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PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:13 am
by Number 9
I know i may be a bit slow ?So why has Landos thread title got my words?

Not the initial pictures he posted?My words?Why?

Some mod seems to think they have a right to put my words with pictures? I want to know why?

Where are the mods?Explain this??
Im a fuc.king LFC supporter,i have things to say....I do not expect my words to be put into a topic thread seperate from mine or to enhance anyones stature!

Sort it out,my words are my words like Landos are his!


Common courtesy!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:37 am
by LFC2007
I don't think they merged any threads, it appears as if they've deleted all of his posts in this thread and awarded him with a ban. Arbitrary rule  :D

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:46 am
by Number 9
LFC2007 wrote:I don't think they merged any threads, it appears as if they've deleted all of his posts in this thread and awarded him with a ban. Arbitrary rule  :D

But before he was banned it said Lando and all the pics he posted were taken off!

But my words were there?

Explain that?Mods merge threads without words ,my feelings(at that time)  are set aside and glued with a banned poster?

Im not happy!
Do i need to say what i feel again?

FFs this place is a circus

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:25 am
by Emerald Red
Two long term posters banned within the space of two weeks. No one  is safe!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:55 am
by Igor Zidane
Lando banned , good grief. :no

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:52 am
by Bad Bob
Number 9 wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:I don't think they merged any threads, it appears as if they've deleted all of his posts in this thread and awarded him with a ban. Arbitrary rule  :D

But before he was banned it said Lando and all the pics he posted were taken off!

But my words were there?

Explain that?Mods merge threads without words ,my feelings(at that time)  are set aside and glued with a banned poster?

Im not happy!
Do i need to say what i feel again?

FFs this place is a circus

Hmmm, "Number 9" is starting to smell very familiar.  Keep it up, lad, and I might decide to run a little IP comparison.  Like threads get merged...get over it.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:56 am
by The Manhattan Project
Very sad stuff.

Forum members turning against each other.

This "Rafa Stays vs Rafa Goes" thing.

Worse than the Hicks/Gillett/DIC debacle.

Warning cards everywhere it seems.

Manhattan hopes for the sake of this frickin forum that we win tomorrow.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:04 am
by bigmick
I must say that I think sometimes the job of being a moderator is absolutely impossible, and when dealing with both the Lando and Peewee situations in the last couple of weeks the guys in charge have done just about as good as they possibly could have. As much as we all love Lando, you can't carry on like he was today and seriously be expected to escape cards, while Peewee could spend a long time trying to convince me he was not deserving of his ban and I don't think I would be convinced.

I've said a couple of times the system is wrong. It should be a timed ban, Lando deserved a four weeker for his carry-on this morning with Peewee deserving of similar. tu deserved longer and has already served it, but the problem with simple bans is that we lose the better posters simply because they lose their temper or fall out with somebody. I've suggested "timed sentencing" for a while now and I think its infinitely better than the current system. It would make it easier to moderate aswell.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:10 am
by god_bless_john_houlding
in all fairness to Lando, who I must admit I thought was out of order, many others were purposely winding him up and giving it just as badly as he. But because he was on his todd, it looks like he was the worse because it he was dealing with all of them indivuially, but the way he went about it was wrong and unlike a fan of Liverpool Football Club.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:21 am
by god_bless_john_houlding
this just came off

How much has it taken you by surprise: you were doing so well and now it all seems to be unravelling?
We started really well this season and after we had some bad results. We won against Besiktas 8-0 - that's a record in the Champions League; we won 4-1 against Porto; we won in Marseille 4-0, at a stadium where English teams don't win. We showed that we have quality, we have character - we need to show this again. We must do the job.

the three games he mentions are european, this shows where his priorities lie, why not mention Luton (5-0) or Newcastle (3-0) where we played them off the park away from home. it is for this reason alone I don't want Benitez as manager anymore, his only interest is Europe. not good enough Rafa, sorry.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:25 am
by Number 9
Bad Bob wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:I don't think they merged any threads, it appears as if they've deleted all of his posts in this thread and awarded him with a ban. Arbitrary rule  :D

But before he was banned it said Lando and all the pics he posted were taken off!

But my words were there?

Explain that?Mods merge threads without words ,my feelings(at that time)  are set aside and glued with a banned poster?

Im not happy!
Do i need to say what i feel again?

FFs this place is a circus

Hmmm, "Number 9" is starting to smell very familiar.  Keep it up, lad, and I might decide to run a little IP comparison.  Like threads get merged...get over it.

Go ahead do that...i am confident though that before you smell me,the overpowering factor of your breath going up your nose may bring you to another conclusion!

Be careful what you wish for Robert and conduct your threats accordingly!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:29 am
by Bad Bob
Number 9 wrote:
Bad Bob wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:I don't think they merged any threads, it appears as if they've deleted all of his posts in this thread and awarded him with a ban. Arbitrary rule  :D

But before he was banned it said Lando and all the pics he posted were taken off!

But my words were there?

Explain that?Mods merge threads without words ,my feelings(at that time)  are set aside and glued with a banned poster?

Im not happy!
Do i need to say what i feel again?

FFs this place is a circus

Hmmm, "Number 9" is starting to smell very familiar.  Keep it up, lad, and I might decide to run a little IP comparison.  Like threads get merged...get over it.

Go ahead do that...i am confident though that before you smell me,the overpowering factor of your breath going up your nose may bring you to another conclusion!

Be careful what you wish for Robert and conduct your threats accordingly!

Charming as always, Barry, but your "number" is up once more, I'm afraid. :no

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:21 am
by supersub
thread closed