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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:27 am
by Erica
:D I couldn't follow yesterday's match. I was delighted to see in the papers that we won with one less man. Congratulations Liverpool. It is not easy to win 3-1 in these circumstances. But I guess that Everton would need to play agains only 9 of our reds to have a chance of getting a point!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:26 pm
by woof woof !
Cherry on the Cake . EVERTON FINED £25,000 BY FA AFTER HAVING 7 PLAYERS CARDED AGAINST LIVERPOOL   :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  The win just got even better .  :D  :D

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:29 pm
by JC_81
woof woof ! wrote:Cherry on the Cake . EVERTON FINED £25,000 BY FA AFTER HAVING SIX PLAYERS CARDED AGAINST LIVERPOOL   :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  The win just got even better .  :D  :D


Pretty funny.  To be honest though half of their yellows would never have been given if we'd had a decent ref.  I'm surprised they've decided to fine them considering the game the ref had

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:43 pm
by woof woof !
john craig wrote:Pretty funny.  To be honest though half of their yellows would never have been given if we'd had a decent ref.  I'm surprised they've decided to fine them considering the game the ref had

Fair point , from the off it was obvious the ref had card fever . Spoilt an otherwise great game but in the process may well have prevented a few broken limbs as Everton resorted to type and attempted to outmuscle our lads .

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 3:03 pm
by Sabre
I've finished viewing the game now.

The refferee seemed to be Spanish, as he was awful.

The main actors or protagonist of a fecking derby must be the players, not that idiot that ruined the game incomprehensibly sending off Gerrard with a criteria I still don't understand. So he accumulated a yellow card for Gerrard kicking the ball, and Alonso didn't receive a yellow. But in the next moment Gerrrard does a lighter tackle than Alonso and he's sent off? feck off :angry:

An ideal ref is this that you don't speak of, and he was the main protagonist. Can anybody tell me why some ref like talking with players and talk about literature? if it's foul it's foul, there's no point in warning about the next time I'll will show you a card, or whatever, he spent minutes talking to everybody.

Neverton showed how you must not play with 10 men. Absolutelly ridiculous, Moyes really didn't seem to change any of his plans with one more. We though, played superbly.

Alonso showed why all crosses of a winger have to have ideally a bend or curl of the ball that when connects the head of the player is getting away from the keeper (cráp, I explained the best I could).
Giving that curl to the ball increases the danger a lot, and it's more difficult for a defender like Neville sending the ball out.

This curl is difficult to be given by a winger while he's running, only a few do that.

I liked the Spaniards and Kewell specially yesterday, also Finnan. Alonso, because he made a set pieces festival with lots of danger. LG because he had to fill the gap of Gerrard in the right while defending, yet he was a constant threat upfront, and Reina because he commanded well, was very sure of the kicks and only made a mistake in one cross or two.

The Kop away should be awarded with some title. Liked a lot the supporting of Gerrard , chanting his song after being sending off. We won it five times, fields of anfield, and what I think it was "who's playing with ten men", they absollutelly dominated the blue noses in the stands too. :)

To be honest I'm confused how we have fixed all our scoring problema so easily and suddenly . It must me mental thingy, some sort of relief of pressure after losing against Benfica or something. What we did yesterday, was really impressive, if anyone had doubts about winning 0-7 against brum, 1-3 away against Newcastle, and 5-1 to Fulham.

Second place is possible, and it's important, as I think it means we don't have to play preliminary CL games.

Great stuff red men!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:19 pm
by stmichael
i don't think it's any coincidence that alonso steps up to the plate and takes more responsibility when gerrard isn't in the side. i thought he was immense yesterday.

and as for the muppets on here who advocated selling garcia in the summer due to his persistent poor passing, yesterday's goal was yet another perfect example of why he must never be sold under any circumstances. fowler apart he's the best finisher in our squad.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:25 pm
by JC_81
stmichael wrote:and as for the muppets on here who advocated selling garcia in the summer due to his persistent poor passing, yesterday's goal was yet another perfect example of why he must never be sold under any circumstances. fowler apart he's the best finisher in our squad.

Agreed.  He might not always warrant being started but I'd never sell him while he's capable of scoring goals out of nothing like yesterday.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:32 pm
by woof woof !
He continues to frustrate but certainly has the ability to  conjure up something special . Garcia takes chances ,gambles with his anticipation (something some of our other forwards fail to do ) it doesn't always pay off for Garcia but when it does ..................... :D  GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL  :D

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:35 pm
by 112-1077774096
i think the fine is for the ammount of yellows they have recieved for the whole season

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:43 pm
by stmichael
I've always believed that Alonso is stifled under Gerrards presence, and dare I say ego, when they're both playing together. In my opinion Alonso makes the team play more cohesively because of his passing tempo and how vocal he is when instructing where he wants players.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:30 pm
by drummerphil
The ref was a joke.I hope the FA start to stamp down on idiots like this.Too many refs are under the impression that 40,000 plus supporters spend their hard earned wages on going to watch them and not the football.Since refs have become professional can anyone truly say the standard has improved.....

píss poor oDowd,Bennett,Rennie the fecking lot of them......

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:11 pm
peewee wrote:i think the fine is for the ammount of yellows they have recieved for the whole season

Dont think so, if a team gets a certain amount of yellow cards in a single game they have to face the FA i think

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:32 pm
by 65-1140560321
Shame for Gerrard now having to miss three games, as we need to win the remaining games.

Having said that, I thought the second yellow card for Stevie  could have warranted a straight red, as it was more of an assault that a tackle. And Rafa didnt look chuffed.

it was a "try and get the ball, but make sure you get the player" kind of lunge.

But as long as it's and Everton player, i'm not that bothered.

thought Ferguson's elbow in Alonso's back was disgraceful too.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:54 pm
by adamnbarrett
Alfonso Alonso 2006 wrote:Shame for Gerrard now having to miss three games, as we need to win the remaining games.

Having said that, I thought the second yellow card for Stevie  could have warranted a straight red, as it was more of an assault that a tackle. And Rafa didnt look chuffed.

it was a "try and get the ball, but make sure you get the player" kind of lunge.

But as long as it's and Everton player, i'm not that bothered.

thought Ferguson's elbow in Alonso's back was disgraceful too.

No when you get sent off for 2 yellow cards you only miss 1 game.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:58 pm
by stoney
adamnbarrett wrote:
Alfonso Alonso 2006 wrote:Shame for Gerrard now having to miss three games, as we need to win the remaining games.

Having said that, I thought the second yellow card for Stevie  could have warranted a straight red, as it was more of an assault that a tackle. And Rafa didnt look chuffed.

it was a "try and get the ball, but make sure you get the player" kind of lunge.

But as long as it's and Everton player, i'm not that bothered.

thought Ferguson's elbow in Alonso's back was disgraceful too.

No when you get sent off for 2 yellow cards you only miss 1 game.

Yes Alfonso Alonso and Real Sociedad are in the spanish league not Serie A  :D