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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:55 pm
by J*o*n*D*o*e
Karen Gill, granddaughter of Bill Shankly

Granada reports  (if the click does not play, search for independence day)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:39 pm
by sixbuster
J*o*n*D*o*e wrote:Karen Gill, granddaughter of Bill Shankly

Granada reports  (if the click does not play, search for independence day)

Can only viewit if your in UK.I envy you all who were there :bowdown

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:14 pm
Just got in , :censored: brilliant day. just brilliant, FANTASTIC speech from Jay Mc just nailed it, Choked when Karen Gill came out and rendition of SHANKLY SHANKLY came belting out , what a moment, Got goosebumps and choked again when we all sang ARTF. . Looked to me there was thousands there, absolutly masde up with us, this could only happen with us being Liverpool supporters it wouldnt happen anywhere else, how funny was John Bishop. an hes still a wool  :laugh: there were babys ,teens, mums, dads grannys and grandads all together just brilliant, all wanting the same thing THESE TWO YANKS OUT OF OUR CLUB, an i was made up that Purslow got slaughterd an all.
Had a few bevvys in Ma Egees an all ,just a great day all round,

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:25 pm
by Reg
Igor, the ECHO said there were 2,000 people there, the SOS website says 5,000. 

I guess the difference is success and failure to be honest.

Which was it?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:41 pm
by Igor Zidane
Reg wrote:Igor, the ECHO said there were 2,000 people there, the SOS website says 5,000. 

I guess the difference is success and failure to be honest.

Which was it?

Defo more than 2,000 . One of the committee had a talk with the head steward there and St georges plato itself can only hold 7,000 at most . The steward reckoned there was 5,000 there atleast . When the video comes out mate , you can judge for yourself .

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:10 pm
by J*o*n*D*o*e
deffo more than 2,000, plus people came and went all afternoon, look at rbg`s pic above and thats not even half.

pity a few more around here didnt show a bit more interest, bet you some dont even know where in the process of trying to buy a stake in the club.

nevermind we have a new manager so all is well.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:16 pm
by Ciggy
Isnt it  a shame that the only people that posted in this topic where either there or intrested in whats going on? It makes me sick they either dont want to know or not intrested or wanted Rafa out at all costs no mater what.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:04 pm
by Igor Zidane
A two part video of James McKenna's speech from the Independence Day Rally can be found below with more videos to follow.

Pictures of our Independence Day Rally can be found here:

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:26 pm
by Ciggy
Igor Zidane wrote:A two part video of James McKenna's speech from the Independence Day Rally can be found below with more videos to follow.

Pictures of our Independence Day Rally can be found here:

Excellent speech from Jay.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:53 pm
Standard Chartered will be hosting an event tomorrow (Wednesday) in the London Carriage Works Restaurant on Hope Street in the city centre. Christian Purslow will be in attendance. We urge anyone who can make it to be there at 12pm to show him he is not welcome at our club. This isn't about who is or isn't our sponsor. It is about our Managing Director and what he is doing at our club Seeing as Christian has chosen to ignore our questions, we will be going to him, to ask the following:

1. Christian, you told us your job was to find £100m investment. You did not succeed. Do you accept you have failed?
2. Christian, what exactly do you do now? Are you still part time? Are you still a temporary appointment?
3. Christian, with a background in finance, equity investment and leveraged buy outs, why do you consider you have the requisite skills and experience to decide upon the dismissal and appointment of football managers and to offer opinions about player acquisitions?
4. Christian, are you involved in any way in any consortium seeking to buy the Club? If so, isn't that a conflict of interest?
5. Christian, when we do finally get new owners, will you leave and or will you continue to stick around to feather your own nest?
6. Christian, the residents of L4 remain concerned about the regeneration of their area - why have your not had the courtesy of replying to them about the prospect of a Football Quarter? Too busy or don't care?

If you are able to attend, please let us know at [email][/email] We hope to see you there.

I hope this proved a more than  slightly  embarrassing Afternoon for Mr Liverpool :D Did anyone manage to attend from this forum ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:40 pm
Courtesy of the Spirit Of Shankly website

Today a group of Spirit of Shankly members attended the London Carriage Works on Hope Street to present Christian Purslow with written questions that members have requested answers to. A Spirit of Shankly member enquired with the Restaurant staff about the Standard Chartered event that had been booked and we were told that it had been cancelled. This was despite senior sources at the club telling us the event was not even planned to take place. Members waited until 12.45pm to ensure this was true and sought further confirmation from the London Carriage Works staff.
We wish to thank those who were able to turn up today and also inform Christian Purslow that we are still seeking answers and will put the questions to him again at the next available opportunity.

"Curiouser and Curiouser "
Well I guess that's unequivocally  answered my earlier question ???

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:58 pm
by Benny The Noon
No surprise the parasties stooge number one has gone into hiding - slimy vermin - a money man making decisions about football says it all about the state the two parasites have got our wonderful club into

PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:53 am
by Igor Zidane