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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 7:24 pm
by big al
Dalglish you may not mate but others here with a similar perspective continually abuse and rubbish comments made to them.  I was not referring to you with the 'works both ways', but if you look at some of the posts in this forum I'm positive you'll agree. I've tried my very best to be civil yet one particular idiot is hell bent on degenerating the conversation to the level of a Man U supporters convention.  So maybe that's the only level that particular ***** understands.  Don't take this point personally, it certainly was'nt aimed at you or anyone else with positive rational comments to make.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 12:34 am
by Dalglish
Hi Al, thanks for the reply. i didn't take your comments as referring to myself my friend. I think i know who you are referring to but thats not relaly my issue. I'm not getting particular personal to anyone to be honest. Maybe I expect too much from others in here when awaiting an informed reply, to simply get "you really are a T**** or F*** off is a bit of a anti climax but then i suppose thats the level these people operate at , maybe they should have stayed in school and added a few morw words to their limited vocab LOL:D  Back to the game today and what a wonderful game it was, of course I'm diappointed we didn't get all 3 points but as a piece of entertainment it was top drawer, a privalege to be there and what can you say about Gerrard ....the mans immense and if there is a more industrious midfileder in the Prem at the moment i've not seen him. Walk on lad ....

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 12:44 am
by supersub
Yeah!have to agree Dalglish the game was exciting.Steven Gerrard is wonderful to watch when he takes command the way he did today.I thought Cheyrou played well and Le Tallec was beginning to find his feet in the 2nd half.Two dissappointing notes are the in different form of Kewell and Michael Owen's body language tells me he has big problems on his mind.I feel for the lad because he has to make the biggest decision of his life soon and I think it's doin' his head in.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 12:50 am
by Dalglish
Hi Supersub, I believe Owen has something completely NON football related on his mind to be honest, the condition of his Fiance in the hospital with multiple fractues to her pelvis. I'm sure you like all LFC fans wish her a speedy recovery. kewell's not played  well for a few months now. We look a much stronger team with the defence back to normal. Carragher's and Finnon have been super the last 3 games. Gerrard though is worth the entrance fee alone. I thought Everton added to the best derby since the 4-4 back in 1990. Quite honestly the best 0-0 I've probably ever seen.

Walk on ...