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PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:11 pm
by Ciggy
peewee wrote:just so she can't edit her vileness out later    :no

i wonder if anyone on here has a downs syndrome sufferer in their families, no doubt the mods will sweep this under that carpet and let you get away scott free as always     :no

Of course they will because ive got a nice set of big jugs and Im blonde, you on the other hand are a sh!t stirring b@stard that doesnt let things lie even after 4 years.

And brag about houses that you have that cost two pence err hello Peter my fella's mates have houses there they cost 10.000 euro BTW they have about 5 each, if I sold my house tommorrow I could own 250 not bad for a doleite scrubber hey  :;):

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:12 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
The_Rock wrote:
LiverpoolMadman wrote:
The_Rock wrote:A manure squad without tevez and ronaldo are beating arsenal 3-0..... why can't our team without gerrard and torres beat a championship team ?  :no

The players just don't want to play for him....if the pro-rafa brigade can't see it...then i don't know what to say. It will actually be a win win situation if rafa walks....

I am sure rafa will be able to get a job as the spanish manager..and he will prove to be a massive success managing (emm....coaching) those bunch.....

because man u have more "match winner player" than liverpool .... in short Man U have more money to spend on good players ... But Liverpool can't afford to spend on good players , the rich yanks have no money ....

No $h1t rafa................  :p  You really sound like him.

I not Rafa .... and I hate those two Yanks ....

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:13 pm
by Bermenstein
We were gifted one of the easiest routes in the FA cup and Rafa somehow still finds a way to stuff it up. You think he would have learned a lesson in the last round against Havent AhopeInHell when they nearly pulled of the shocker.

Do we really need to rest Pepe Reina? ??????

Come on.....Funk that!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:13 pm
by username
Ciggy wrote:
username wrote:This thead should just be locked, right now its just newbies or WUMs complaining and ciggy insultuing them (sorry, but the go support barnsley comment was not needed)

Yes it was I am from Barnsley but I support Liverpool, err why?

Why not support Barnsley? if you are from there why do people need to support Liverpool when they live in Barnsley surely glory hunters?

Is it not?

people can move where they live you know? if you moved to barnsley, would you support them instead of liverpool?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:14 pm
by TwelthMan
Ciggy wrote:
username wrote:This thead should just be locked, right now its just newbies or WUMs complaining and ciggy insultuing them (sorry, but the go support barnsley comment was not needed)

Yes it was I am from Barnsley but I support Liverpool, err why?

Why not support Barnsley? if you are from there why do people need to support Liverpool when they live in Barnsley surely glory hunters?

Is it not?

That Old chestnut lol! Ciggy, if people want glory they would support Man u not this sack of :censored:. I never waivered in 25+ years of supporting LFC even in the darkest days under Souness. I'm not a scouser though and why should i be? Do you also think that anyone who lives in Liverpool who is not a born and bred scouser should go back from where they came from?  ???

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:14 pm
by 112-1077774096
NANNY RED wrote:
crazyhorse wrote:The fact that I have been a member of this board for years and have not reached 1000 posts shows my opinion of most of the puerile nonsense that is posted. For gods sake cant people just think through what they post before putting it on here.

I have better things to do than trawl through a load of spam and filth, when all I want to do is read through the real posts by real members (they all know who they are) and think about them and respond or argue if I wish to.

Think before you post!.

We lost today, and yes it is terrible to lose out to a lower league club and yes it should never have happened. However it happens. It has happened to every big club in the country and it will happen again - it is results like this that make the FA cup special even though today we were on the losing side. We ourselves won the cup against the Gooners with two late Michael Owen goals when really they :censored: on us for almost the whole game, we took that one and there should be no senseless :censored: about this.

We are Liverpool. We are a great club, a massive club and the best club in the world. Now is not the time to post "Rafa out", or "lets get rid of all the dead wood". Time to go away, think and lick our wounds and come back ready to support the lads in the next game!.

:bowdown  :bowdown Wish more people here lad had your opinion great post

if it was a one off i would be calmer about it, buts its far from being a one off mate, its further proof that the clown is putting our club into free fall, and why? to prove his point to the owners? or to try and prove his system right.

the sad thing is that while blinkered fans continue to sing his name and make excuses for him, rafa will continue with what he is doing taking us even further back, get shut of him now, lets not even wait until the end of the season

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:14 pm
by Toffeehater
This place is a mad house , if they're any mods i suggest locking the topic before it gets worst. Yes we lost , and it was due to few factors

1) Players not motivated to play and take their chances , too complacent whose fault if that happens? The manager ? Sadly so

2) Rafa has again taken the Fa cup lightly back in the day a manager like shankley would never treat the Fa cup with so much disrespect . Rafa should have played his strongest

3) A superb show by the rookie goal keeper of barnsley , he was top notch today and we were just not fated to score

4) our defence is :censored: , only 2 out the 4 who started should be here next season . Riise and Carra , who's beginning to show his age . Can't expect him to be everywhere

5) Backstage Turmoil has also played it's part , this feud with the owners , who started it? Rafa benitez but it takes 2 hadns to clap .

