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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:33 pm
by joependo
He could have gone last season but he didnt, he also lifted the trophey and was bound to sign a new deal. Im sure this was not down to money. He said something happened in the last 5-6 weeks. Something has been engineered in this time whilst everyones been on holiday to obviously make him leave and its work. This is the work of higher powers as SFX and Real/Chelsea.
No he's leaving because he had a bust up with rafa but i really think none of that happened and he just wants more money.MONEYGRABBER.Never gonna be a liverpool ledgend at our club you money grabber.But if he does leave i hope he goes to real instead of cheatski

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:33 pm
by yckatbjywtbiastkamb
i feel sorry for the kids because i remember how absolutley heartbroken i was when kevin keegan left us, i thought the sky had collapsed or something, i couldnt eat for days. but every cloud has a silver lining and we ended up signing the best player ever to wear a red shirt.
if he really wanted to stay at the club he would have signed, all this cr@p about i was prepared to sign but......give us a break stevie lad you`ve wanted out for a year in fact he played the major trophy card last year thinking that was his passport out of the place but our cl win scuppered that plan.
he has spent a year looking for a excuse to leave. now he`s found some spurious one and he`s clinging to it.
thanks for the memories lad you tried hard for the shirt but you started to read too many papers and believed your own hype. the average fan from other clubs respected you as a hometown lad loyal to his club, now your just another talented moneygrabbing footballer.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:33 pm
by tubby
No player no matter how greedy leaves a club in such sudden circumstances without something major going on and i think it happened whilst he was on holiday. I think this is a big mistake. One thatcan be undone.....i doubt it. If he really was all for the money, then he would have left last season as Chelsea were offering last year over 100k still a week. What we have witnessed today is the power of player managment and agencies. Unfortunatly theres nothing we can do about it. All i can say is im looking forward to next season with or without him. Im looking forward to watching Cisse bak to his best and watching Morientes whos won more silverwear than SG will probabaly ever win. Keep your heads up people.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:34 pm
by Quimby
As sad to see a great player go as it is, there's a strange sense of relief about it. I remember saying last year that, whether he stays or goes, any resolution would be good for the team. The uncertainty and constant speculation really unsettled the league form, something that should finally be solved. With £35million, there are possibilities of bringing in a fine replacement, then still having some money left over. The club can finally move on from the constant stress of wondering what their captain is going to do. It'll work out very well next season - the team will finally be settled, something that hasn't been said for a while.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:36 pm
by murphy0151
Quimby wrote:As sad to see a great player go as it is, there's a strange sense of relief about it. I remember saying last year that, whether he stays or goes, any resolution would be good for the team. The uncertainty and constant speculation really unsettled the league form, something that should finally be solved. With £35million, there are possibilities of bringing in a fine replacement, then still having some money left over. The club can finally move on from the constant stress of wondering what their captain is going to do. It'll work out very well next season - the team will finally be settled, something that hasn't been said for a while.

here here

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:40 pm
by ALONSO_14
this seems a really terrible thing now and of course it is but very soon we will be gettin 40m+ added to our transfer budget to really strengthen the side. remember everton when wayne rooney left? everyone was sayin it was downhill all the way for them now and every1 was really angry but maybe not as angry as we are now but then look what happened to thgem they stuck together as a team and played as a proper team and got 4th. We can move on from this if we do it correctly

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:42 pm
by tubby
Sure you can rfeplace him but he was homegrown and a local lad and that for the near future seems not replaceable as there dont look like any new scousers on the come up. I will still miss hearing that blokes oi the tanoy call out his name when he scored just like i did when MO left but fotbal is to buisness orientated now. And as for the bust up, i have a feeling that it was all fabricated. There were no quotes, no exact details and the most driving fact is that no other players even mentioned it. Theres always some bigmouth player who opens his mouth but nothing.

The reason they dont quote a source is becasue they cannot back it up. Who knows if SFX member were brainwashing SG with romours about wanting him out. I work in the journalism industry and let me tell you anything can be manipulated. If Michael Jackson can be found not guilty then the combined powers at SFX/Real/Chelsea can and have easily made what was impossoible to picture o the 25th a reality.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:47 pm
by Quimby
Maybe some of this transfer money (hopefully about £15-20million) could be spent hijacking the Julio Baptists deal from Arsenal. A robust, powerful midfielder who would slot in nicely. We'll see what benitez has up his sleeve.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:47 pm
by Jan Cuelemans
Rafa & Gerrard have both been linked with Real Madrid and boy am I so glad it's looking likely to be the latter.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:50 pm
by mistyred
Local lads i'm afraid should not turn to the dark side but he is entitled to make a living
i will also add that i have also had more than my fair share to say about MR Gerrard
in the past and with good reason it seems so let's get down to earth and hard work
and prove the B'stard wrong.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:56 pm
by Igor Zidane
hey ho it's history now ladeeeez and gents he's made his decision now and we must move on ,no recriminations, no name calling,good luck stevie. Now lets get on with building a team thats gonna compete for the title and maybe he'll realise he's made a mistake when jamie is lifting the premiership trophey.Through out the history of LFC we've lost great managers and players and we've moved on, that's what we all must do now .YNWA

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:57 pm
by yckatbjywtbiastkamb
Jan Cuelemans wrote:Rafa & Gerrard have both been linked with Real Madrid and boy am I so glad it's looking likely to be the latter.

i think its madrid he`s going to, they said they`d never officially declare interest in a player who hasnt put in a transfer request then ten minutes later gerrard releases a statement his agent cooked up with just enough ambiguity in the wording to try to put the blame on the club and make out he was forced to do this.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:00 pm
by ALONSO_14
well im now hoping a bidding war will be sparked and the price will raise to a very high sum maybe even reaching 45m now that would be a dream price to sell him for, world record

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:00 pm
by neilE
Well I was certain he would stay and said so on here several times. I also said without him we wouldn't win the league for another 3 years, so I'm now hoping my judgement is just as bad on that one.
I can't think of any good reason why he would want to leave. If he wasn't committed to the club why did he stay last summer? What's changed? We're now a successful club getting better. The only thing that makes any sense is people close to him - especially SFX - whispering :censored: to him so much that he believes it - he's got 100 times more talent than brains after all.
Blessing in disguise? - no, world class players don't grow on trees and if they're available then Chelsea can offer more than us. Even with 50 mil to spend, we can't expect to be a good side overnight. But then as I always get it wrong maybe there's still hope.......................

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:05 pm
by Ola Mr Benitez
Parry is on the TV now and he is gutted!!!

I don't believe he is going...  Owen last year and Gerrard this year.  Where is the pride gone in football... Local lads playing for there local team.. what more could you want