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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 5:57 pm
by The_Rock
i read it somewhere....can't be bothered to search for it though...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:00 pm
by Dom1
sh*t happens :D

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:02 pm
by mistyred
T*at :D

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:09 pm
by akumaface
It was just an embarrassed performance and I'm still very mad!!! WTF with the lack of energy. I think Baros tried hard but just couldn't do it all by himself. There must be something wrong with the team chemistry or something. Look at the talent we have, Southampton hasn't won in the last ten game. I think with the same eleven we would have lost to Burnley as well. Very disappointed. Just speechless at the moment.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:09 pm
by 82-1074641017
Apart from Alonso, Gerrard, Henchoz, Carragher and Hyypia the rest of the ****** should be shown the door :angry:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:16 pm
by vlady16.1
:down: watching the game i am thoroughly disgusted -- if i was rafa i would have went to each man at halftime and ask them if they want to be on the team or a dios -- i'm serious -- steve adios i'll take the 30 mill -- i'd rather lose games now  than allow a player to be bigger than the team -- see if life outside a proper team is better-- mikey how's real -- you're rippin up that league aren't ya

remember the team will survive

next week                        boros
      riisse       biscan      hamman       nunez      sinama

traore            hyppia                   carra              raven


captain: carra - permanent

let traore redeem himself - or else
let dudek do the same

sit steve-- maybe he'll wake up and see reality

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:20 pm
by zardd
No commitment, desire, passion to play to win....what are the players thinking really???
gerrard as captain doesn't really rouse his teammates to fight, maybe his heart is no longer here. we really need a captain that will get everyone to perform on the field.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:34 pm
by dosserboy
Gerrard off by the end of Jan 2005!! watch this space! He's just not interested anymore.  He should have been there today shouting and balling at the players, especialy at Garcia, if i had been playing today, Garcia would not have come out for the second half!!!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 7:18 pm
by zarababe
... this was a very very bad display I spent most of the game with my head in my hands .. but there have been some inspiring performances too.. and we must not forget that...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 7:57 pm
by The Canadian Red Army
I know this will sound wierd, but awhile back in toronto the Raptors(basketball) head coach in the end of the 3rd quater benched all of his start players to put some of the players on the floor for the fourth. They were playing the #3 in the league that game and were down 27 points on the forth. They came back to win, lead by heart and pure passion. I believe this is what we need to do, let gerrard sit for a few games, and let him realize where he is playing, and what for. To let him regain some of that passion he was playing with before the chelsea game. This would give some of the young lads some experience as well, and after gerrard comes back, im sure we will see some numbers going into the win colum for Liverpool.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 8:09 pm
by 82-1074641017
zarababe wrote:... this was a very very bad display I spent most of the game with my head in my hands .. but there have been some inspiring performances too.. and we must not forget that...

Im sick of so called fans praising our sh1t squad :angry:
Wont get us anywhere :angry:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:29 pm
by Santa
The_Rock wrote:Read somewhere pelle saying that rafa wanted him to be the future captain of liverpool.......

Thanks for the laughter...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:33 pm
by Santa
dosserboy wrote:Gerrard off by the end of Jan 2005!! watch this space! He's just not interested anymore.  He should have been there today shouting and balling at the players, especialy at Garcia, if i had been playing today, Garcia would not have come out for the second half!!!

if i am in the dressing room today, i will nail garcia to the wall coz that's what he is...a useless piece of luxury we can do without!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:00 am
by LFC #1
The Canadian Red Army wrote:I know this will sound wierd, but awhile back in toronto the Raptors(basketball) head coach in the end of the 3rd quater benched all of his start players to put some of the players on the floor for the fourth. They were playing the #3 in the league that game and were down 27 points on the forth. They came back to win, lead by heart and pure passion. I believe this is what we need to do, let gerrard sit for a few games, and let him realize where he is playing, and what for. To let him regain some of that passion he was playing with before the chelsea game. This would give some of the young lads some experience as well, and after gerrard comes back, im sure we will see some numbers going into the win colum for Liverpool.

problem is mate, the players that would be involved in your little plan would be the same ones who put in that totally inept performance against Burnley.

on yesterdays's game, some of the lads need to realise that they have the liver bird on their chest. Shankly, Emlyn etc would have been rolling in their graves watching that performance yesterday.

Even if we would have put out a team from this forum, sure we would have lost but we would show a damn sight more passion than many on our team at the minute.

This is Liverpool FC, and this is not good enough.

I will keep supporting the lads as much as ever, but some of them need to show the passion that the supporters do.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:07 am
by The Canadian Red Army
LFC #1 wrote:
The Canadian Red Army wrote:I know this will sound wierd, but awhile back in toronto the Raptors(basketball) head coach in the end of the 3rd quater benched all of his start players to put some of the players on the floor for the fourth. They were playing the #3 in the league that game and were down 27 points on the forth. They came back to win, lead by heart and pure passion. I believe this is what we need to do, let gerrard sit for a few games, and let him realize where he is playing, and what for. To let him regain some of that passion he was playing with before the chelsea game. This would give some of the young lads some experience as well, and after gerrard comes back, im sure we will see some numbers going into the win colum for Liverpool.

problem is mate, the players that would be involved in your little plan would be the same ones who put in that totally inept performance against Burnley.

on yesterdays's game, some of the lads need to realise that they have the liver bird on their chest. Shankly, Emlyn etc would have been rolling in their graves watching that performance yesterday.

Even if we would have put out a team from this forum, sure we would have lost but we would show a damn sight more passion than many on our team at the minute.

This is Liverpool FC, and this is not good enough.

I will keep supporting the lads as much as ever, but some of them need to show the passion that the supporters do.

im sorry i did not catch the game this morning, i should of but i missed it.
say your son or daughter plays sports, and you see them loose their passion. What would you do to try and resurrect it?