6) Rafa complaining abt lack of funds when he has gotten his funds but has bought the wrong players , goes for quantity or quality

In conclusion , this season has been a major failure seeing as we have had our strongest squad since Mr benitez took over and i feel at the end of the season he should leave along with Aurelio , Voronin , Alonso , Kuyt , Crouch , FInnan , Hypia , Kewell , Carson , Intadje

This players should fetch 30 million at least , some walking away for free

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:15 pm
by crazyhorse
NANNY RED wrote:
crazyhorse wrote:The fact that I have been a member of this board for years and have not reached 1000 posts shows my opinion of most of the puerile nonsense that is posted. For gods sake cant people just think through what they post before putting it on here.

I have better things to do than trawl through a load of spam and filth, when all I want to do is read through the real posts by real members (they all know who they are) and think about them and respond or argue if I wish to.

Think before you post!.

We lost today, and yes it is terrible to lose out to a lower league club and yes it should never have happened. However it happens. It has happened to every big club in the country and it will happen again - it is results like this that make the FA cup special even though today we were on the losing side. We ourselves won the cup against the Gooners with two late Michael Owen goals when really they :censored: on us for almost the whole game, we took that one and there should be no senseless :censored: about this.

We are Liverpool. We are a great club, a massive club and the best club in the world. Now is not the time to post "Rafa out", or "lets get rid of all the dead wood". Time to go away, think and lick our wounds and come back ready to support the lads in the next game!.

:bowdown  :bowdown Wish more people here lad had your opinion great post

Thanks, and to Dundalk.. 

Time for reflection and thought. There is still a battle to finish fourth and the CL. The team is going to be on the floor and will need the Kop on song to lift them for the next game.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:15 pm
by Kash_Mountain
Look, Rafa doesn't have an assistant (a no 2).  He needs to bring in  a good quality assistant right now, to help him bring order into the great scheme of things. At times, I just feel that he's taking on to much and doesn't khow to handle it.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:17 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
Kash_Mountain wrote:Look, Rafa doesn't have an assistant (a no 2).  He needs to bring in  a good quality assistant right now, to help him bring order into the great scheme of things. At times, I just feel (at times) that he's taking on to much and doesn't khow to handle it.

I belive we all miss Pako ....

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:17 pm
by god_bless_john_houlding

I've got a cob on because of the entire season, this one game is just another example of Liverpool Football Club under Rafa Benitez not willing to fight the game before a European tie. I've said elsewhere, there's 10 players I could get rid of right now, I'd personally give the buying club a compensation fee if they took some our :censored: off us.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:17 pm
by glenbuck patriot
Well this takes me back it's like the Houllier out bandwagon all over again, I should know i was one of them, BUT NOT this time, there where ten Full Internationals out there today, playing against a Championship side 29 places lower than us in the league, if the players haven't got the passion and commitment for playing in a red shirt then THEY are the one's that should be going NOT RAFA!

Everyone's banging on about Rotation, the fact that we had so much possession and thirty plus chances on goal says only one thing to me Rafa had the measure of his opponents and while his tactics though not pretty to watch sometimes compared with what we've seen in Liverpool teams of the past where good enough today to take us through.

No, sorry this today is solely down to the eleven on the pitch, once they cross that white line there's not a great deal ANY Manager can do, we can argue till the cows come home here tonight on what Rafa says in his teamtalks to motivate the players, but here's the point NO-ONE on this forum was in the Dressing Room prior to the game or at half time so we'll never know what was said, what i do know is the team picked today bearing in mind the game we have on Tuesday was more than good enough to have beaten Barnsley.

Fair play to them they've played to the last whistle and got a victory whether it was lucky or not, they're in the hat and i wish them all the best.

As for this being an FA Cup disaster day well yes it is totally, i'm gutted, but i've seen far better Liverpool teams than this one get knocked out of the FA Cup by lesser opposition over the years, as Shanks said it's the hardest cup to win, so gutted yes, baying for the Managers head no.

PS Ciggy What's a wopdong?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:17 pm
by puroresu
in 4 seasons rafa has lost twice to championship sides in the fa cup.  pathetic!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:18 pm
by ruskiy playmaker
I really hope that not all Liverpool supporters are like this.  Some of the things posted on here are really shameful.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:18 pm
by john1992
and to top this day off

scum are 3-0 infront of arsenal