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PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:06 pm
by crazyhorse
The fact that I have been a member of this board for years and have not reached 1000 posts shows my opinion of most of the puerile nonsense that is posted. For gods sake cant people just think through what they post before putting it on here.

I have better things to do than trawl through a load of spam and filth, when all I want to do is read through the real posts by real members (they all know who they are) and think about them and respond or argue if I wish to.

Think before you post!.

We lost today, and yes it is terrible to lose out to a lower league club and yes it should never have happened. However it happens. It has happened to every big club in the country and it will happen again - it is results like this that make the FA cup special even though today we were on the losing side. We ourselves won the cup against the Gooners with two late Michael Owen goals when really they :censored: on us for almost the whole game, we took that one and there should be no senseless :censored: about this.

We are Liverpool. We are a great club, a massive club and the best club in the world. Now is not the time to post "Rafa out", or "lets get rid of all the dead wood". Time to go away, think and lick our wounds and come back ready to support the lads in the next game!.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:07 pm
by The_Rock
Dalglish wrote:
The_Rock wrote:
bavlondon wrote:So come on wheres the Rafa brigade now?

Yeah....where is saber where is lando...where is lfc2007 ...

i wanna know what excuse they have this time...

And where exactly are you when LFC play ? No doubt following Liverpool and almost hope they lose to prove your point !  ???

I'll tell you where I am on the Benitez issue if and when you bother to get off your sanctimonious :censored: and go watch a game live instead of sitting on here and judging your club from afar...................

So you want to make this a scouser vs rest_of_the_world  issue ? Where were you when liverpool played in states ? Where were you when they played in the world club final in japan ? I can bring out sh1t too.....

Listen i am not in liverpool....i am not even in UK. So no need to bring this live sh1t into play. I have seen liverpool play live numerous times ...yeah..they were mostly friendlies...but that doesn't deter me.

And who the f@ck are you to accuse me of wanting this team to lose so that i can prove my point ?  You think you are a better fan than me  :no

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:07 pm
by Dundalk
Highlights if anyone is still interested..

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:07 pm
by *_Ruthless_*
Ciggy wrote:
username wrote:This thead should just be locked, right now its just newbies or WUMs complaining and ciggy insultuing them (sorry, but the go support barnsley comment was not needed)

Yes it was I am from Barnsley but I support Liverpool, err why?

Why not support Barnsley? if you are from there why do people need to support Liverpool when they live in Barnsley surely glory hunters?

Is it not?

Born and Raised in Liverpool ... Moved to Barnsley 5 years ago to live with my Girlfriend!

Make sence?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:08 pm
by mistyred
Ciggy wrote:
username wrote:This thead should just be locked, right now its just newbies or WUMs complaining and ciggy insultuing them (sorry, but the go support barnsley comment was not needed)

Yes it was I am from Barnsley but I support Liverpool, err why?

Why not support Barnsley? if you are from there why do people need to support Liverpool when they live in Barnsley surely glory hunters?

Is it not?

Lynds calm down  :)  we are all in a bad way right now, but i tell you something arguing amongst each other is not the way.
Your a diamond Gal don't fustrate yourself.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:08 pm
by redhayesy
i"m so concerned over comments on here that it"s like talking to a brick wall!!
feck sake why can"t so called supporters just face the fact win , lose or draw
i will love this club, it"s people ,everyone connected with this club.
i"m so gutted at the moment i"m going to get mashed now, but in
the morning i will still love this club, manager ,players etc - cause
:censored: happens!! i"m  so fecked with what i read on here just lately
that opinions have taken on a whole different meaning!
how long have alot of posters on here actually called
themselves fans or supporters of this club,- i"ve said it before
& i will say it again, if you don"t know anything about our history
what we stand for etc feck off & support another club!
support the team through thick & thin.
ps who gives a feck what the manc score is - just 1 example of
idiotic posts on here!! i couldn"t give a feck, i"m off to get mashed
end of.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:08 pm
by 112-1077774096
Dundalk wrote:Highlights if anyone is still interested..


PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:08 pm
by god_bless_john_houlding
Dalglish wrote:
The_Rock wrote:
bavlondon wrote:So come on wheres the Rafa brigade now?

Yeah....where is saber where is lando...where is lfc2007 ...

i wanna know what excuse they have this time...

And where exactly are you when LFC play ? No doubt following Liverpool and almost hope they lose to prove your point !  ???

