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PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:27 am
by policy
America gets the live broadcasts of every Champions World Series match (because they are filmed in North America) and we (my roommates) are taping them all on FOX sports. The only drawbacks are that the matches are narrated in Spanish for the Mexican-American audience. If you guys want tapes of the matches, just let me know and maybe we could start a tape swap.

You guys can spit and hit Anfield, but we in America only get 1 live Liverpool Premiership match a year. I live in LA and was very seriously considering flying to New York for the last match against AC ROMA. That would mean a cost of at least 200 quid just to watch a freaking pre-season match. Trust me, you damn Scousers are the lucky ******.

If you tape the games and would like to begin swapping with American programs, e-mail me at [email][/email]

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:39 am
by policy
Chiggz, you are a lucky basasstard. Stop bragging about it.  :D

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:14 am
by anfieldadorer
Cool off folks, but yes, dammit!
However, IMO it's as this simple:

1. We have a vulnerable sector in our defense. nothing's new there but the opposition class has exposed us to a better angle to identify better).
2. They were just a better side.

Watch it on tv, my notes of the match:

Warnock and Whitbread were actually playing far from bad. But the best team in Europe was simply not a proper measurement to rate the young players in age and experience.

Cisse was a constant threat to Porto's defense, and so was Owen, until at least the first ten minutes, before the opposition side turned back and sort of saying: "who do you think you are? I didn't even see you in the latest CL"

After that, during the first half, the opposition side showed us why thay became the best in europe. I felt that we had already lost. I couldn't help thinking that a draw would be a win for us.

Murphy as usual played humbly and lack of the expected pace but quite effective in delivering some good balls for our strikers. This forum's wish was Rafa's command: yes, he did take every free kicks during the first half before Diao claimed his position in the second half.

Gerrard returned to his normal performance, he struggled to win every ball in midfield to finally find the opposition was very much tougher than side played in the previous game.

Kewell made our side looking more lively in the second half. If Rafa had to make a decision from only this match then Baros and Cisse would be the main strikers, instead of Owen.

Baros created some good opportunities to score, but it was Nuno, the opposition side number two keeper who played brilliantly.

Opposition goal maybe resulted from the lost of concentration near to minute 90, particularly of the back four. It could have been prevented if somebody took the responsibility to keep watching Carlos who was free to easily slot the ball in. We have the best opportuninities in the latest
stage of the game, but again. Nuno was their hero in the second half.

It maybe hurts, but it was a good lesson from a better side. (hey,i'm no GH, but it was just like that :D  )

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:42 am
by Santa
Liverpool matches are BIG in Asia. From HK, Singapore Thailand and Malaysia, I am able to watch most matches (Copa, La Liga, Serie-A, pre-season friendly and of course 4 to 5 Premiership matches LIVE everyweek, similar to Sky but without PPV) that somewhat makes up for not being there.
However, I would still trade all these for a season ticket and being able to watch it live and soak up the atmosphere. :;):

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 7:16 am
by Starbridge42
I thought we played fairly well based on the replays but the second half never looked like providing us with the winner.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 7:51 am
by supersub
thanks to all of you,from overseas,for a full report on this mornings game.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 8:17 pm
by 72-1090627431
Bet that score brought you all down to earth didn't it?

I bet you were all getting carried away with the 5-1 demolishon of Celtic.