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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:55 am
Mick - in some ways i agree with you about the standard of the prem being less at the moment as we dont have teams like the old chelsea and arsenal and man utd sweeping everyone away in front of them but could it not be the other way around thou where the top teams are just as good as before if not better but the reason why those top 4 arent sweeping all away in front of them is because other teams in the league have improved ? teams like villa have improved , the teams that have come up have found ways to be a bit more solid so the overall standard in the league has increased but the gap between the top teams and the others has closed due to the other teams increasing in standard as opposed to the top teams being worse ? just a thought ?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:05 am
by Petar
I like Benitez when we win,but when we don`t win,I always think that his way is wrong.
Which means... We can win sometimes in his way,we can win 5 games in a row,but I am sure that we will have some blip in form after these wins,because his way is wrong...

WE ARE PLAYING SHIIT FOOTBALL! And we will start to play some football when we are out of the title race.
Quote me on that! :blues:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:07 am
by Petar
One day,when Rafa gets sacked,everybody will forget the man

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:08 am
Think your first couple of words pretty much sums you up

I like Benitez when we win,but when we don`t win,I always think that his way is wrong

That just says it all , fair wether - happy to support the manager when we are winning then we are loosing you get on his back . So you must support his way if you like him when we win ? make your mind up .

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:11 am
Do you mean like everyone has forgotten about all our other managers that have won us trophies - rafa forgotten ? never after Istanbul - stop being a child .

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:11 am
by bigmick
GYBS wrote:Mick - in some ways i agree with you about the standard of the prem being less at the moment as we dont have teams like the old chelsea and arsenal and man utd sweeping everyone away in front of them but could it not be the other way around thou where the top teams are just as good as before if not better but the reason why those top 4 arent sweeping all away in front of them is because other teams in the league have improved ? teams like villa have improved , the teams that have come up have found ways to be a bit more solid so the overall standard in the league has increased but the gap between the top teams and the others has closed due to the other teams increasing in standard as opposed to the top teams being worse ? just a thought ?

As far as the league being stronger or weaker is concerned, I've explained my stance on it three or four times now and I can't think of anything sensible to add, so those who think the Premiership is a strong one this season and me, are just going to have to agree to differ. I personally think it's absolutely clear cut, practically unarguable in fact but there you go, we are top of a strong Premiership compared to other seasons apparently  :;):

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:12 am
I was just adding something thats all mate - ie other teams improving - as you have said you already think we are better than last year so surely most of the other teams have improved as well raising the overall standard ?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:15 am
by Petar
GYBS wrote:Think your first couple of words pretty much sums you up

I like Benitez when we win,but when we don`t win,I always think that his way is wrong

That just says it all , fair wether - happy to support the manager when we are winning then we are loosing you get on his back . So you must support his way if you like him when we win ? make your mind up .

no way. I wanted to say,that I really liked him first 2 or three seasons,but then I understood that we can not win the title in his way. i like him now,of course,he is our manager,nice bloke,but I think that his methods are wrong. That is it.

For example. Boro game,this season. I was glad of course,when we won,but I knew deep inside that those were not good tactics,good instructions and I knew that on the other day we would lose that game,because of coaches wrong decisions

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:19 am
So in the past when we were finishing forth you were happy with him now while we are top of the league going into xmas after finally beating chelsea at home in the league and man utd you dont like him ?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:21 am
by bigmick
Mate you were entitled to add what you did, it's a fair enough point. I just get the impression that it's turning into a bit of a "lets defend Rafa" issue which is why I'm butting out of it. Very much like when I made the point about the Champions League being too easy for the English clubs a year ago, people jumped all over that in a mistaken view that I was slagging the manager, I wasn't and I aren't.

To me it's absoltely 100% as obvious as the nose on your face. Would we realistically have been top at Christmas with our team (given that Torres has hardly played and our only other striker Keane has been useless) in many of the previous seasons? If people think we would, that's lovely, peachy, fantastic and good luckk to em. I don't though, some of the better teams I've mentioned would be away and gone by now. If we'd drawn the games we have, at home, we'd be needing snookers.

Would Hull have been top six in many previous seasons? If people think they would, fantastic.

The way to check how good the league is, is not to look at how Villa have improved, or how Tottenham have gone backwards, it's to look at how good the teams are which fill the respective spots in the League. If people honestly believe that position for position this is a strong Premiership, then great. I don't have to agree with them though, and I don't  :D

I think people might secretly be a little concerned that if we win it, as the fella on RAWK said, the manager will get the "ah but it was only a weak Premiership anyway". That may or may not happen, but regardless, it is a weak Premiership anyway  :laugh:.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:23 am
by tommycockles
I would actualy go for a mix of the two; I don't think that Man U, Chelsea or Aresenal are as good as they have been in recent seasons, although i also think the mid and lower table teams are a lot better in quality than we've had in the past. There's a lot of money in our league which means even the lower teams are able to buy good players and improve their teams.

