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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:20 am
by woof woof !
Number 9 wrote:
Bretc wrote:I thought we played much better in the 2nd half. Alonso provided the team with more attacking options with his array of passes. With Keano, Rafa should play him in the hole in a 4-4-1-1 formation and not as the 2nd striker in a 4-4-2. He's playing too far up to be really effective. He should stay deeper and together with Gerrard, support Torres from deep. That's where Keano can do the most damage.

And Kuyt had better build up more confidence in his shooting. On one occasion, he should have shoot at goal himself instead of passing to Alonso. That was a clear sign of lacking in confidence in front of goal! He'd better buck up fast, working hard alone is not good enough.

Positives - We got the 3 points playing in 2nd gear and Dossena looks much better than Riise in terms of basic technical skills e.g. passing, crossing, defending etc and has better game intelligence.

You are exactly the type of yank that makes me want to vomit..How about go and watch baseball for sure!

We got fu,ck all because you are not LFC nor do you love them nor do you care!Go and fu'ck yourself and take your baseball with you you arrogant piece of bastardness..Take them two geriatric kunts with you as well..and their sons and daughters!!
Stick the private jets as far up their @rses as you can and remember that I told you to shove it only 10 times harder...this is LFC not some yank plaything!!
Dont pretend for a second that you understand..because you simply dont..FU,CK OFF!!

Uncalled for.

Put your Fanta's back in the fridge before you get benched (again).


PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:29 am
by Number 9
Number 9 wrote:
Bretc wrote:I thought we played much better in the 2nd half. Alonso provided the team with more attacking options with his array of passes. With Keano, Rafa should play him in the hole in a 4-4-1-1 formation and not as the 2nd striker in a 4-4-2. He's playing too far up to be really effective. He should stay deeper and together with Gerrard, support Torres from deep. That's where Keano can do the most damage.

And Kuyt had better build up more confidence in his shooting. On one occasion, he should have shoot at goal himself instead of passing to Alonso. That was a clear sign of lacking in confidence in front of goal! He'd better buck up fast, working hard alone is not good enough.

Positives - We got the 3 points playing in 2nd gear and Dossena looks much better than Riise in terms of basic technical skills e.g. passing, crossing, defending etc and has better game intelligence.

You are exactly the type of yank that makes me want to vomit..How about go and watch baseball for sure!

We got fu,ck all because you are not LFC nor do you love them nor do you care!Go and fu'ck yourself and take your baseball with you you arrogant piece of bastardness..Take them two geriatric kunts with you as well..and their sons and daughters!!
Stick the private jets as far up their @rses as you can and remember that I told you to shove it only 10 times harder...this is LFC not some yank plaything!!
Dont pretend for a second that you understand..because you simply dont..FU,CK OFF!!

Sorry Bret!
Its not fair to blame you for your countries idiots that fu'ck with something they never comprehended!
Im sorry for my ignorance towards was nothing personal! :nod

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:36 am
by Bretc
That was really uncalled for. And I dun wanna waste my precious time trading stupid remarks with you. It would be good if the moderators bench u permanently - I would highly recommend that.

fyi, I'm not american but dun think it will make any difference to you.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:52 am
by shakey
Number 9 wrote:
Bretc wrote:I thought we played much better in the 2nd half. Alonso provided the team with more attacking options with his array of passes. With Keano, Rafa should play him in the hole in a 4-4-1-1 formation and not as the 2nd striker in a 4-4-2. He's playing too far up to be really effective. He should stay deeper and together with Gerrard, support Torres from deep. That's where Keano can do the most damage.

And Kuyt had better build up more confidence in his shooting. On one occasion, he should have shoot at goal himself instead of passing to Alonso. That was a clear sign of lacking in confidence in front of goal! He'd better buck up fast, working hard alone is not good enough.

Positives - We got the 3 points playing in 2nd gear and Dossena looks much better than Riise in terms of basic technical skills e.g. passing, crossing, defending etc and has better game intelligence.

You are exactly the type of yank that makes me want to vomit..How about go and watch baseball for sure!

We got fu,ck all because you are not LFC nor do you love them nor do you care!Go and fu'ck yourself and take your baseball with you you arrogant piece of bastardness..Take them two geriatric kunts with you as well..and their sons and daughters!!
Stick the private jets as far up their @rses as you can and remember that I told you to shove it only 10 times harder...this is LFC not some yank plaything!!
Dont pretend for a second that you understand..because you simply dont..FU,CK OFF!!

