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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:57 pm
by Lionheart
dawson99 wrote:
JohnBull wrote:If you haven't heard what's up with Gerrard then you don't live in Liverpool so you will not understand !
The rotation system works well enough in Spain and I really hoped that Raffa would have realised by now that it is different here. Players need to know that it is THEIR position and only in emergency or total loss of form is it given to anyone else.
The incoming player them knows that it is THEIR chance to show that they can do it. We are carrying too much baggage at the moment and I would have expected Raffa to have sorted it by now.

He is looking a bit under pressure at the moment and is showing self-doubt for the first time. Soon spreads through the team.

I stopped posting here after getting pyssed off over the fiasco in Japan when ridiculous team changes lost us a easy World Team Cup win. Things haven't changed much !

well we dont all live in liverpool so tell us and we'll see if we understand  ???

snap     :D

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:57 pm
by Aaron
Same old same old!! Another away defeat, anther away game without scoring, another inept performance, another game where Rafa gets his tactics all wrong. Why Luis Garcia is in that side is beyond me. I may get slated for this but i'd give Rafa next season to win the league and if we dont he has to go. it was the same with Houllier, great in the cups, poor in the premiership!! :no

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:59 pm
by puroresu
Remember Pre-season where we struggled and was conceding a lot of goals.  I know it was only pre-season but our form in the regular season isnt much better at all.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:01 pm
by 112-1077774096
dawson99 wrote:
JohnBull wrote:If you haven't heard what's up with Gerrard then you don't live in Liverpool so you will not understand !
The rotation system works well enough in Spain and I really hoped that Raffa would have realised by now that it is different here. Players need to know that it is THEIR position and only in emergency or total loss of form is it given to anyone else.
The incoming player them knows that it is THEIR chance to show that they can do it. We are carrying too much baggage at the moment and I would have expected Raffa to have sorted it by now.

He is looking a bit under pressure at the moment and is showing self-doubt for the first time. Soon spreads through the team.

I stopped posting here after getting pyssed off over the fiasco in Japan when ridiculous team changes lost us a easy World Team Cup win. Things haven't changed much !

well we dont all live in liverpool so tell us and we'll see if we understand  ???

come on dawson, keep up, this was posted earlier

gerrard thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:02 pm
by dawson99
oh... thought that was all bollox

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:05 pm
by Redman in wales
The_Rock wrote:Look at wat "houllier version 2006" has to say.


Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez reflected on Sunday's Premiership defeat to Manchester United and concluded that his side had been undone by their failure to claim the game's first goal. 
Goals in either half from Paul Scholes and Rio Ferdinand condemned the Reds to a 2-0 defeat and Benitez pointed to Scholes' opener as the turning point.
He said, "It's clear it was a very disappointing day for us. I think we started the game well and created a couple of chances, but if you score first it can change things and we are not doing that at the moment.
"The players worked really hard, but when they scored the second goal it then became difficult for us to create chances. They are a very good team with a lot of quality.
"I know we are 11 points behind, but you can things by working harder and doing the things we were doing well last season." 

- again he mentions that we create chances   ???  Give me a break rafa ...... Every team which plays football creates chances. The point is we have to create goal-scoring chances.  This season, quite a few of our league goals has been long shots. Why ? Its simple. We ain't playing as a team.

that just doesn't matter. evry liverpool game should not be 1-0 and who ever scores first wins:

utd went 1-0 down to wigan away and won 3-1
utd went 1-0 down to celtic in the chamions league and won 3-2.

we should be good enough to comeback from 1-0 downs. not just 'oh well they scored first its game over'.

what it should have been is half time 1-0 down crouch on, 4-4-2. more attacking. not see how it goes then put a RW on the LW and take one of our most threatening players off

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:06 pm
by The_Rock
Redman in wales wrote:
JohnBull wrote:If you haven't heard what's up with Gerrard then you don't live in Liverpool so you will not understand !
The rotation system works well enough in Spain and I really hoped that Raffa would have realised by now that it is different here. Players need to know that it is THEIR position and only in emergency or total loss of form is it given to anyone else.
The incoming player them knows that it is THEIR chance to show that they can do it. We are carrying too much baggage at the moment and I would have expected Raffa to have sorted it by now.

He is looking a bit under pressure at the moment and is showing self-doubt for the first time. Soon spreads through the team.

I stopped posting here after getting pyssed off over the fiasco in Japan when ridiculous team changes lost us a easy World Team Cup win. Things haven't changed much !

that is exactly what i said on page 13...

i think thats been our problem all season.

i think someone else made the point on here, but with the rotation system. it affects peoples mind-sets and there's no reason for them to play well, because they might not play for the next 3 games.

