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PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:54 am
by South East Kop
Right guys be all and end all as many say, king kenny takes responsibility for our recent additions then brendan must take responsibility for not signing anyone - only fair. Its shocking and if he cant attract anyone then good luck to him cos he will need it. If the club aint prepared to go for dempsy, a usa international which would be footballing and commercial sense then SERIOUSLY - good luck to him. Cos he has lost my respect as well as obviously the owners as well clearly. If u dont agree, tell me why big andy has gone?


PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:39 am
by killerp
Very disappointed we didn't get anyone in on deadline day. Seeing Dempsey go to Spurs isn't the end of world but it makes us look like small force in the league. Can't afford 7 million pounds?

I guess the owners made some big mistakes by giving Kenny & Comolli all that money & now we are paying the price for their mistakes. I do wonder what would Rogers have done with 70 million pounds to spend freely?

Re: The Transfer Moaning thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:56 am
by Raoul
Well, it's not all bad. If we are really struggling we can always call Spearing back from his loan come January...


Re: The Transfer Moaning thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:56 am
by Raoul
Well, it's not all bad. If we are really struggling we can always call Spearing back from his loan come January...



PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:30 am
by maypaxvobiscum

Did BR spend 35m on a striker whom he didn't build he team around? Did BR spend 16m on a central midfielder who looks like a rabbit caught between headlights each time he plays, when we already had a better player in the shape of Shelvey? I posted this in another thread and shall re-post it for your benefit:

Looks like so many of you aren't able to appreciate what the owners have done for us. After giving a bucketload of money to a manager who recklessly blew it on players who were never worth that much, did any of you expect them to loosen the purse strings once more without selling the players who weren't good enough before making more signings? This isn't just about football and players coming in and out. Look at what's going on with Malaga for example. The owners have the responsibility to ensure that we do not become the next Leeds or Portsmouth but I don't think all of you comprehend that point because all you care about is wanting new players. Go support Chelsea then. Let's see how self-sustainable they are when/if Roman decides to pack and leave.

We might not have any big names or top prospects like Marin, Hazard, Podolski and Carzola joining our club but neither does Swansea and under Rodgers, and now Laudrup, they play/ed some of the best football I've seen. Leon Britton is an unfashionable player whom not many people had heard about but he had an amazing success rate with his passing. And another player who has done really well is Nathan Dyer. Not suggesting that we should be buying them, but the style of play that's being implemented is just an important, if not more, than the players being brought in.


PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:33 am
by Fowler_E7
the transfer policy of Liverpool FC is an absolute joke and has been a complete disgrace for about 5 years now, how the hell do the manager, owners or who ever is in charge allow us to go into the first half of the season with next to no attacking options, if any of our forward players get injured we are completely ruined. Its like we are content to be Sh*t. After last years abysmal waste of money on mostly low quality players we now decide to refuse to improve the squad? good look getting 4th place Brendon Rodgers #midtableteam

Re: The Transfer Moaning thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:43 am
by The Good Yank
I agree maypax.  I just think we all kind of need a little bit of a cooling off period.  Shake the "Woulda and Coulda"s out of our heads and take a look and realize things might not be that bad.

I mean hell, we could do something Really stupid and loan Andy Carroll to QPR or West Ham or something.  Leaving us totally short up front.  As for Dempsey, I don't think he'd suit us.  I'd say bid about 4 million and if Fullham don't snap our hands off we just let it go.  Hell, We've got Adam Fu.cking Morgan in our squad.  What would we need Dempsey for.

That said.  Let Deadline Day Come.  And let's kick the ***** out of...Huh??? what???

Wait, The stuff I said was actually not an absolute nightmare???

Husband:  Where's the gun
Wife: Umm Dunno
Husband: No really Where is the Fucklng gun
Wife: Alright Alright, It's in the safe deposit box at the bank
Husband: What the fuclk is it doing there.
Wife: It's Deadline day, you do this every year.

Re: The Transfer Moaning thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:34 am
by The Good Yank
The F'kin bot just made a post about a player from my Alma Mater and  said ,, is a graduate of University Yulategesi.   Umm No Kenny Britt went to Rutgers University You stupid Fucklng bot.  I'm about to bust some caps into cyber space.

Re: The Transfer Moaning thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:47 am
by SouthCoastShankly
Maybe I'm the eternal optimist but as much as I think it was a mistake to loan out Carroll, I think we'll cope till January. Maybe the whole season.

Re: The Transfer Moaning thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:59 am
by Boocity
I agree, the deadline is past, just have to get on with it and the players we have will just have to step up. I would have preffered another striker but it wasn't to be so move on.


PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:07 am
by Kopite-Jud
We've messed up big time, we obviously planned to get a striker  yesterday and for what ever reason it's not happened, it's not acceptable for a club of this size to make errors like this that can jeopardise the whole season. We have just let our record signing (the most expensive British player ever) go for nothing to west ham and have no replacement for him.  I don't see how people are defending this potentially deadly error ?

Re: The Transfer Moaning thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:15 am
by Benny The Noon
We have 2 senior strikers at the club - 1 misses more chances than he scores ,the other is an unproven kid ?! 

We struggled to score goals last season so to solve that problem we got rid of a load of players and didn't replace them all. Great work !! But it's all ok clueless fuckwits can still continue to blame Kenny.

Our overall squad attacking options is worse than last season- in fact it's close to being one of the weakest strike forces in the prem ?!

What manager goes into a new season with so little options up front ?! Madness - Blame Kenny though - he made the choice to loan out Carroll without getting a replacement sorted.

Re: The Transfer Moaning thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:21 am
by The Good Yank
Benny, It's hard to have the worst strikeforce in the league...If you don't have any strikers.  Sort of like 1x0 =0.  We don't have the worst strike force because we simply don't have any strikers.

Fuc.k me we are going to play every game with a 4-6 formation.  Urrr Errm, Well I guess that's the plan.


Re: The Transfer Moaning thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:22 am
by paisleyred
maybe the deal for Falcao just hasn't been released to the press yet.......:(

Re: The Transfer Moaning thread

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:31 am
by Benny The Noon
It's madness John ! I cant comprehend why they allowed Carroll to go on loan without a replacement signed and sealed so close to the end of the window ?! It's truely incompetence.