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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:14 pm
by Emerald Red
Kuyt and Vornin take note - big Sami will show you two knobs how it's done in training.

Well, at least he did today. Best strike of the game by far.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:15 pm
by parvin
He will the new viera .. just give him time , its not easy for him to come to a club with stars and compete with them week in adn out for places , he's trying but sometimes he trys 2 hard and that showed today ..

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:15 pm
by Emerald Red
parvin wrote:they deserve it i bet stubbs must be feeling like a :censored: nw , saying that with that much money spent , we muz win the pl.
That will happen soon mr stubbs , whereas everton the blue POOR sh!tes can never win . does anybody rmb a few seasons ago , they wanted to share our stadium like how ac and inter milan share theirs .. thank god we did not ... :D

On todays evidence and tactical genius by Rafa, that won't happen anytime soon.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:16 pm
by Emerald Red
parvin wrote:He will the new viera .. just give him time , its not easy for him to come to a club with stars and compete with them week in adn out for places , he's trying but sometimes he trys 2 hard and that showed today ..

Who are you talking about? I seriously hope you're not talking about Sissoko here?!  :kungfu:

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:16 pm
by parvin
bolton getting physical .. thats the way :p

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:17 pm
by ConnO'var
Emerald Red wrote:Kuyt and Vornin take note - big Sami will show you two knobs how it's done in training.

Well, at least he did today. Best strike of the game by far.

:D  :laugh:

To be fair, I thought Voronin and Riise played well today

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:18 pm
by parvin
lol i am talking abt sissoko ... he has the quality. but hey thats my opinion . every1 is entitled to theirs

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:20 pm
by username
well, levia was subbed on for gerrard, and only if levia scored would the decision been justified, and he did that (as far as a i care anyway, it was in if not for the handball), so, want the worst choice ever made

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:21 pm
by Emerald Red
parvin wrote:lol i am talking abt sissoko ... he has the quality. but hey thats my opinion . every1 is entitled to theirs

Maybe. If someone just teaches him how to pass, teaches him to have vision, and teaches him to shoot properly. It's possible. But then again, it's possible for me to win the lotto and get raped by Angelina Jolie all in one afternoon.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:23 pm
by whylongball?
Emerald Red wrote:
parvin wrote:lol i am talking abt sissoko ... he has the quality. but hey thats my opinion . every1 is entitled to theirs

Maybe. If someone just teaches him how to pass, teaches him to have vision, and teaches him to shoot properly. It's possible. But then again, it's possible for me to win the lotto and get raped by Angelina Jolie all in one afternoon.


PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:24 pm
by ConnO'var
Well lads..... It's almost midnight here in Japan.

I'd like to thank you for the pleasure of your company this evening. Brightened up an altogether dreary evening. :D
I'm a little drunk right now so I think I'll hit the hay....

Play nice fellas..... no fighting till tomorrow... ok? :D :D
Night all!!!

PS: A big fat THANK YOU to s@int for the excellent link. Owe you one, mate!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:25 pm
by parvin
well good luck on the angelina jolie part but well , yea thats the problem . his passing but his tackling is superb ... hope fabregas gets sent off .. he's really getting on the refs nerves  :Oo:

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:25 pm
by Thinkpad
Sisoko will never be the next Viera.
Heck I can even get someone better than him.
Get a kid who has potential with great vision and passing skill then send him to an institution to be mentally "tortured". We have our "Roy Keane".... :P

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:25 pm
Emerald Red wrote:
parvin wrote:lol i am talking abt sissoko ... he has the quality. but hey thats my opinion . every1 is entitled to theirs

Maybe. If someone just teaches him how to pass, teaches him to have vision, and teaches him to shoot properly. It's possible. But then again, it's possible for me to win the lotto and get raped by Angelina Jolie all in one afternoon.

lovin it

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:25 pm
by LegBarnes
masc had a awesome game today he is so fit to be able to travel like that and to play that well i think he could be such a great player for us we defo got the better player of the 2 tev dont look half the player and i was very impressed with lucus movement and composure on the ball took his chance well should have been his first goal.

Cant say much else about rest of game since you all covered it really well.

Think rafa is pushing his luck alot if he keeps doing these things and we start losing then i think he wont have much time left.

But come on what a great win !

Best way to win leaving the other team crying !  :buttrock