Harsh :oh:

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:53 am
by Ciggy
Dont give a sh!t if we play like that every week and win, Chelsea have played like that for years,

Weve played brilliant in some games 30 odd shots on goal and come away beaten or with a draw.

Champions play sh!t but still get a win.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:54 am
by Owzat
Owzat wrote:I'd settle for 1-0 even though I can't stand the tension of them.

I stand by that, 1-0 is not convincing but then neither's the way we've been playing. I was surprised Rafa started Plessis and not Alonso, a little surprised he recalled Hyypia as well.

That one chance where Keane and Torres went for the same ball worries me, lack of communication and familiarity playing with each other. Are the Kuyt bashers giving him any credit today? Overall it was a better performance, if the performances continue to improve and early on results go our way, then we could launch a title challenge. But we've played two pretty ordinary teams, struggled to dominate and scored just one goal while being less than convincing in keeping clean sheets

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:55 am
by eds
Pretty much repeating what the more sensible posts have been.

We played very poorly, lucky to get a win. THANK GOD for Nandos Peri Peri Sauce! He might even score more than last season!

Happy that we got the 3pts, not happy that we have Kuyt playing on the right, he isnt and never will be a winger. Dear oh dear Rafa Gaffa what on earth are you doing? We need a RM and badly, sort it out son, its freakin irratating!

Dossena was OK, I think he will be a better player than the red haired cretin. Keane had an off game, will need to drastically improve tho.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:55 am
by 66-1112520797
Number 9 wrote:
Bretc wrote:I thought we played much better in the 2nd half. Alonso provided the team with more attacking options with his array of passes. With Keano, Rafa should play him in the hole in a 4-4-1-1 formation and not as the 2nd striker in a 4-4-2. He's playing too far up to be really effective. He should stay deeper and together with Gerrard, support Torres from deep. That's where Keano can do the most damage.

And Kuyt had better build up more confidence in his shooting. On one occasion, he should have shoot at goal himself instead of passing to Alonso. That was a clear sign of lacking in confidence in front of goal! He'd better buck up fast, working hard alone is not good enough.

Positives - We got the 3 points playing in 2nd gear and Dossena looks much better than Riise in terms of basic technical skills e.g. passing, crossing, defending etc and has better game intelligence.

You are exactly the type of yank that makes me want to vomit..How about go and watch baseball for sure!

We got fu,ck all because you are not LFC nor do you love them nor do you care!Go and fu'ck yourself and take your baseball with you you arrogant piece of bastardness..Take them two geriatric kunts with you as well..and their sons and daughters!!
Stick the private jets as far up their @rses as you can and remember that I told you to shove it only 10 times harder...this is LFC not some yank plaything!!
Dont pretend for a second that you understand..because you simply dont..FU,CK OFF!!

Steady on Barry.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:56 am
by maguskwt
Number 9 wrote:
Bretc wrote:I thought we played much better in the 2nd half. Alonso provided the team with more attacking options with his array of passes. With Keano, Rafa should play him in the hole in a 4-4-1-1 formation and not as the 2nd striker in a 4-4-2. He's playing too far up to be really effective. He should stay deeper and together with Gerrard, support Torres from deep. That's where Keano can do the most damage.

And Kuyt had better build up more confidence in his shooting. On one occasion, he should have shoot at goal himself instead of passing to Alonso. That was a clear sign of lacking in confidence in front of goal! He'd better buck up fast, working hard alone is not good enough.

Positives - We got the 3 points playing in 2nd gear and Dossena looks much better than Riise in terms of basic technical skills e.g. passing, crossing, defending etc and has better game intelligence.

You are exactly the type of yank that makes me want to vomit..How about go and watch baseball for sure!

We got fu,ck all because you are not LFC nor do you love them nor do you care!Go and fu'ck yourself and take your baseball with you you arrogant piece of bastardness..Take them two geriatric kunts with you as well..and their sons and daughters!!
Stick the private jets as far up their @rses as you can and remember that I told you to shove it only 10 times harder...this is LFC not some yank plaything!!
Dont pretend for a second that you understand..because you simply dont..FU,CK OFF!!

what exactly is wrong with Bretc's post? nothing wrong there mate...

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:59 am
by 66-1112520797
Are the Kuyt bashers giving him any credit today

Owzat .. Did you ever give Crouch credit when he played and scored.

Nah didnt think so, I reckon you should button it about the "Kuyt bashers" as your not exactly the ideal poster when it comes to givin praise where its due.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:00 am
by maguskwt
Owzat wrote:
Owzat wrote:I'd settle for 1-0 even though I can't stand the tension of them.

