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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:31 pm
by redtrader74
Smeg wrote:
redtrader74 wrote:But Sami is still better than him

Sami's past his best. There isn't alot in it anymore. But Agger isn't at the level Hyypia was. Sami was a top class player and a commanding centre back. Agger isn't.

Agger would have made a good partner for Hyypia at his best, as would Carragher. Neither player though are really good enough to be our main centre half!

taking a cue form your thread...i was being sarcastic! :p

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:44 pm
by account deleted by request
WTF is up with Gerrard, I have just watched the England match and he was worse for them than he has been recently for Liverpool. I know he's had a broken toe but surely he should be fit by now. He just doesn't look the same player at the moment. I thought he was very average the other day but he was bloody poor today. Normally a poor game for Gerrard is a decent game for most players but not he looked as bad as I have ever seen him.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:00 pm
by dawson99
there is too much pressure on players like gerrard. people seem to forget it sa team event. players like gerrard (rooney as well for england) are expected to pull the team through everything. maybe the pressure is finally starting to get to him. he cant win everything all the time, he needs help.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:13 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
dawson99 wrote:there is too much pressure on players like gerrard. people seem to forget it sa team event. players like gerrard (rooney as well for england) are expected to pull the team through everything. maybe the pressure is finally starting to get to him. he cant win everything all the time, he needs help.

That life for top players, if he cant handle it then he isn’t a top player, top players make decent teams good teams and good teams great teams. I don’t think its the case that the pressure is getting to him anyway.

Gerrard has too many dips in form that last way to long to call himself a world class player, he has world class talent but he hasn’t done well enough in his career so far to call himself a world class player.

Its hard to say from the outside why Gerrard is struggling to hit anywhere near top form, he says his injury has cleared up so people should stop putting forward.

It really frustrating when you have a player of Gerrard quality and he performs way below his best for long periods, but I tell you what, even when he is performing like this he is still streets ahead of most in our squad.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:31 pm
by lakes10
s@int wrote:WTF is up with Gerrard, I have just watched the England match and he was worse for them than he has been recently for Liverpool. I know he's had a broken toe but surely he should be fit by now. He just doesn't look the same player at the moment. I thought he was very average the other day but he was bloody poor today. Normally a poor game for Gerrard is a decent game for most players but not he looked as bad as I have ever seen him.

very true, It seems so strange, makes you wonder if there is something going on in his home life.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:43 pm
by LFC2007
lakes10 wrote:
s@int wrote:WTF is up with Gerrard, I have just watched the England match and he was worse for them than he has been recently for Liverpool. I know he's had a broken toe but surely he should be fit by now. He just doesn't look the same player at the moment. I thought he was very average the other day but he was bloody poor today. Normally a poor game for Gerrard is a decent game for most players but not he looked as bad as I have ever seen him.

very true, It seems so strange, makes you wonder if there is something going on in his home life.

A conspiracy theory perhaps?  :laugh:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:45 pm
by dawson99
well he hasnt had a good run since he married that....woman

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:26 pm
by LittleHobo
dunno whether its fitness or confidence but gerrard is looking terrible at the moment

his two recent england performances have been real shockers

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:32 pm
by banana
He is playing poor football at the moment. Now that Alonso have been missing he should have stepped up and taken more responsibility. Instead he has gone missing. Gerrard will never be able to control and dictate the game as the best midfielders do. He will never be able to play beautiful football. But he can run and fight and shoot. Now he is not running. He is not shooting goals. He is not fighting. I think his physical level is way off and his committment is perhaps lacking. Could it be that his fame and his money has made him weak?

And yes, I¨m back. So watch out MFs.....

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:35 pm
by LittleHobo
i do worry for gerrard ya know

i was watching the old treble video and istanbul and gerrard used to be sooo much better

so much more mobile, skillfull, creative, had more guile, tackled like a rockvieler

where is he now?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:40 pm
by LittleHobo
you know the place gerrard currently is

like fowler was before he was sold

a shadow of his former self, a yard slower in terms of acceleration

im worried but i think gerrard has the heart to realise that he is underachieving and work harder.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:57 pm
by account deleted by request
Early last season we blamed it on him sulking cos he was playing on the right, we blamed Alex for knocking about, his kid for being ill, too much football after the World Cup etc etc . Maybe he was just off form, and maybe he's just having another bad patch. Playing with a bad foot could have cost him a bit of confidence and now he's struggling to find his form.

Whatever it is I hope he gets back to his best soon, or our season may be over sooner than we hoped.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:05 pm
by LittleHobo
i wouldnt mind if you could see he was giving 100%, trying things but they just wernt coming off

problem is, to me he looks like hes lost the hunger that made him one of the best in europe

hes not buzzing around, no bit between his teeth, half hearted challenges

its worrying

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:59 pm
by dawson99
but guys, lets not forget what he can do:

(sorry, forgot how to change thing again, but this is well worth it!!!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:05 am
by LittleHobo
i know man

i love gerrard, just worried thats all

i know just about every player has a season or two where they have a hard time, nothing goes right for them