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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:41 pm
by LFC #1
bavlondon wrote:Despite the slagging off in here if it wernt for SG, not only would we have not even finished 5th but we wouldnt even have got through the qualifiers i the first place. He will always remain a ledgend for Liverpool and should he realise in the future that he has made a mistake he will be welcome back with open arms. He has given everything to play for this club since he was a kid. These things happen.

Don't be :censored: naive, he was not our best player this season, Carra was, git it through your :censored: head.

Legend my :censored: :censored:, legends are guys like Shanks, Emlyn Hughes, Kenny, paisley etc. Gerrard could've been a legend but has decided he to sellout and betray thiw club.

These things shouldn't happen, Gerrard is a disloyal :censored: and will not be welcomed back with open arms by me thats for sure.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:43 pm
by Fernando Morientes > 19 <
agree with ANYTIMELIVERPOOL and LFC #1

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:43 pm
by Scottbot
I'm feeling a mixture of anger, deep dissapointment and relief all at once.
Angry because the way this has all happened in the media - I could maintained some respect for the man if he had spared us the last three excruciating days.

Deeply dissapointed because he was a shadow of the player we saw in 03/04 and i was so excited about seeing the REAL Steven Gerrard playing at his absolute peak this coming season.

Relieved because this past year has been an absolute joke in terms of media speculation and it was clear it would have simply rolled on and on even if the lad had signed a new deal this morning.

Gerrard could have been up there with King Kenny, maybe even higher (did you ever realise that Stevie?,) but will be lucky if he is remembered as fondly as Kevin Keegan years from now.

I really thought it was impossible to tarnish this off-season. It was gonna be perfect. I'm so grateful we have our first game next week with Jamie leading out the lads.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:44 pm
by 65-1114725958
LFC #1 wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Despite the slagging off in here if it wernt for SG, not only would we have not even finished 5th but we wouldnt even have got through the qualifiers i the first place. He will always remain a ledgend for Liverpool and should he realise in the future that he has made a mistake he will be welcome back with open arms. He has given everything to play for this club since he was a kid. These things happen.

what even though, he showed poor form over the season and didnt figure in a half of the champions league games???

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:46 pm
by red37
he was/is still a GREAT player
he WONT be a legend. at least in my book.

as for not being able to replace a player with such 'heart'
but we might get someone with some of his attributes'

WHAT :censored: HEART.

its just dragged him out the door!!!! ffs

good luck and goodbye

but remember this..WE'LL MEET AGAIN whether it be in the prem or the C.L. we WILL encounter you again..

and i for one will be looking straight in your eyes mr liverpool.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:46 pm
by ALONSO_14

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:46 pm
by 76-1115222408
LFC #1 wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Despite the slagging off in here if it wernt for SG, not only would we have not even finished 5th but we wouldnt even have got through the qualifiers i the first place. He will always remain a ledgend for Liverpool and should he realise in the future that he has made a mistake he will be welcome back with open arms. He has given everything to play for this club since he was a kid. These things happen.

Don't be :censored: naive, he was not our best player this season, Carra was, git it through your :censored: head.

Legend my :censored: :censored:, legends are guys like Shanks, Emlyn Hughes, Kenny, paisley etc. Gerrard could've been a legend but has decided he to sellout and betray thiw club.

These things shouldn't happen, Gerrard is a disloyal :censored: and will not be welcomed back with open arms by me thats for sure.

Thank-you LFC#1  :bowdown      .........I couldnt be bothered    :sleep

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:47 pm
by 65-1114725958
Id laugh ,if tommorow he came out and said...."I;ve changed my mind I want to stay!"


PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:48 pm
by Fernando Morientes > 19 <
can't wait for Gerrard and his future team to play against liverpool at Anfield......

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:48 pm
by Garymac
LFC #1 wrote:right time to change my avatar, :censored: YOU GERRARD!

Yeah change it as soon as! And anyone with gerrard log ins are fu*ked as well, i never pictured me booing gerrard ever, not even if he left but he is gonna give his best years to another club and that fuc*s me right off, big massive floppy wet c0ck he is.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:49 pm
by Fernando Morientes > 19 <
Alfonso Alonso 1 wrote:Id laugh ,if tommorow he came out and said...."I;ve changed my mind I want to stay!"



PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:50 pm
by 65-1114725958
Fernando Morientes > 19 < wrote:can't wait for Gerrard and his future team to play against liverpool at Anfield......

If he goes to chelsea, its early on in the season, Chelsea are the 4th or 5th team to come to anfield this season I think.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:55 pm
by 84-1106852058
bavlondon wrote:Despite the slagging off in here if it wernt for SG, not only would we have not even finished 5th but we wouldnt even have got through the qualifiers i the first place. He will always remain a ledgend for Liverpool and should he realise in the future that he has made a mistake he will be welcome back with open arms. He has given everything to play for this club since he was a kid. These things happen.

While many people are upset about him leaving,Iam not it is the way he has gone about it.Everybody has the right to leave an employer and move on,this is something he was always going to do,but he led us all up the garden path and is trying to shift the blame onto the club.If you think he will be welcomed back your living in dreamland.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:55 pm
by LFC #1
Garymac wrote:
LFC #1 wrote:right time to change my avatar, :censored: YOU GERRARD!

Yeah change it as soon as! And anyone with gerrard log ins are fu*ked as well, i never pictured me booing gerrard ever, not even if he left but he is gonna give his best years to another club and that fuc*s me right off, big massive floppy wet c0ck he is.

I've never been one for booing ex-players. Like I wouldn't boo MO for example, but this whoel Gerrard saga with him lying to our :censored: face has given me a strong dislike, border line hatred of the man.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:58 pm
by bRy
Ballack is the answer.

Teams in the Premier League would in my opinion fear Ballack more than they would Gerrard