I stand by that, 1-0 is not convincing but then neither's the way we've been playing. I was surprised Rafa started Plessis and not Alonso, a little surprised he recalled Hyypia as well.

That one chance where Keane and Torres went for the same ball worries me, lack of communication and familiarity playing with each other. Are the Kuyt bashers giving him any credit today? Overall it was a better performance, if the performances continue to improve and early on results go our way, then we could launch a title challenge. But we've played two pretty ordinary teams, struggled to dominate and scored just one goal while being less than convincing in keeping clean sheets

kuyt-bashers are still bashing kuyt...  :laugh:  even when some of his movements in the 2nd half were quite good and forced some saves out of sunderland's keeper... even when moved into the second striker role his movements cause more problems than keane's...

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:04 am
by woof woof !
It was a poor performance yesterday certainly in the first half. We did however take charge in the second half and imo a goal was always coming, and if the Ref had given the dead cert penalty for the assault on Benayoun it would have been a more comfortable win.

Biggest disappoint for me was yet another less than sparkling performance from Robbie Keane, and Rafa's decision to once again play Plessis, don't care what anyone says the lad is not ready to be starting in a key role in our midfield. This may invite the cry "here's gotta get playing time to develop" fair enough, give him that in tin cup games or coming off the bench when we're already comfortable.

On the up side, despite early misgiving Dossena's looking better (although I still prefer Aurelio) and best of all Torres has picked up where he left off.

Only the first game, we will play far far  better than we did yesterday and come away with nothing, but in the meantime we got the three points and for that I'm happy.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:05 am
by Owzat
s@int wrote:I can't say I agree with anyone who says Keane played well, I thought he was poor, he got virtually no good balls, but did nothing with the possession he did get. Torres was only slightly better (if that)until Keane went off .

You have to wonder if Torres isn't better playing alone, not having to link up with or worry where Keane is. The mess they made of the rebound off the keeper when Keane blocked Torre's shot was pure farce. I thought Rafa got his substitutions right, I don't always agree with them but I think had he got them wrong it could have been 0-0 or worse.

Bamaga man - yes I did, I didn't go OTT but then I didn't spend whole threads bashing Crouch when Liverpool played badly. Big ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz if you're going to drag Crouch into it every time someone mentions Kuyt, it was boring enough as a reaction when Crouch was still here.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:05 am
by Number 9
Owzat wrote:
Owzat wrote:I'd settle for 1-0 even though I can't stand the tension of them.

I stand by that, 1-0 is not convincing but then neither's the way we've been playing. I was surprised Rafa started Plessis and not Alonso, a little surprised he recalled Hyypia as well.

That one chance where Keane and Torres went for the same ball worries me, lack of communication and familiarity playing with each other. Are the Kuyt bashers giving him any credit today? Overall it was a better performance, if the performances continue to improve and early on results go our way, then we could launch a title challenge. But we've played two pretty ordinary teams, struggled to dominate and scored just one goal while being less than convincing in keeping clean sheets

So you with your stats worry about how strikers understand eachother after ONE competitive game??
they went for the same ball??
Id be more worried if no one went near it...ffs wise up!
Bad game and terribly drawn out but 3 points in the bag and we really cant go anywhere but upwards!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:06 am
by Owzat
woof woof ! wrote:It was a poor performance yesterday certainly in the first half. We did however take charge in the second half and imo a goal was always coming, and if the Ref had given the dead cert penalty for the assault on Benayoun it would have been a more comfortable win.

I'd be interested in the views of retired refs, taking the advantage back when you could argue a case for that penalty

woof woof ! wrote:Biggest disappoint for me was yet another less than sparkling performance from Robbie Keane, and Rafa's decision to once again play Plessis, don't care what anyone says the lad is not ready to be starting in a key role in our midfield. This may invite the cry "here's gotta get playing time to develop" fair enough, give him that in tin cup games or coming off the bench when we're already comfortable.

If Plessis is going to play it should be cup games, like you say, or at least home games against the weaker opposition that we have no doubts we're going to beat. You can always bring him on, you waste a substitution if you have to replace a player at half time.

woof woof ! wrote:On the up side, despite early misgiving Dossena's looking better (although I still prefer Aurelio) and best of all Torres has picked up where he left off.

Only the first game, we will play far far  better than we did yesterday and come away with nothing, but in the meantime we got the three points and for that I'm happy.

Hope you're right, I was dreading a draw and the continuation of our achilles heel. Hopefully Rafa will tweak the attack a little and when Mascherano comes back we'll see more convincing performances.