Either way it's a good thing as at Christmas there are 3 teams fighting for the title; no-one looking in the best form, there is competition for fourth place and i think there's a lot to change at the bottom of the table (except for West Brom who look certain to be going down).

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:24 am
by Petar
GYBS wrote:So in the past when we were finishing forth you were happy with him now while we are top of the league going into xmas after finally beating chelsea at home in the league and man utd you dont like him ?

hahaha,go away,hahahaha... Is champions league title,or FA cup less important than being top of the league in december. You are posting too quick. You must think,you know,before post... Your last post was like this KLAJDJHDSFHIDSHGVLJGNVUHUDJFNVKUDHEUISHUF,So...

And yes beside trophies,how couldn`t I like him,when the man became a new manager,another silly point.


and don`t post me about being first in the league. It is not because of his briliance,it is because  united and chelsea are shiiit so far.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:27 am
No we wouldnt of been top in previous years with this same team .

and to me couldnt care if it is a weak premeirship we win :D

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:33 am
by Thewaykokid
bigmick wrote:Mate you were entitled to add what you did, it's a fair enough point. I just get the impression that it's turning into a bit of a "lets defend Rafa" issue which is why I'm butting out of it. Very much like when I made the point about the Champions League being too easy for the English clubs a year ago, people jumped all over that in a mistaken view that I was slagging the manager, I wasn't and I aren't.

To me it's absoltely 100% as obvious as the nose on your face. Would we realistically have been top at Christmas with our team (given that Torres has hardly played and our only other striker Keane has been useless) in many of the previous seasons? If people think we would, that's lovely, peachy, fantastic and good luckk to em. I don't though, some of the better teams I've mentioned would be away and gone by now. If we'd drawn the games we have, at home, we'd be needing snookers.

Would Hull have been top six in many previous seasons? If people think they would, fantastic.

The way to check how good the league is, is not to look at how Villa have improved, or how Tottenham have gone backwards, it's to look at how good the teams are which fill the respective spots in the League. If people honestly believe that position for position this is a strong Premiership, then great. I don't have to agree with them though, and I don't  :D

I think people might secretly be a little concerned that if we win it, as the fella on RAWK said, the manager will get the "ah but it was only a weak Premiership anyway". That may or may not happen, but regardless, it is a weak Premiership anyway  :laugh:.

I think there are three very vital differences between this season and the previous one.

Firstly, Arsenal.......tsk tsk whats happened there? If anyone remembers correctly they looked very good to win it last year and fell apart right at the finish line. This year however, they've just.....crashed now.....which is pretty important as they don't really look like coming back. Then again, they've beaten United and CHelsea....just like us....

Secondly, i think we played Everton at a very good time. Everton were pretty close to relegation if i remember correctly when we played them, they were in all sorts, and we pretty much beat them in flying colours. If anyone remembers last season it took a very late penalty to edge past them, and towards the end we were fighting with them for fourth spot.

Finally, has anyone looked at the table? 8th to 18th is separated by 4 points, thats astonishing! It also says something about the league too, either the teams that usually get round 5th 6th and such (Everton, Villa, Blackburn, Portsmouth, Tottenham) have suddenly become much worse, or every "lower" team has upped their game a notch. This can be proven by the fact that even the top runners like ourselves, united, chelsea, arsenal, are struggling for points against botlon, fulham stoke, west ham, and masters of destruction Hull City  :D .

So, in short, the premier league is not nessicarily harder to win, as our matches against our rivals in the top four have become somewhat easier, but now each game against any opponent can be a constant threat to drop points. Consistency will play a pivital role in the league this year  :nod

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:35 am
Petar wrote:
GYBS wrote:So in the past when we were finishing forth you were happy with him now while we are top of the league going into xmas after finally beating chelsea at home in the league and man utd you dont like him ?

hahaha,go away,hahahaha... Is champions league title,or FA cup less important than being top of the league in december. You are posting too quick. You must think,you know,before post... Your last post was like this KLAJDJHDSFHIDSHGVLJGNVUHUDJFNVKUDHEUISHUF,So...

And yes beside trophies,how couldn`t I like him,when the man became a new manager,another silly point.


and don`t post me about being first in the league. It is not because of his briliance,it is because  united and chelsea are shiiit so far.


your a strange one indeed . I will consider you more seriously when i actually see you post something positive about Liverpool as so far its been nothing but negative about the club the manager the players - hence why i dont think you are a liverpool fan