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PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:29 pm
by tubby
Disgraceful behaviour from the Manc fans today. How did we lose that.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:04 pm
by Ben Patrick
wanted to go and watch this but was away for the day.
My mate went and said manc fans were disgraceful.
Not great to throw 2 goal lead away but previous yout teams we have had have won this cup and nobody has been able to step up. I have higher hopes for quite a few of these lads though  :)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:47 am
by PabloMedina28
What did they do?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:28 am
by jacdaniel
PabloMedina28 wrote:What did they do?

They were singing about Heysel and Hillsborough..scumbags!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:21 am
by cptrios
Apparently they were bad enough that several were arrested!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:10 pm
by bunglemark2
cptrios wrote:Apparently they were bad enough that several were arrested!


PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:36 pm
by stmichael
highlights here:

the less said about the fans the better :glare:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:42 pm
by Fowler_E7
that decision to send of the United striker for the way he took the penalty was a disgrace, thats gotta be the worst decision ive ever seen on a televised game. The Man Utd fans were a disgrace singing stuff like that at a kids game, hardly suprising though is it. Plus points were the peformance was pretty good and we clearly have some really talented youngsters in the squad, lets hope there the real deal this time.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:32 pm
by tubby
They set of flares too btw

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:22 pm
by PabloMedina28
jacdaniel wrote:
PabloMedina28 wrote:What did they do?

They were singing about Heysel and Hillsborough..scumbags!

Lowest of the low, id like to say its just the mancs but some of our "supporters" are just as inbreed. Every club has to suffer these fools.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:44 am
by Igor Zidane
PabloMedina28 wrote:
jacdaniel wrote:
PabloMedina28 wrote:What did they do?

They were singing about Heysel and Hillsborough..scumbags!

Lowest of the low, id like to say its just the mancs but some of our "supporters" are just as inbreed. Every club has to suffer these fools.

I was at the game , and not once did i here anyone sing sh!te back at them , we booed them yes , but no munich chants or stuff like that . The ground was full of kids ffs , feckin scum they are , S.C.U.M. Fathers , mothers ,brothers ,sisters, kids ,every single one of the inbred tw.ats are scum . I dearly hope one big f.uckoff earthquake  erupts smack in the middle of manc and swallows the steaming pile of sh1t up.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:37 pm
by stmichael
Raheem Sterling is undoubtedly a future England international in my eyes.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:50 pm
by ethanr
Igor Zidane wrote:
PabloMedina28 wrote:
jacdaniel wrote:
PabloMedina28 wrote:What did they do?

They were singing about Heysel and Hillsborough..scumbags!

Lowest of the low, id like to say its just the mancs but some of our "supporters" are just as inbreed. Every club has to suffer these fools.

I was at the game , and not once did i here anyone sing sh!te back at them , we booed them yes , but no munich chants or stuff like that . The ground was full of kids ffs , feckin scum they are , S.C.U.M. Fathers , mothers ,brothers ,sisters, kids ,every single one of the inbred tw.ats are scum . I dearly hope one big f.uckoff earthquake  erupts smack in the middle of manc and swallows the steaming pile of sh1t up.

I can't say I haven't hoped for the same thing.

The difference is us Liverpool fans wouldn't sing about it.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:15 am
by PabloMedina28
I wasnt at the game but its good that are fans didnt resort to thier low standards. But i have been at gamse were are fans have said some pretty digusting things and it makes you aqshamed, like i said every clubs has them. I have family in Liverpool, Manchester and Wales so i cant really understand when scousers say i hate mancs with a passion and vice a versa. In a footballing sense surei cant stand them, but not when it goes beyond that (i think thats the whole gang mentally rearing its ugly head again). I know my manc side of the famlly (ugly :censored: all of em:D) think its disgusting when other mancs say those things about scousers so it comes down to the simple minds of some i suppose.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:23 am
by bunglemark2
PabloMedina28 wrote:I wasnt at the game but its good that are fans didnt resort to thier low standards. But i have been at gamse were are fans have said some pretty digusting things and it makes you aqshamed, like i said every clubs has them. I have family in Liverpool, Manchester and Wales so i cant really understand when scousers say i hate mancs with a passion and vice a versa. In a footballing sense surei cant stand them, but not when it goes beyond that (i think thats the whole gang mentally rearing its ugly head again). I know my manc side of the famlly (ugly :censored: all of em:D) think its disgusting when other mancs say those things about scousers so it comes down to the simple minds of some i suppose.

Were you under the affluence of incohol when you typed that post ??