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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:34 pm
by Roger Red Hat
email a complaint to the FA

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:50 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
i like this new rafa attitude.
and those who are calling him classless should be ashamed of yourselfs
whether or not he is right or wrong, stick with him through thick and thin!!
this is Liverpool so what if others think we're messed up? feck em all.
conquest is made of the ashes of our enemy! :angry:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:58 pm
by burjennio
The new rafa kicks major a$$... 

You know with the goatee and and all maybe it's not rafa, but Evil Rafa from a parallel universe, cause evil alternate versions of people always have goatees, I saw it on the discovery channel

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:05 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
burjennio wrote:
The new rafa kicks major a$$... 

You know with the goatee and and all maybe it's not rafa, but Evil Rafa from a parallel universe, cause evil alternate versions of people always have goatees, I saw it on the discovery channel

all he needs now is the Allspark

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:14 pm
by redsince2001
100% behind rafa ...
and for those that disagree

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:52 pm
by Emerald Red
MightyLFC wrote:
Ola Mr Benitez wrote:I think he has let himself down here.  It is not the Liverpool way to moan about decisions that don't go our way.  Shut up and prove it on the field.. thats how it is done!

I agree !

I don't!

It's about time we had a manager that had the b@llocks to vent his true feelings, as we all have as supporters, felt the same way. How long will the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea have carte blanche over rullings like this, and get the rub of the green when it comes to big clashes between the top teams at the top of the table? There is far too much money being pumped into clubs these days for decisions like last Sunday's to be gotten wrong. Those who say "it is not the Liverpool way" to complain about injustice better wake up and smell the b*llshit we're being spoon fed here. It only wasn't our way becuase at one point we had very little to complain about because we were in control of things on and off the pitch. We had it all, and I suppose someone didn't like that, so, it's being gradually taken from us in one way or another by seriously unfair means. Fair play to Rafa. I hope he stands up to this kind of sh*t more often. It's good to see.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:25 pm
by maguskwt
yeah i guess... some people are just a bit shocked because it is so out of character for rafa...

but if you think about it... ferguson and wenger complain about these sort of things all the time...I won't even mention mourinho...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:33 pm
by hello_red
Its a good time to say these things about the FA. After the chelsea game and the Heinze deal the spotlight is on us and Rafa never complaisn but he has this time! Perfect timing, can guarantee the FA didnt see this happening.

I support and agree with what Rafa has said!!!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:29 pm
by destro
Mixed feelings about this for me, on one hand its good he has come out and spoken about what has been happening for far to long, as others have said Fergie and lately Maureen have had a go at them and it seems to have worked in their favour.

The other side is it seems a bit nit picky, already I have had knobs in work saying  you didn't moan when you got in the Champions League without finishing in the top four, blah,blah Mascherano,blah,blah getting a reff suspended ( that one made me laugh ), Im guessing that the F.A will no doubt want to speak to Rafa about what he has said, I just wish he would of arranged a meeting with them and told them to their faces instead of letting them read it in a Newspaper.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:57 pm
by red37
From tomorrows Times

A spokesman for the Premier League said that they were “disappointed” by BenÍtez’s comments.

He said: “The Premier League try to make sure that our dealings with all our member clubs, including the scheduling of fixtures, are as fair as possible.

“We are disappointed to read Rafael BenÍtez’s comments in the press, especially when channels exist for every member club to raise issues directly with the league.”


Now don't do it again Rafa, they are distraught by your outrageous outburst that told a pack of lies...and they have taken on board the fact that your insolence didn't show your supporters any of that kind of 'fighting spirit' and 'togetherness' which you've blatantly failed to demonstrate at all, by your vicious and wicked insinuations against your contemporaries. Not to mention those poor sods who have to go round with all these brown paper bags clearing up all this 'hulla-balloo' on a regular basis. Let this be a warning to you Senor body will be any the wiser or profit anything whatsoever from these petulent acts - in all sincerity.

Really, the audacity of that 'cocky' Spanish man, who does he think he is, playing the victim!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:00 pm
by Sabre
“We are disappointed to read Rafael BenÍtez’s comments in the press, especially when channels exist for every member club to raise issues directly with the league.”

Well I didn't expect they'd be shooting fireworks. As stated earlier the burocrats like the official channels to ignore them officially. This has been a correct move, because now they'll have to seem to be fair, and will be more handtied :)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:03 pm
by red37
How do you go about putting a 'squiggle' over the 'n' in Senor  ???

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:12 pm
by Sabre

in your keyboard you should press 0241 while you have your left Alt key pressed.

Anyhow your irony could be equally understood, Señor. :D

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:15 pm
by red37

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:49 am
by LegBarnes
maypaxvobiscum wrote:
burjennio wrote:
The new rafa kicks major a$$... 

You know with the goatee and and all maybe it's not rafa, but Evil Rafa from a parallel universe, cause evil alternate versions of people always have goatees, I saw it on the discovery channel

all he needs now is the Allspark

Lets not bring Optimus Prime into this people will die !
