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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:42 pm
by A.B.
Gerrard missed a sitter

1. Liverpool - 11 points
2. Chelsea - 10 points
3. Betis - 7 points

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:43 pm
by A.B.
drummerphil wrote:well we are through,did say it would be tight but funny enough only the scoreline was,as we dominated the game and we create about 25 chances.Crouch all though played very well needs to score a goal soon because any other player missing between 8-12 chances a game, every game when he has been bought as a 7million striker would be dropped........its going on too long.....

As for the Chelsea game although we are through i want to top the group,because as Manure found out last year settling for second place can come back and haunt you.

Finishing second or first, there is no real advantage imo. We could draw a dangerous oposition regardless where we finish [1st or 2nd]

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:45 pm
by Ciggy
Nervey ending to that one Pheeeeeeeew :D
Jesus christ almighty that keeper saved 9 shots FFS.
Im so happy we are through and as Rafa said it doesnt matter if you come top of the group or second, there are no easy teams to draw, once you get through.
Proud of Crouchy today and Niall Quinn sang praises for him all night said he was the best player on the park, and the lad could not have done more if Im honest.
We missed xabi and Luis tonight against them though, our little thumb sucker would have got 1 or 2.
No worries we are through thats all that matters.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:46 pm
by drummerphil
A.B. wrote:
drummerphil wrote:well we are through,did say it would be tight but funny enough only the scoreline was,as we dominated the game and we create about 25 chances.Crouch all though played very well needs to score a goal soon because any other player missing between 8-12 chances a game, every game when he has been bought as a 7million striker would be dropped........its going on too long.....

As for the Chelsea game although we are through i want to top the group,because as Manure found out last year settling for second place can come back and haunt you.

Finishing second or first, there is no real advantage imo. We could draw a dangerous oposition regardless where we finish [1st or 2nd]

I would also like to beat Chelsea,still think we owe them for the 1-4 beating a few weeks back.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:47 pm
by Alonso14
A.B. wrote:
drummerphil wrote:well we are through,did say it would be tight but funny enough only the scoreline was,as we dominated the game and we create about 25 chances.Crouch all though played very well needs to score a goal soon because any other player missing between 8-12 chances a game, every game when he has been bought as a 7million striker would be dropped........its going on too long.....

As for the Chelsea game although we are through i want to top the group,because as Manure found out last year settling for second place can come back and haunt you.

Finishing second or first, there is no real advantage imo. We could draw a dangerous oposition regardless where we finish [1st or 2nd]

Is the draw Groups A winners play Group B runners up?

Because im sure last year i was on the edge of my seat waiting for them to annouce random fixtures. And we was lucky because we avoided the 3 Italians in the first round of knock outs.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:47 pm
by A.B.
drummerphil wrote:
A.B. wrote:
drummerphil wrote:well we are through,did say it would be tight but funny enough only the scoreline was,as we dominated the game and we create about 25 chances.Crouch all though played very well needs to score a goal soon because any other player missing between 8-12 chances a game, every game when he has been bought as a 7million striker would be dropped........its going on too long.....

As for the Chelsea game although we are through i want to top the group,because as Manure found out last year settling for second place can come back and haunt you.

Finishing second or first, there is no real advantage imo. We could draw a dangerous oposition regardless where we finish [1st or 2nd]

I would also like to beat Chelsea,still think we owe them for the 1-4 beating a few weeks back.

I want us to beat them as well

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:48 pm
by jonnymac1979
Thought Fernando showed a lot of improvement tonight as well.  He's getting better and better for me.  Still not the player I think he can be but I was really worried about him earlier this season, he looked REALLY off the pace.  He's looking a lot better now.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:50 pm
by drummerphil
said that to my father in law sitting here John

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:52 pm
by jonnymac1979
Looks like he's got a bit of confidence about him now, that's all.  Even a few of his tricks came off tonight.  I want to see him succeed, I'm made up for the fella.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:52 pm
by Alonso14
Hyypia, Sissoko and Hamman all also played well i thought. Finnan was solid as always. Cisse looked lively when he came on. Riise did well to contain Joaquin. Zenden did his part. Morientes for me was excellent, same can be said of Crouch. Carragher was Carragher. Gerrard looked sightly tired too me. All round solid performance i say.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:53 pm
by Ciggy
Yer Morientes improved more in the second half, but if we are honest, our forwards have not settled with a regular partner upfront, one week its cisse/Crouch, the next its Moreintes/Crouch so none have them been able to build up a partnership.
I think Fernando is looking to be in the starting 11 in Germany TBH, he was on the deck more than Heskey tonight, and we played against a Spanish side. :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:56 pm
by drummerphil
for the first time i,m very optimistic...Crouch ,Nando playing well.......only Kewell to produce on a regular basis........i will soon have no one to moan about :laugh:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:57 pm
by Ciggy
So then folks everyones raving over the mighty JOAQUIN I wasnt to impressed TBH, ecspecially for the 20 odd million pound price tag he carries.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:59 pm
by Ciggy
drummerphil wrote:for the first time i,m very optimistic...Crouch ,Nando playing well.......only Kewell to produce on a regular basis........i will soon have no one to moan about :laugh:

You can always take a leaf out of judges book and moan about our players for no reason atall :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:59 pm
by A.B.
If Riise can keep him quiet then one begins to wonder.....