I'll tell you where I am on the Benitez issue if and when you bother to get off your sanctimonious :censored: and go watch a game live instead of sitting on here and judging your club from afar...................

I haven't missed a home game (league, cup, europe) for 35 years. That's where I am, I'm supporting the side, I'm desperate for us to win, and I'm desperate for us to succeed under Benitez. That's not going to happen, so sack him NOW. I can't put up with it any longer.

If we beat Inter on Tuesday, you'll all be back praising him and telling me that today was just a blip. Well that's not good enough. I'm not bothered by the fact we've been beaten by Barnsley, these things happen, especially in the FA Cup where shocks always happen. But what hurts me is the league form, that's why I want him sacked. He's not good enough to win us the league and now it's time to for him to :censored: off and give someone else a try.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:09 pm
by Emerald Red
My head's sore.

Both from the flu, today's defeat, and from reading the incessant bollox being type up in here.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:09 pm
by Dundalk
crazyhorse wrote:We lost today, and yes it is terrible to lose out to a lower league club and yes it should never have happened. However it happens. It has happened to every big club in the country and it will happen again - it is results like this that make the FA cup special even though today we were on the losing side. We ourselves won the cup against the Gooners with two late Michael Owen goals when really they :censored: on us for almost the whole game, we took that one and there should be no senseless :censored: about this.

We are Liverpool. We are a great club, a massive club and the best club in the world. Now is not the time to post "Rafa out", or "lets get rid of all the dead wood". Time to go away, think and lick our wounds and come back ready to support the lads in the next game!.

:nod  :nod

Well said.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:09 pm
by JBG
Absolutely shocking stuff. Surely Rafa is on his last legs now? I haven't felt this bad since the last of the Houllier days. :(

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:09 pm
destro wrote:If the players don't want to play for him sell them, who's to say they will want to play for his replacement. What do we do keep changing Managers just so our darling, overpaid, useless bunch of idiots get to have a Manager they like. I feel really sorry for them having to play under that nasty man Rafa :laugh:


PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:10 pm
by The_Rock
LiverpoolMadman wrote:
The_Rock wrote:A manure squad without tevez and ronaldo are beating arsenal 3-0..... why can't our team without gerrard and torres beat a championship team ?  :no

The players just don't want to play for him....if the pro-rafa brigade can't see it...then i don't know what to say. It will actually be a win win situation if rafa walks....

I am sure rafa will be able to get a job as the spanish manager..and he will prove to be a massive success managing (emm....coaching) those bunch.....

because man u have more "match winner player" than liverpool .... in short Man U have more money to spend on good players ... But Liverpool can't afford to spend on good players , the rich yanks have no money ....

No $h1t rafa................  :p  You really sound like him.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:10 pm
by 112-1077774096
*_Ruthless_* wrote:
Ciggy wrote:
username wrote:This thead should just be locked, right now its just newbies or WUMs complaining and ciggy insultuing them (sorry, but the go support barnsley comment was not needed)

Yes it was I am from Barnsley but I support Liverpool, err why?

Why not support Barnsley? if you are from there why do people need to support Liverpool when they live in Barnsley surely glory hunters?

Is it not?

Born and Raised in Liverpool ... Moved to Barnsley 5 years ago to live with my Girlfriend!

Make sence?

mate she lives in holland, pot kettle etc

the fact is over 90% of the posters on here are not from liverpool mate so she is saying they are all glory hunters     :Oo:

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:11 pm
crazyhorse wrote:The fact that I have been a member of this board for years and have not reached 1000 posts shows my opinion of most of the puerile nonsense that is posted. For gods sake cant people just think through what they post before putting it on here.

I have better things to do than trawl through a load of spam and filth, when all I want to do is read through the real posts by real members (they all know who they are) and think about them and respond or argue if I wish to.

Think before you post!.

We lost today, and yes it is terrible to lose out to a lower league club and yes it should never have happened. However it happens. It has happened to every big club in the country and it will happen again - it is results like this that make the FA cup special even though today we were on the losing side. We ourselves won the cup against the Gooners with two late Michael Owen goals when really they :censored: on us for almost the whole game, we took that one and there should be no senseless :censored: about this.

We are Liverpool. We are a great club, a massive club and the best club in the world. Now is not the time to post "Rafa out", or "lets get rid of all the dead wood". Time to go away, think and lick our wounds and come back ready to support the lads in the next game!.

:bowdown  :bowdown Wish more people here lad had your opinion great post