say it's all down to the context in the manner of which it is being used is all. If you and I were out for a drink or something, and you called me a stupid Paddy in jest, then so long as I knew you, and I knew you were messing about, it's fine. But when it's used as a "blanket term" to denigrate, then it becomes something different and it is insulting and offensive. I would take offense if a total stranger called me that to address me. It's just bloody rude.

Oh, and the Irish jokes are fine BTW. Well, only if they are funny that is.  :D

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:47 am
by ruskiy playmaker
youngster wrote:Rafa a TOSS.. who hasnt a clue,think its about time he went back to spain and did us all a favour,his treatment of keane is nothin new,Owen got if Crouch got it for a crowd of Wan.... like dossena babel kuyt ect the list goes on hope hes sacked and sooner the better


PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:34 am
by shanks
The Treatment of Robbie Keane from the sunday times

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:14 am
by kazza
Two wins in the league since Keane left. More team unity now.