Crouch is the perfect example. scores in 4 out  of the  first 5 games he starts, comes off the bench and scores a couple. and he still starts on the bench. where is his passion gone... taken away by rotation. he can do everything right, score the winner in bordaux, and is then benched for a big game against utd.

its no good having fit players at the end of the season when everyone else is tired if we're too far behind to catch up

---- was me.  :p

As for crouch.... god only knows what is going through his mind. He gets our only goal in france...and rafa comes up with "He prefers a striker who is playing well rather than a striker who scores"....  ??? (effectively meaning crouch although scoring, didn't actually play well to warrant a place in the next match.

But then when reina drops clanger after clanger, he gets supported massively by rafa  ??? .....Seems like crouch might go through what baros & cisse went through the previous seasons.......

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:07 pm
by account deleted by request
Thats Gerrards excuse sorted !now we just need to find an excuse for the other 10 players.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:12 pm
by puroresu
The way we play going 1-0 practically means a draw or a defeat. I just really cant see us scoring twice to win games when we go 1-0 down.  Why doesnt Rafa just set th side out to win every game and let players express themselves.  Sick of seeing negative systems and cautious displays.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:14 pm
by The_Rock
Redman in wales wrote:
The_Rock wrote:Look at wat "houllier version 2006" has to say.


Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez reflected on Sunday's Premiership defeat to Manchester United and concluded that his side had been undone by their failure to claim the game's first goal. 
Goals in either half from Paul Scholes and Rio Ferdinand condemned the Reds to a 2-0 defeat and Benitez pointed to Scholes' opener as the turning point.
He said, "It's clear it was a very disappointing day for us. I think we started the game well and created a couple of chances, but if you score first it can change things and we are not doing that at the moment.
"The players worked really hard, but when they scored the second goal it then became difficult for us to create chances. They are a very good team with a lot of quality.
"I know we are 11 points behind, but you can things by working harder and doing the things we were doing well last season." 

- again he mentions that we create chances   ???  Give me a break rafa ...... Every team which plays football creates chances. The point is we have to create goal-scoring chances.  This season, quite a few of our league goals has been long shots. Why ? Its simple. We ain't playing as a team.

that just doesn't matter. evry liverpool game should not be 1-0 and who ever scores first wins:

utd went 1-0 down to wigan away and won 3-1
utd went 1-0 down to celtic in the chamions league and won 3-2.

we should be good enough to comeback from 1-0 downs. not just 'oh well they scored first its game over'.

what it should have been is half time 1-0 down crouch on, 4-4-2. more attacking. not see how it goes then put a RW on the LW and take one of our most threatening players off

I am beginning to worry about rafa's tactical approach.

It seems, that he sets out his team not to concede any goal. And if we score a goal .....then we hang on for a win. So when we concede a goal, it seems that he has no Plan B (given that hamann is not here to cover for his mistakes)....

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:15 pm
by 112-1077774096
dawson99 wrote:oh... thought that was all bollox

maybe it is mate, i dont know. but it must be on his mind

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:18 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
It seems as though this is the team that Rafa sees as the strongest in the long term. Starting from the Aston Villa game it’s time to give this 11 a run of consecutive games and really work hard on building some cohesion and getting the tactics spot on. I would like them to start every Premiership and European game for next month or so and see them become a proper team.


Finnan   Carragher   Agger   Aurelio

Gerrard    Alonso    Sissoko  Gonzalez

                Kuyt     Bellamy

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:22 pm
by dawson99
peewee wrote:
dawson99 wrote:oh... thought that was all bollox

maybe it is mate, i dont know. but it must be on his mind

well i can tell u whats not on his mind... football.

on paper we have a great team, in reality tho they ust dont have any drive. im watching the gooners now, great football to watch, thats what we should be like.

playing football on the floor, pass and move, triangles, its all gone now.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:24 pm
by 112-1077774096
dawson99 wrote:
peewee wrote:
dawson99 wrote:oh... thought that was all bollox

maybe it is mate, i dont know. but it must be on his mind

well i can tell u whats not on his mind... football.

on paper we have a great team, in reality tho they ust dont have any drive. im watching the gooners now, great football to watch, thats what we should be like.

playing football on the floor, pass and move, triangles, its all gone now.

yeah i agree, we sont seem to be able to put 2 passes together. i said it earlier mate, there seems to be no passion, today i could see players just standing around accepting how :censored: we are

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:30 pm
by puroresu
dawson99 wrote:
peewee wrote:
dawson99 wrote:oh... thought that was all bollox

maybe it is mate, i dont know. but it must be on his mind

well i can tell u whats not on his mind... football.

on paper we have a great team, in reality tho they ust dont have any drive. im watching the gooners now, great football to watch, thats what we should be like.

playing football on the floor, pass and move, triangles, its all gone now.

Even last season when we was on that run I said our football wasnt that good.  We don play open expansive football.  Watch Arsenal away from home in Europe and there performance at Old Trafford.  Its pass and move, keep the ball with great technique.  triangles and 1, 2 touch football.  We are not on that level at all.