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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:17 pm
by Red_Si
coolsobs wrote:Pongolle never really impressed me, in my opinion he doesn't have the strength or the height for the prepiership as he gets pushed down really easily

Totally agree. He is not strong enough for the Premiership.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:05 pm
by crazyhorse
Pongolle seems to me to be up to the physical challenge of the PL, he is a very powerful lad. Look at our recent history of centre forwards - Robbie is a shortie and has never quite had the pace of Pongolle and Owen is a short ****** as well. Pongolle is nowhere near to being the player that those two are and were but he has a certain amount of promise.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:10 pm
by The Ace1983
My only real problem with FSP is that I'm not sure what sort of striker he is. He's got some fantastic pace but he doesn't utilise it enough. When he learns to opperate in a certain way which gets him some goals, he's gonna be good. I'd like to keep him for his potential, and see where it takes him. He's the sort of player who could end up being chased by Madrid and Milan or Yeovil and Yeading. I just think it's still to early to call.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:14 pm
by crazyhorse
Agree there - if he can make his finishing that bit more clinical he will be a very good proposition coming off the bench.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:59 pm
by y cymro
Mercies be...I agree with most of the points made in this post...."I think RB should sell the "older players" like Hamman (2m), Hypia (2m), Dudek (2m) and the sell also one that not performing like Kewell(4.5m), Smicer(1m), Traore(1m), Biscan(3m), Diouf(5m) and Diao(3m).  With this money, we can buy better player.
Some good points here, and (with the exception of Hyppia)I agree with most players that we should look to sell - (Obviously if we have 2 or 3 players in mind and if we can get some money for them. At least in selling them we reduce the wage bill.
....."RB also should let others players like le Tallec, Diarra, Mellor, Carl Medjani and Bruno Cheyrou prove themselves ....given an opportunity to play for Liverpool."
Again I agree, but sadly I cannot see Neil Mellor making the grade.