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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:45 am
by Espionage
Absolutely shattered, Momo does not need something like this at this stage of his career, he has so much potential. 

I hope that hes back soon :(

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:31 am
by The Manhattan Project
We'll be OK.

He'll heal quickly.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:22 am
by 67-1161385641
Momo will be back that kid is as hard a nails and he's built like a house. Good Luck Momo! Go Go!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:54 am
by tubby
Yes he did heal up quicker than anticipated with the eye injury. The same injury which kept Paul Scholes out for almost a year.

Then again a broken shoulder is something else. The bone needs time to heal and then he need to go through rehab, physio to build muscles back i that area. Whilst the bone is a miraculous part of the body in regards to how it heals up to stronger than before, rushing someone back on the other hand could leave little niggling injuries in the future so unless were in a real state come 2 months i would expect to see him back before the end of Feb.

What Rafa has to do now is to really think hard about our tactics. We can no longer go forward as much but in short that means that our strikers and main goal threatening players (including Stevie, Luis and Xabi) need to put away the chances as they come with more clinical style.

With Mom out we will become more restricted in our attacking play and I can see us going back to defending for much of the game after taking the lead. Theres nothing wrong with that but im just saying given our weakness from set pieces we need to make sure that when we get chances we need to make sure we bury them.

We are a more than capable side of still pulling out the results without Momo but its time to start really forming some consistensy and its going to be tough against Arsenal on Sunday but its possible for us to still come away with a good result.

The only posative i can think of in regards to fixtures is that we have got Chelsea and Utd away out of the way as well as qualifying for Europe.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:55 pm
by red37
i bet the lads back in training come christmas week. all the best Momo the Destroyer  :(